Archived Idea

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Jan 30, 2016
Reaction score
I know this would be alot of work for staff but maybe make there be several forms of government for factions that the fac creator could choose from.So that republics and monarchys are different.With elected positions for republics.
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
I like the idea, but it seems very odd implementation wise. I think it might hinder the imagination of a faction to do what they want if there is a set amount of modes to pick.

Also, there are a lot of government forms. And only implementing some might make the others feel upset.

Still, you can always declare to be a form of government and just try and set up your faction as such. Just pretend some ranks don't exist, like the leader is just a founder and nothing more.
couldn't you self institute and enforce these yourselves? kinda mimicking the way it's done in the real world. you know, having power and enforcing it. I guess you could dust off the ol' Custom Rank thing where you can create and customize ranks and stuff.
When presenting an idea, please try to flesh it out as much as possible. A feature cannot be considered if it's just a vague idea without details backing it. I will leave this thread open for now for further discussion and fleshing out to occur.