Archived Ideas For Lapis Lazuli

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Feb 1, 2013
Reaction score
Syrup Land
Lapis Lazuli

As the title suggests, this thread will be used to discuss and create Ideas for Lapis.

As most of us will know Lapis in the upcoming Update, will be used for enchanting, which in MassiveCraft Lore, doesn't make all to much sense. As of now, lapis is like a bane to magic, rendering it almost useless. I'd like to make the proposal that Lapis works like a battery, it becomes charged by using magic on it, and the stored magic, could be used by witches and wizards to enchant items.

Feel free to post what you think of my Idea, or any of your own down below.

This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
Lapis Lazuli

As the title suggests, this thread will be used to discuss and create Ideas for Lapis.

As most of us will know Lapis in the upcoming Update, will be used for enchanting, which in MassiveCraft Lore, doesn't make all to much sense. As of now, lapis is like a bane to magic, rendering it almost useless. I'd like to make the proposal that Lapis works like a battery, it becomes charged by using magic on it, and the stored magic, could be used by witches and wizards to enchant items.

Feel free to post what you think of my Idea, or any of your own down below.

Lapis could act like an absorption device, draining the power of nearby mages, then able to release the energy upon action.
Hi Mycin,

While your suggestion is certainly creative, lapis already plays an important and specific role in our lore, and the use of lapis for enchanting within the survival world should not have any effect, symbolic or otherwise, on compliant rp. In character, you would not be using an enchantment table to enchant an item.

Shame that the ideas can't be used.
On a side note, Lapis should have little gold streaks in the texture, like the real thing (I've seen real Lapis before)
Shame that the ideas can't be used.
On a side note, Lapis should have little gold streaks in the texture, like the real thing (I've seen real Lapis before)
You're right about lapis and the streaks. It's very beautiful stuff. I used to have a chunk of lapis streaked with pyrite, and it was fantastic. I lost it somewhere along the way, but I do have an oil and watercolor paint that uses lapis for pigment. The watercolor paint doesn't handle very well, but the color and finished quality is great.

You're right about lapis and the streaks. It's very beautiful stuff. I used to have a chunk of lapis streaked with pyrite, and it was fantastic. I lost it somewhere along the way, but I do have an oil and watercolor paint that uses lapis for pigment. The watercolor paint doesn't handle very well, but the color and finished quality is great.

Ya, it would be amazing if it had the little streaks. It would be more realistic, and prettier too... Probably would make it more desirable.
Even if this won't affect lore. Giving lapis new functionality could be fun. It could create new places in the economy and maybe make the game more enjoyable.
But the suggestions shouldn't give any defence buffs. Because there is so many defence things, that a battle takes forever. That was why this thread was made.
But if it should be combat related, it should give attack buffs.
Even if this won't affect lore. Giving lapis new functionality could be fun. It could create new places in the economy and maybe make the game more enjoyable.
But the suggestions shouldn't give any defence buffs. Because there is so many defence things, that a battle takes forever. That was why this thread was made.
But if it should be combat related, it should give attack buffs.
Maybe having lapis in inventory will do something like give you +15% damage or something like that.
Even if this won't affect lore. Giving lapis new functionality could be fun. It could create new places in the economy and maybe make the game more enjoyable.
But the suggestions shouldn't give any defence buffs. Because there is so many defence things, that a battle takes forever. That was why this thread was made.
But if it should be combat related, it should give attack buffs.
Maybe having lapis in inventory will do something like give you +15% damage or something like that.
Don't forget the itty-bitty tiny golden streaks that should be added to the texture ;w;
Even if this won't affect lore. Giving lapis new functionality could be fun. It could create new places in the economy and maybe make the game more enjoyable.
But the suggestions shouldn't give any defence buffs. Because there is so many defence things, that a battle takes forever. That was why this thread was made.
But if it should be combat related, it should give attack buffs.
Maybe having lapis in inventory will do something like give you +15% damage or something like that.
Lapis is far too readily available to serve as anything useful. With something like this implemented, almost everyone will keep a piece of lapis in their inventory at all times, thus rendering the extra buff useless.
Lapis is far too readily available to serve as anything useful. With something like this implemented, almost everyone will keep a piece of lapis in their inventory at all times, thus rendering the extra buff useless.
Maybe have a stack of blocks for a buff? and make it small like +1% damage
Having that in your inventory shouldn't be the way. Bu using it for beacons giving a strength buff could maybe be used.
In the next minecraft update the enchanting system is getting changed making enchantments cost small amounts of lapis.
So an additional use for lapis is about to be a vanilla feature.
In the next minecraft update the enchanting system is getting changed making enchantments cost small amounts of lapis.
So an additional use for lapis is about to be a vanilla feature.
That was already said, the purpose of this thread was to find additional uses for Lapis that would fit in with lore.
Fun fact: in the real world, a majority of the world's lapis lazuli is mined in Northern Afghanistan and southern Turkmenistan. Mining of this mineral is why the Turkmen capital of Ashgabat was created