Archived [idea] Bar Taps

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Magos Errant
Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score

So, i set up a little bar in the faction and it feels a bit......wrong. I can never keep the stock up on glasses and "alcohol". So here is my idea. A tripwire (acting as the tap) and a wood plank (acting as the keg). You would right click on the tripwire with a empty bottle and it will give you back a filled bottle of whatever (grog, vodka, meed, ect).They would be simply water bottles with no effect, or hey, maybe after kicking back 3-4 (and maybe more after building some sort of tolerance) it applies the nausea affect. Different kinds of beverages can be obtained with a different keg material (spruce give vodka, oak meed,obsidian fire brew or something of the like). Perhaps the kegs can run out and have to be refilled with...water? and then take a certain time to ferment before being able to dispense again . Maybe the storage value of how much can be dispensed is equal to the size of the keg (x * 8 = y. X = size of keg Y = amount dispensed). This would be a purely cosmetic, rp addition, but I think it would add to the rp of the universe so that we aren't just drinking water bottles that take 5 xp levels to rename to vodka and instead be part of the brewing process. Hell, maybe even make a way to monetize it. Make breweries that supply the various bars of Massive and such. Idk, I don't think I though out everything that should be though out.

-Thank you and have a nice day.
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This is a great idea. However, I believe client-side modifications e.g. ModLoader are needed to make it work. (I could be wrong)
Yeah this would be really cool to have.
I only have one issue with it, and that's the fact that in a bar you will frequently see handles for multiple types of beer being dispensed. Could you possibly add this functionality with levers as well to your proposal? Would be a nice touch. Otherwise, I love the idea.
I only have one issue with it, and that's the fact that in a bar you will frequently see handles for multiple types of beer being dispensed. Could you possibly add this functionality with levers as well to your proposal? Would be a nice touch. Otherwise, I love the idea.
Hmmm, that actually would be a nice touch.
Hmmm, that actually would be a nice touch.

Don't you find it funny how you were just like "get ready to feel the hammer and sickle" in another thread, but here we're getting along just nicely, sharing good ideas and such? This is exactly why faction politics are a drag sometimes. xD The two of us could get along quite well outside of the whole war thing, but inside it, we are forced to be bitter enemies. D:
Don't you find it funny how you were just like "get ready to feel the hammer and sickle" in another thread, but here we're getting along just nicely, sharing good ideas and such? This is exactly why faction politics are a drag sometimes. xD The two of us could get along quite well outside of the whole war thing, but inside it, we are forced to be bitter enemies. D:
Quite, i'm only aggressive when one of the higher ups is getting aggressive, otherwise and a pretty peaceful guy.
It sounds like a good idea, But we shall see what the people who would create these plugins (probably Admins ) and see what they think about it, I myself like the idea but i haven't decided completley yet.
An agree from forum members doesn't mean mods doesn't reject it.

I do however like this idea, after all the major coding is done for more important plugins.

They'd be silly to reject such a popular Idea though, do you not agree?
Small update: Got some of my old java buddies building a prototype. Will publicly release when we have a stable version up and running.
I like this idea but; one extension.
Now, you said that logs can act as 'kegs' and have to be re-filled with water, but what if you made it with a cauldron? (As cauldrons are useless except for decor), when the cauldron has ran out (Or the alchomahol) you refill it with water and BOOM! More drink to get drunk on.
Dear lord as if this world isnt drunken enough when they imagine it?:P
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