Archived Ideas For Another Shadow Magic Form.

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Grand Elder of Calemberg
Aug 8, 2013
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So recently I've been looking over all the magical forms. I noticed that shadow magic only really has one main form, Shadow Meld. Melting into the shadows is pretty fancy and all, but I personally think shadow magic has more potential.

Perhaps the caster could mold the shadows into some nightmarish physical figure. Or maybe the caster could take control of an individual's shadow.

Those are only my ideas though, perhaps you all will have some more interesting ones. Don't hesitate to add some of your ideas below!
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Or maybe steal their shadow and plunge them into a coma like The Shadow does in Once Upon a Time!
I like the thought of some sort of shadow-bending power, like if there is a shadow of a cat then you can control/take on the form of a shadow-cat for a temporary time. If the shadow is long, you are disproportionately tall in this form, and vice versa. Would have to be restricted though, magical shadow giants are slightly OP.
I like the thought of some sort of shadow-bending power, like if there is a shadow of a cat then you can control/take on the form of a shadow-cat for a temporary time. If the shadow is long, you are disproportionately tall in this form, and vice versa. Would have to be restricted though, magical shadow giants are slightly OP.

I agree.
Perhaps turning into a shadow? By this I mean keeping the three dimensional state of the body, yet highly translucent and dark, like a shadow.

Not OP, but usable when in dark areas. -grins-
What are you talking about? Magic doesn't exist in MassiveCraft? You can't cast spells? Please enlighten me, I have never heard about this.
๖ۣۜI have seen some people requesting and asking about for new forms of dark magic, but not within this form of construction.

Although you are quite correct, having full potential and all, people still forget the Enderpearls. If what I heard was correct, they are considered bewitched sort of jewels that harness a power one can only use once, and are also banned in Regalia. In fact, when I had Paul hold one in his pocket in RP, I stated:

Paul Beauveret pockets a small, ethereal pearl. As he places it in his pocket, it seems like the dim light that was once shining into the coat is sucked away.

If you really want a form though, I suppose I can supply one:
Taking away or sucking out any light nearby, basically making everything a hell of a lot darker. It cannot be extremely OP and used to take off someone's head, because it would have a very measly 2 meters of distance of working. Stepping within 3 meters would prove to dim the area, 2 meters would become as dark as the night, and 1 meter or pressing up against them would prove to basically blind you, only the person casting it can still be seen. It could be fun to use to confuse someone, say you walk next to them, and suddenly they begin to freak out because they cannot see where they are going.

Caster: +
Distance: Meters: -
Victim: x
Okay two things... I think that most of there ideas could already be roleplayed - and be lore compliant.

See the thing about making Shadow Creatures? Well the Strings form of magic can animate objects using it's Puppet Magic.

"Strings Magic allows the user to animate inanimate objects. The objects have to be movable however, a Strings Mage cannot animate a rock or tree. Items favored by Strings Mages are sets of armor, mannequins, puppets and such. Strings Magic only knows one specialization, Puppet Magic."

So then wouldn't that be similar to making Shadow Giants?

And then the idea of 'turning out the lights' or making Shadows cast people into darkness would fall under Hex Magic, right? Either Nightmare - or Twisting Hex, depending on how this would be portrayed..

"The second form is Twisting Hex. It allows the Mage to disguise a person or object into something else, making others believe it is not what it actually it. The next form is Nightmare Hex. This is the rarest form of Hex publicly seen, where the caster changes the view of their target into a demonic nightmare version. Any and all Hex forms require the Hex Mage to be in viewing range of the Item or Person they are influencing. Breaking the line of sight will cancel the effect."

I like Shadow Magic a lot.. but in my opinion it's just based on the Shadow Plane. I want to make a Shadow Mage character - and to me the Shadow Plane is just a bunch of doors that can change their positions depending on the light. I know I might get a lot of hate for this - but in my opinion Shadow Magic is more of an elusion or defense tactic, instead of an offense, and should stay that way..
While Shadowmagic should have another form, this is not the form it should take, considering its radically different that the basic form of the magic.

Personally, I think if a new form is to be added, it should be around displacement.

Essentially it would be a hyperspace for small items that a proficient magi could pull out when needed. Limited by the fact, that the item doesn't disappear into nothingness', its kept in the real world, and the mage would have to know its general location to pull it.

Allows the magi to make items seemingly disappear from the world but can't move their relative position or location. For example, they might equip armor, but then reconstitute it to lighten their load, then draw it back into the world at an instant if they came into battle. Limited by the fact that they can't displace too various or too numerous objects.
Hm. I like the idea. But what if instead they kept it in the Shadow Plane to make it almost... fit with the whole Shadowt aspect? BittaBoBittoBa
Perhaps turning into a shadow? By this I mean keeping the three dimensional state of the body, yet highly translucent and dark, like a shadow.

Not OP, but usable when in dark areas. -grins-

I personally like this idea, simply merging with the visibility of the shadows, becoming effectively invisible when in darkness. That is what Shadow magic should be. Plus what already exists.
Perhaps turning into a shadow? By this I mean keeping the three dimensional state of the body, yet highly translucent and dark, like a shadow.

Not OP, but usable when in dark areas. -grins-

I agree, a sort of "shadow form". It could be like shadow meld, but slightly weaker in exchange for more substance, maybe allowing sight, sound, and touch to affect and be effected by that caster.

Currently shadow meld allows you to travel into the shadow plane and come out the other end. While this also means that as a shadow the caster cannot hear anything and mage's sight is impaired to blurry shapes. There are thousands of shadow ideas, but a shadow form would most likely be the most fun to use and more easily balanced then others.
Maybe if you have like 10 big shadows around you, you could absorb it. Then you would be able to form a weapon made of shadow with it. When hit by this weapon you would gain a deadly form of curse/poison. If not cured before the next nigh falls, you would die. Just as always, I'm throwing around with ideas.

-Greetings, Theboomyfly.

P.S. This might look overpowered, but I think a mod would do perfectly at balancing it. ;)
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