Archived Idea For A New Base Idea: A Nexus For Voidlings: The Spire Of Ashes

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The Witness sees all and watches all taunting...
Mar 21, 2021
Reaction score
The Void
I have a idea for a new base, its far off the coast of old crookback, a nexus for the void, mainly made of basalt can be tped via /tp mausoleum its fairly large, some of the internal stuff is in my plot in creative
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The base is split up into 7 areas: The Maw, The Web, The Depths, The Abyss, The Spine, The Axis and lastly: The Crown

The Maw: The entrance to the base, made up of multiple docks surrounding the base and all entrances lead directly into The Web

The Web: Made up of winding pathways, storage rooms, forges and barracks, surrounds the Depths and connect it it via a path to it with 2 staircases, one leads down to the Abyss and the Other leads up into the Spine

The Depths: Actually a replica of the area already is in my creative plot the area consists of a throne room, a forge a enchanting area, a pit of void energy (similar to the one at hevalt) a barracks (not shown in plot) and a clinic (again not shown) and lastly the sanctuary Exian's personal quarters (all other high ranking voidlings quarters are in the spine) and yes this is also a dark altar as well as being in my creative plot.

The Abyss: The prison area of the base and one of the most complex, made up of 50 cells, 8 interrogation/torture rooms 4 armories and in the center of all of this is the "acceptance pool" a glass like sheet watery of void energies that is used for initiation of new members

The Spine: the area that separates the Depths from the Axis, this area consists of a winding staircase leading upwards, occasionally the staircase will level out leading to a U shaped area of flooring and on opposite cardinal directions are 2 large quarters for high ranking voidlings, and will be personalized by said voidlings, while this area is large it is the sparsest of the 7 and it ends with the staircase leading to a gate/portal thing to The Axis

The Axis: the "Brain" of the spire, consists of a cylindrical observatory and can partly be seen outside, at the 4 cardinal directions are exits to a balcony that envelops the Axis, on each cardinal direction on the platform is a gate/portal to the Crown and between the gates/portals are cannons the area is 10-30 blocks below the final Area the Crown

The Crown the final and tallest area with 4 7 block staircases that start at the cardinal directions and lead up to the Crown. the REAL area consists of a circular platform with a raised central part with a singular chiseled stone block in the center surrounded by stair blocks of your choosing, on the border of the platforms are 7 17 block tall pillars each topped with red spotlights that can be powered on and of via a lever in the axis, this pillars are equal space apart and each of the spotlights face the center of the area, the area despite the rest of the base being made primarily of basalt and polished basalt is toped with golden clawed balconies, the Crown is mainly used to perform rituals that involve directly opening a portal to the void itself
I also feel that this area is the only place where the void is constantly influencing, to the point where the void cycle doesn't apply, however the distortion is only confined to 77 blocks in radius of the spire
if there are any role-play staffs who are interested pls respond on the thread
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oh forgot to metion 3 subareas of the spire: The outskirts, The Ring and lastly The Gate

The Outskirts: a fairly large Portside town/ marketplace that encircles the spire and connects it with goods from the outside world.

The Ring: A large ring of jagged rocky spikes that encircles the Outskirts, intertwined with the rocks are, fortification walls and pipes editing steam (Fun fact these pipes are used to regulate the air temperature inside the spire), at 7 points of the wall are watchtowers and each of the walls are lined with cannons, at least those that don't have pipes covering the spot where the cannon would be or spots that are engulfed in the rocky spikes (this ring also marks the true end of the void's distortions on the landscape)

The Gate a large split coming in from the east, this split consists of a cliffside Wall split in two, lined with more pipes, this time on the inside of the split only, more walls and cannons, and lastly is finished by a large iron set of two doors with a gold engraving of a eye being split down by each door. the door can be opened from inside of once of the watchtowers

The True Purpose of the Spire:

The spire isn't just a voiding base, its a way to regulate the void, basically stoping the void cycle's severity during void invasions but at the cost of essentially having a constant void invasion of varying severity, the pros to this is that the void can temporary be disconnected from the normal world entirely but only for 30 minutes- 1 hour at max, however voidlings will not loose their power during this state. just not be able to use their full power for that time as 25% of it is nullified, but not completely neutralized

Another pro is that the energy released during a void shockwave, which is basically when the void is connected after 1 hour, releasing a large shockwave that can be used to power a city for many years to come, however the only way to catch the power is to basicly make rods the harvest the energies

Basically the voidlings get a home and a base of operations and a connections to the void and the Regalians get a break from voidlings for the most part as while invasions do happen they aren't as deadly, but more in amount but still easier to deal with regardless. and they also get a limitless energy supply, however is one abuses this power they will get drawn closer and closer towards the spire until they are forced into the void itself
so @Bellarmina when you get a chance... (im not expecting a instant response so take your time and plus I don't wanna bother you) please let me know what you think of this.... Stay awesome
also I would like a response.... well not now just eventually as I don't wanna rush you guys
uhh hello, is anyone there because I want this to be a real base
Hello @demon7sword ,

After looking through this proposal, I'm inclined to reject it for several reasons:
  • First, we have the Void-aligned Red Spire, which is reachable via the cart teleports in new crookback.
  • Old Crookback Bay is planned to be phased out entirety, now that New Crookback exists. The only part that still remains "in tact" is the sewers, though how that will be handled is not available to me.
  • From what I read in your paragraph expansion, this seems more like a personal base for your character, than an area that most players would actively roleplay in. Not to mention the fairly ambitious requests which even dwarf most noble estates.
  • Your understanding of the Void does not fit the server lore canon. A singular building would not be able to trigger void invasions at will without itself becoming destroyed in the process. Nor is "void power" akin to electricity an actual thing.
Ultimately, we consider building new areas for one single reason: how much rp would it attract that benefits the community as a whole, which in turn improves the quality of the server to attract new player in to share in the experience.

This proposal reads more as a request for a clandestine base, in the hopes that roleplay will happen there. However, Massivecraft runs on a meritocratic scheme, in the sense that players are rewarded for the effort they put in. And in the same vein as Special Permissions, which do grant a reward before the work is put into place, every permission holder is held to a standard of accountability based on the permissions they hold. I don't see any argumentation that could be made for this.

Overall, the proposal is too ambitious based on what we currently know about you as a player.

My recommendation is to become affiliated with a Void-aligned group and learn how the playerbase works with regards to this sort of lore, and maybe come back with a more realistic proposal.
ok well I would at least like more of a upgrade to said spire
Due to the Red Spire having limited use, there is no reason for it to be expanded upon.

Xilthruum is in the Solifuge Court, though I'd consider roleplaying in-game and figure out which groups are available that you'd be interested in.
Ok so I've been thinking and I realized I need a base, if the were to be constructed what would I need to change for it to fit the lore as my character kinda needs a base of operations any ideas anyone