Archived (idea) Seniority Advantages

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That chick with the fuchsia hair.
Jan 14, 2013
Reaction score
The windmills of your mind.
This is just something I quickly thought up, I know that there's been a lot of debate about premium perks and stuff, and I kind of wanted to propose a possible feature that could be implemented here:

Players that have been on for a certain period of time (Say 1 year 6 months) gain access to certain (Or maybe even all?) perks that premiums have. That way, the server can show its appreciation of older players, and at the same time quell the whole premium perk argument, and also have something for newer player to shoot for when they play on the server.

What do you guys think?
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I think the idea has merit but perhaps in a staggered form?


Month 1 you get double money from mobs.
Month 4 you get use of mobile workbench.
Month 6 you get 50% off cooldowns.
Month 12 you get BP.
Month 18 (1 year 6 months) you get Diamond Armor.

This way the longer you stay the more you get :)
I think the idea has merit but perhaps in a staggered form?


Month 1 you get double money from mobs.
Month 4 you get use of mobile workbench.
Month 6 you get 50% off cooldowns.
Month 12 you get BP.
Month 18 (1 year 6 months) you get Diamond Armor.

This way the longer you stay the more you get :)


This is what I mean. Just a way to have everyone happy, and not have to pay for things we should get anyway. :D
I think the idea has merit but perhaps in a staggered form?


Month 1 you get double money from mobs.
Month 4 you get use of mobile workbench.
Month 6 you get 50% off cooldowns.
Month 12 you get BP.
Month 18 (1 year 6 months) you get Diamond Armor.

This way the longer you stay the more you get :)
Just saying if Diamond armor is what people are after you're essentially keeping it "pay to win" as you love to say just jacking the price to about 150 dollars.
Just saying if Diamond armor is what people are after you're essentially keeping it "pay to win" as you love to say just jacking the price to about 150 dollars.

May I ask how it's pay to win if simply playing on the server over time is what does it? Sounds more like play to win to me :)
Because you can buy 18 months of premium at once if you really wanted it.
Because you can buy 18 months of premium at once if you really wanted it.

You realize this isn't a premium feature... and is not touched by premium... right? The basis of this idea is that the theoretical non-prem can eventually gain access to most (if not all) premium features over time. You can still be impatient or wealthy and buy Premium to get all the perks instantly of course, but after 18 months you don't need it to use diamond armor anymore. This would, I must note, cost the server premium members - though NoDrops and EasyAccess should always remain premium to be an absolute incentive. Same with Creative Gates.
You realize this isn't a premium feature... and is not touched by premium... right? The basis of this idea is that the theoretical non-prem can eventually gain access to most (if not all) premium features over time. You can still be impatient or wealthy and buy Premium to get all the perks instantly of course, but after 18 months you don't need it to use diamond armor anymore. This would, I must note, cost the server premium members - though NoDrops and EasyAccess should always remain premium to be an absolute incentive. Same with Creative Gates.
Oh derp my bad but it just means long term players wouldn't be long term payers.
Oh derp my bad but it just means long term players wouldn't be long term payers.

True, but it also gives people incentive to stay on massivecraft longer (creating more long-term players). It may, no, will cause the premium money to take a hit but I certainly hope that after playing 18 months you would truly be willing to donate for little to no reward. I know that if all the premium perks were taken away after the amount of time and effort I put into massivecraft I would probably still pay premium (unless something IRL needed the money more).
True, but it also gives people incentive to stay on massivecraft longer (creating more long-term players). It may, no, will cause the premium money to take a hit but I certainly hope that after playing 18 months you would truly be willing to donate for little to no reward. I know that if all the premium perks were taken away after the amount of time and effort I put into massivecraft I would probably still pay premium (unless something IRL needed the money more).
That's nice but if we could rely on good spirited people to pay the bills out of love for the server we wouldn't need Any perks.
If you are a long time player you should be willing to pay silver or money somehow to support the server that you love. Anyways, after a month I'd expect someone to be able to purchase at least a month of prem. This seems like a lazy solution to those unwilling to pay in my opinion.

However, I do agree that it'd be interesting to see something made for older players, then again I am biased in that statement as I would be considered an older player.
A lot of Large MmoRpg's have a loyalty program built on top of their subscription model however it only seems to make sense to reward people who have Payed longer not Played longer. Since it kind of creates the idea that if they never pay but wait they never Need to pay.
If you are a long time player you should be willing to pay silver or money somehow to support the server that you love. Anyways, after a month I'd expect someone to be able to purchase at least a month of prem. This seems like a lazy solution to those unwilling to pay in my opinion.

However, I do agree that it'd be interesting to see something made for older players, then again I am biased in that statement as I would be considered an older player.

