Archived [idea] "continent" Ideas Amd Possibly More

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That guy who dissappeared for a while
May 24, 2013
Reaction score
somewhere in Ohio
Okay, so a lot of us wish that we had a little more control over new worlds and new races.

Maybe for whenever there is to be a new world, there should be a poll to see what kind of new world the players would want. For example, there could be a poll for if the players wanted an island chain type new world or whatever else could be contributed.

Now here's the one that might get me in some trouble: races.

So alot of people have been coming up with ideas for races (find Morgoth's page if you haven't seen it already) and an even larger amount of people want a new race added. now for this there could be a similar system to the voting for worlds, and people themselves could actually submit ideas to the poll itself.

Also, if the admins and mods see it fit, now would be a good time to add a new race. Since sharding has been put into full affect, a LOT (50-85) more people have been getting on the server, causing fairly large amounts of people clustered to one race for whatever reason (may it be the fact they couldn't decide on a race since there wasn't a race they wanted to be and other things as such) and a cluster of people raceless (for the same reason mentioned earlier). So, the solution would be to add a new race, presumably mod or admin created, or one of Morgoth's ideas, that would appeal to people so that they themselves could have a race, or find a new race that appeals to that person more than another.
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If a single race is added, and everyone who is undecided picks that race, there is something unbalanced about that race.
Although illo, morgoths races are seemingly balanced out, the main aspect I enjoy about them was his transition of his ideas and aspects including lore and allowing that to go to the audience.
This could possibly work, unless a load of trolls purposely vote for uninhabitable worlds or clearly bad ideas e.g. a fully ocean world, or a full-sand world.
Well, they will be implementing the new world Jorrhilder and the race, beastmen soon, so there you go.
The idea of voting sounds good and there is currently a lot of work in progress about the races. So be patient, people have private lifes and also not that much time of effort to create a new race and a new map. But there is a map creating team (aka PUWA) wich are currently working on world for the community of Massivecraft. Indeed sharding is very near, and so is the release of the worlds too.

Just be patient and wait until we are all done with the work. Also the voting idea would be good because the creators/admins/mods could make better decision if they would continue on the work in progress map or if they should focus on the most ''voted'' map.
Voting is a bad Idea, simply for the following reasons.

There have been a total of 200,000 unique players who have connected to MassiveCraft at some point in time. There are a rough 800+ Unique connections a day. A forum poll usually gets no more than 10-30 votes, and a website and server poll has never gained more than 63 votes. This all in all means we reach less than 9% on average of a one day population on the server.

The next part we have to consider is that most of the races and worlds that come out are part of the larger doming lore. We don't work backwards and invent lore for stuff we make, but we make stuff that gets written or has already been written in the lore. 4 races are currently in the works, but they won't be released until new worlds are available.
Voting is a bad Idea, simply for the following reasons.

There have been a total of 200,000 unique players who have connected to MassiveCraft at some point in time. There are a rough 800+ Unique connections a day. A forum poll usually gets no more than 10-30 votes, and a website and server poll has never gained more than 63 votes. This all in all means we reach less than 9% on average of a one day population on the server.

The next part we have to consider is that most of the races and worlds that come out are part of the larger doming lore. We don't work backwards and invent lore for stuff we make, but we make stuff that gets written or has already been written in the lore. 4 races are currently in the works, but they won't be released until new worlds are available.
Your right, but what if the community worked on several versions of race lore, post them, then have staff decide which ones work best. With only one catch, the only race ideas can only come from the morgraths page, forcing people to work with a prebuilt and hopefully balanced race.[DOUBLEPOST=1370182360,1370182277][/DOUBLEPOST]
Well, they will be implementing the new world Jorrhilder and the race, beastmen soon, so there you go.
Really? Thatll be fun.
Your right, but what if the community worked on several versions of race lore, post them, then have staff decide which ones work best. With only one catch, the only race ideas can only come from the morgraths page, forcing people to work with a prebuilt and hopefully balanced race.

We tried this, but eventually shut down the race suggestion board because 95% of it was just shit.
If a single race is added, and everyone who is undecided picks that race, there is something unbalanced about that race.
It's not that it would be unbalanced, it's just that it would appeal to those people.

By the way Marty, I see why voting is a bad idea now so, yeah.
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