Preserved Sheet Ida Krupp

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A Corgi Mom
Feb 19, 2017
Reaction score





Basic Information

  • Full Name: Ida d' Vaud
  • Age:30
  • Gender: Female
  • Race: Leutz-Vixe Ailor
  • Material Status: Married
  • Main Ambition: To aid her family into greatness and to live a fulfilled life.
  • Special Permission: N/A

Skill Information

  • School of Medicine
  • Level: Scholar
  • School: Medical Academy of Theron's Hand in Regalia

Visual Information

  • Eye Color: Soft light grey-blue
  • Hair Color: Creamy strawberry-blonde
  • Hair Style: Her bangs frame her face with a slight curl as most of her hair is up in a braided bun.
  • Skin Color: Light cream.
  • Height: 5 feet, 8 inches.
  • Weight: 136 pounds.
  • Body Build: Femmefatale
  • Weapon of Choice: N/A
Visual Information (Expansion)

  • Ida has a soft look about her, her meekness is not just with her smile or her attitude, but also in her looks. She has a small frame that curves out elegantly in the right places and a slightly square jaw that curves out to high cheek bones. Her chin being small finishes the heart-shaped face she adorns.
  • The clothes she wears is rather vast. Mostly gowns, to medical garbs. After a hard days of work, Ida likes to feel pretty at times and expresses it by wearing beautiful gowns.
  • Her tone is something gentle, soft spoken and light. Unless of course anger twirls into a storm and all you would hear is the wrath that makes most surprised she has that bellowed inside her. Other than that a true song bird.
  • Ida has this odd sweet yet subtle smell about her. When near, the first thing a person would smell is vocadine. It is kind of self explanatory since she works in a hospital. Though passed that would be a flowery smell of chamomile with a mix of Lanarra's Hand.

Personality and Abilities

Personality Traits

  • As perceived by others, Ida is a sweet person having the best in mind for others around her. Timid and shy at first unless her brother is present or family is. She speaks with a calm tone usually and with a purpose. None of her words are meant to be of waste of one's time. When someone finally gets to know who she is, they realize she is actually a bubbly type of person as she tends to smile and laugh. Always being able to see the bright side of things for the most part.
  • Internally to self, Ida struggles to keep her thoughts in aligned and at times she has even more of a harder time to speak what is on her heart and mind. She also beats herself up when she doesn't reach goals or perfection in her own standards. Such as healing people. She knows no one can be 100%, but she still aims that high. It is a flaw of being a perfectionist and she only thinks this way due to how much she loathes her father who is the opposite of her. Ida tries her best to stray from his ways that made the family fall and fall apart.
  • Towards friends and family, she puts family first and even though she teases her older brother, she adores him. Ida would gladly risk everything for their protection and well being. As for friends, she is distant, though good to them. Mostly wary of everyone like a timid kitten in a new home.
  • Regarding Morality, not everything is good in this world and there is only a glimpse of sunlight every now and then. Ida likes to be that sunlight to people who has been unable to get a break. Though sometimes she needs that glimmer of hope as well. She tries to do what is best for others and then for herself as she has always been the caregiver and the motherly figure to most she has crossed paths with. Sometimes her good is not like the same good as the world, but risks are to be taken in life if it means to better the world.

  • Sagacious: Ida maybe called a 'shrewd' or a 'rather prude' person at times, though with a few open ended questions and observing the person she can tell what kind of person they are. Most of the time she hits it right on the nail with the person. Other times, she will admit to her wrong doing of judging a person.
  • Quick Learner: Ida loves challenges and with that she loves to learn. Learn something that would benefit herself and her family and she would put every effort on doing it not just by knowing, but how to it correctly.
  • Optimistic: In dark times, you can find Ida smiling and trying to bring joy and laughter to others. She tends to try to see the full picture than to see bits of it or where she is at currently along with others.
  • Medical Pursuit: Since she was young she has always delved into helping people and herbs and how it affects the body. She continues in her studies as well as her own hands work to perfect her healing abilities as she is well versed and precise with everything she does.
  • Self Taught Horticulture: During her schooling, she took the time of studying the plants and how it affected the body. Making notes of how much is too much and how little is too little. From there she learned how to make the basic ointments using animal fats and starch with various oils from plants to make remedies. Not only ointments, but also basic medicines and treatments that are mundane compared to the actual alchemists.
Quirks (Expansion)

  • Timid: Too many people around and about? Ida shuts herself into a corner and looks down at the ground. Her nerves and her mind overwhelms her with what she could say or do that she just falls silent. Unless it comes to a patient, then she has full confidence with dealing with that issue.
  • Stubborn: So set in her ways, she rather have the person prove to her that she is wrong, and would take responsibility if she is. Though until then, she will stand firm in what she believes in and what she is doing is right.
  • Perfectionist: Ida will try, and try, and try again until everything is perfect. This may slow her down at times, other times she can get progress rather quickly. It depends on what it is she is trying to perfect. It even goes so far that under her nails are clean at all times.
  • Lightweight: It takes less than a pint to get her tipsy. However, she giggles and roams about the streets trying to 'help' people only to either better the situation or worsen it. With that said, usually people watch her, or try to. They quickly lose sight of her and next thing you know, she is skipping about down the road and out of the city to the country side.
  • Grudge: Ida will respect someone, but the moment they let her down or stab her in the back, she will never forget. Never forgetting the moment, she tends to hold grudges on people. However, there is always redemption.
  • Worry: Despite her strong words most of the time, Ida worries. She worries and cares a lot about people unless she truly hates you. Knowing that she cannot be Wonder Woman to every situation, instead of crying about it, she worries and prays rather feverishly. Especially when her family's life is out on the line.
Likes (Optional)
  • Pretty Gowns
  • Teas
  • Sweets
  • Rain
  • Books - Knowledge
  • Healing People
Dislikes (Optional)
  • Loud Places
  • Being Surrounded by People
  • Rude People
  • Laziness
  • Dark areas
  • Being Alone
  • Lampars
  • Petty Excuses