Well, when you have money issues like me, you can't really pay for extra premium features and stuff.
Well, when you have money issues like me, you can't really pay for extra premium features and stuff.
To put it quite bluntly Shit happens that's life. There are billions of impoverished people in the world who can't afford Starbucks Coffee does that mean It's Starbuck's fault for charging money for it?
This is just something I quickly thought up, I know that there's been a lot of debate about premium perks and stuff, and I kind of wanted to propose a possible feature that could be implemented here:

Players that have been on for a certain period of time (Say 1 year 6 months) gain access to certain (Or maybe even all?) perks that premiums have. That way, the server can show its appreciation of older players, and at the same time quell the whole premium perk argument, and also have something for newer player to shoot for when they play on the server.

What do you guys think?

I think that they should definitely get all this after 18 months as long as they are donating.
There is already a perk system for long term players. They build up MCMMO experience, they stockpile items, they build homes/towns/castles. Most of these things are worth more, even in combat, than the premium perks.
Well, when you have money issues like me, you can't really pay for extra premium features and stuff.

I fall in the same boat; however, people will sell premiumship for silver (ign currancy that you CAN'T buy). If I was a fighter I would take that option. I don't really fight, and I am a very cautious person (I rarely die when mining)so I would rather save up my silver. I would love to be able to help support the server, however it isn't economically feesible for me, so I have to help the server in any other way I can.
The issue with this however is that the server would lose essential money the longer it went on, eventually leading to a ton of freeloaders, with the benefits of premium, but never having to pay for it.[DOUBLEPOST=1370921968,1370921866][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, when you have money issues like me, you can't really pay for extra premium features and stuff.

You can buy it off people in game for silver.

The going rate for 1 month is 100 silver. You can make that in about a week if you try really hard, or even go and take a loan out and use the double money to help pay it back within a week before interest kicks in.
I fall in the same boat; however, people will sell premiumship for silver (ign currancy that you CAN'T buy). If I was a fighter I would take that option. I don't really fight, and I am a very cautious person (I rarely die when mining)so I would rather save up my silver. I would love to be able to help support the server, however it isn't economically feesible for me, so I have to help the server in any other way I can.

I thought that was illegal?
Not exactly illegal but discouraged. If you get scammed all the silver will be lost forever and ontop of that, we highly discourage people to promote and even name it on official massivecraft platforms (such as the forums or ingame chat).
How about
1month = Double Money
2 Month = /wb
4 month = /BP
6 month = Green Name tag
12 month = 50% cool down
18month = Diamond Armor?
How about
1month = Double Money
2 Month = /wb
4 month = /BP
6 month = Green Name tag
12 month = 50% cool down
18month = Diamond Armor?
That seems... A bit over done. If you would want it to be I a better manner. Wb is good and BP I think should be for 12 months play and also the green name tag. At 18 months you get 50% off and the diamond armour.

This order I just suggested would have more effect on players and what they do. Mabye a Purple name tag for elder players? This would distinguish the difference between Premiums and Elder players.
No one seems to take into account that you could just... log on and off, wait 18 months, log back on, there. Benefits just sitting there for you. Say Notch for example. He logged on once in this server's history. He didn't chose a race, he didn't do anything. If you /seen him, you'll see that the first time he logged on was I think a year ago. That would mean that he did little to no gameplay, yet already has all this new stuff.
Just a smal reminder which many mods and admins have said. I like this idea but after all it's those who donate who is keeping this server up. If that would be implemented, more people would maybe wait until they get full access. But I do like that it's not so many feautures in your suggestion.
I might disagree on this sugestion simply because many perks are to be given away to people once they play longer. Now it still be in the eyes of the administration that over time people will get these abilities and start to feel les reason to donate
(atleast the people donating only to get the perks.) Should it come to this I would surgest not to ask too much.

People who do donate for the perks must still want to donate even tho they surpased that border so at the point when any player would have been on the server long enough to be called a long stay player. He might indeed receive the ability to use a permium perk. But in return for such sacrifice once thas person is Premium they too receive a perk kept away untill a premium becomes a long stay person.

My personal surgestion would only be diamond armour, Since i basicly explained it in other posts why this seems to be the most reasonable one to give. And in return the premiums receive a none-pvp influential ability of watever the administration can come up with.:) (should you value an other perk over diamond armour feel free to choose it)

I just feel that asking for 1 perk in return for 1 perk is a more reasonable offer for the staff to consider than having only to give perks away over time. (since i do think they don't like there pretty premium feature to loose its shine over time either)

And just because i have made this mistake myself and like no one to make it again: (pay to win doesn't exist here, Donate to win... I am afraid that does:P)[DOUBLEPOST=1370943825,1370943440][/DOUBLEPOST](taking some of the administrations thoughts into consideration up here :P)
I think it should just be 6 months gets you diamond armour. No other perks.
The thing is, premium numbers have surely dropped from where they were, right? The number one reason I went premmy was to be able to log in when the server is full. Now that we have sharding, priority ques aren't a major draw. What's left then? If you could have all these benefits from having just played the game, even non-pay, over time, then why would old-time Premmies want to continue paying?

The second draw to me was helping out the server. I enjoy the game. Massivecraft is free-to-play and admin'd and created by volunteers. I have a compulsion to donate, but not the obligation. I feel that it's sweet of them to reward players for their donations.

If you hate pvping against people in Diamond, then drop a few dollars in the donation pan. If you've been playing for several months without premium advantages, then it's something else entirely that's hooked you here. Maybe it's the texture pack, the roleplay, the factions, the community or what have you, yet the fact remains that you're still here without diamond armor.

Just the opposite, I'm sure there are many players that are drawn to having pvp advantages, and maybe those players play this server specifically for that advantage. That's just an aspect of Human nature. It will appeal to a lot of people.

For me, I just see it all in-character. Diamond armor players are scary strong warriors. I steer clear of them if I can. Blah, I'm ranting enough to warrant a separate thread.

TL;DR - A lot of these would take away incentive for long-time players to continue supporting the server.

Addition : Long term players can give themselves the benefit of renown by being involved in the community in a positive way.
I think that it would be interesting if players who have been are the server for 18+ months would get a different color name. Purple was brought up in a prior post regarding the name and I like this idea, but it could also be the addition of a prefix perhaps. This would give all the long time players of the server something more tangible for their loyalty and it would not give them so sort of unfair advantage, it would just be giving them something shinny to show off.
Could there be a deal that for every 6 or so months you donate to the server, you get a month of free premium? Just some rewards for donating and being a loyal member to the server, and a gift to people that want to be premium.
That just sounds like a reduction in the cost of prem. why not offer free days of premium for keeping your premium premium constant for X amount of time.
People you get highly offtopic. Rethink your sugggestion and spend some time gathering information how this would affect everyone. Simply brainstormimg will not do anything on here.
I think the idea has merit but perhaps in a staggered form?


Month 1 you get double money from mobs.
Month 4 you get use of mobile workbench.
Month 6 you get 50% off cooldowns.
Month 12 you get BP.
Month 18 (1 year 6 months) you get Diamond Armor.

This way the longer you stay the more you get :)

Also, you should have to be active. (Online within the normal 20 day deadline. Never losing deadbolts or factions).
My suggestion on this would not be to judge on when you joined the server but on the amount of time you spend playing.
So, for example, Jimmy123 plays for 1 month at an average of 2 hours a day. This means he's played about 60 hours. So let's say at 30 hours you get 1 week of 50% off mcmmo cooldowns.
Then at 50 hours you get 1 week of using /wb.
But every month the times would reset and you'd have to work up to the time again.
I don't know about old guys getting premium features... There are a lot of trolls out there who have played for a long time- There are also the guys who joined a year ago and then decided to start playing again. Little unfair, Don'tcha think?
My suggestion on this would not be to judge on when you joined the server but on the amount of time you spend playing.
So, for example, Jimmy123 plays for 1 month at an average of 2 hours a day. This means he's played about 60 hours. So let's say at 30 hours you get 1 week of 50% off mcmmo cooldowns.
Then at 50 hours you get 1 week of using /wb.
But every month the times would reset and you'd have to work up to the time again.
I don't know about old guys getting premium features... There are a lot of trolls out there who have played for a long time- There are also the guys who joined a year ago and then decided to start playing again. Little unfair, Don'tcha think?
That goes with what I said:
Also, you should have to be active. (Online within the normal 20 day deadline. Never losing deadbolts or factions).
Ok, how about something that totals time played consecutively (meaning without losing deadbolts) and after you hit a certain point you get the goods. But if you've ever been banned it triples the needed time to get something (or just disables it altogether)?
Ok, how about something that totals time played consecutively (meaning without losing deadbolts) and after you hit a certain point you get the goods. But if you've ever been banned it triples the needed time to get something (or just disables it altogether)?

The banned thing i am not very much on, because i know someone who never broke a rule on massivecraft, but he accidentaly did break one rule, and he was banned for a week from massivecraft. that means from one accident, he would have to amount in triple the time needed to do something i could do in a few days. his could take more than a week. i really dont agree to this
The banned thing i am not very much on, because i know someone who never broke a rule on massivecraft, but he accidentaly did break one rule, and he was banned for a week from massivecraft. that means from one accident, he would have to amount in triple the time needed to do something i could do in a few days. his could take more than a week. i really dont agree to this

Ok, this alteration to the idea: First time you're allowed to go scott free, but every time after that increase the overall time you need to play by 50% of the original time (meaning that it takes 3 bans to double the time it takes to get stuff). This will allow people to be banned for an accident without repercussions but not to abuse the lack of such and get banned twice or something.
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