Life Story

Ida's father was a very irresponsible man who drove the family's name into the ground and lost it all. Out of it came her brother, herself, and her younger sister to be thrown into the world and into a great deal of hardship. After her mother gathered enough money, she sent her brother and her to Brissiaud as her little sister was sent to Anglia before dying. All her mother's hard earnings and works has both inspired and been able to help aid Ida through her life.

The girl grew up wanting to learn how to heal people from their physical bodies to even mentally by encouraging good things into people and promote life. Of course growing up with Hamelin, she felt safe and secured until he turned of age and left. Since Hamelin was the only blood relative she was around when she was young, they would spend much time together. He was like her knight in shining armor on days where the skies seem dark and dreary, and she was his nurse, always trying to keep him at good health - minus a few times where the effects were opposite. So it crushed her that her best friend had left her alone. There she enclosed herself into books of herbs and of the body. Leaving to Regalia on her fourteenth name day, she went to the academy for the school of medicine.

At twenty-one, she was away from the major conflicts as she went to Anglia at first heading north into Brissiaud once again. She did her best healing people on the way and going back to the home she grew up in for the most part. Realizing that no one was coming back, she headed to Regalia at twenty-three where she saw her brother Hamelin leaning against a post. Worn out, she ran to him and embraced him, and he welcomed her home and to the family once again.

As Ida grew older, her passion for healing and for her family's well being grew. She learned techniques from Zaan Haaven as she progressed. Soon, she even tossed ideas and those ideas grew into action. Ermegart was out of her life, the home abuse now on the streets as she is riddled with worries from hearing explicit rumors as the fall and rise of nobles was happening about. With all the chaos, Ida still managed to serve the Empire by working as a Medical unit for the Regalian Guard and established her facility of Morbus Imeprium right in time for the dreadful plague that befell on Regalia. Without hesitating, Ida acted and is treating patients to find answers for the sake of Ailors.

Time progressed and with it, so did her treatments. Working hard, working to the point of breaking into fevers, Ida tried to search for an answer. Writing letters and keeping notes of the city and the fluctuation of the spread and symptoms, she decided to take the risk and head to Luists with Zaan and Ztril along with Krupp. There she hopes to isolate and find a better grasp at what is it they are truly dealing with. Before leaving, Ida did adopt Poppy and is hoping that Wyn would come around. Poppy now being Adela d'Vaud is being supported in her schooling and being brought into society where she can have a new beginning.

Finding out that the Url blood would detect any impurities of a person or animal, Ida came back home with the news and tried to progress with finding out the truth behind the plague. However, she was not warmly welcomed home. Things twisted into a downward spiral as she desperately tried to grasp onto a stable ground. The only thing that kept her going was her family and Virathus. Virathus offered her a ring from one of his fingers and she took the one on his pinky finger. From there their relationship grew and flourished, especially when she walked down the aisle to wed him.

Though the day before the wedding she was taken as a hostage. She hated being helpless and so after a long fight for her life and the lives of others, she grabbed onto the blade to push hold it away from her throat. Pushing up, she had used her weight make the person stumble away as she dipped her head and freed herself from them. However the blade dug deeply into her palm and traced the side of her arm going up in a slow turn. It was her right hand at that. Ordering for the capture of the person, she then made her way to the others who were wounded and collapsed.

By the next day, Ida knew she lost something precious to her. Something she enjoyed doing for as long as she could remember. She lost the steady hand of a healer as her right hand shook holding Virathus's hand as she knelt before the alter. Something inside her died though another thing bloomed into life. Conflicted, she was and still is unsure what to do. After the celebration, Ida started to have nightmares.

These were not normal nightmares however. They were nightmares of something terrible that may happen. She is unsure when or where or even who, but before leaving Regalia she begged her family and friends to be alert and ready. As she looked out to the docks that night, she prayed. Prayed hard for hope and health for them as the boat drifted away. At the war camps, she tried to help the other medics by preparing trays for them and medicines for treatments. However, she felt more in the way than help, so after three days, she left to head to the North. There she met up with Virathus and spent time with him and the people. Unsure what to do except being a support to family and friends, Ida finds herself lost in limbo of self worth and how she could serve Regalia.

With her return to Regalia, she disbanded the Morbus Imperium and turned the page to a new chapter in her life.


[Love] [Hate] [Friend] [Respect] [Dislike] [Like] [Unsure] [Curious] [Family]
Hamelin d'Vaud - He is my big brother and I love him dearly. Though sometimes I wish he would smile more. (@Suicidium )
Cyzelle d'Vaud - My cute little sis. She is growing up too you are blossoming into a young woman.(@SnugglyKittens )
Solaine d'Vaud - My older-younger sister who I love and will fight for. She is a big help to me in the clinic. @Mayaran
Adela d'Vaud - My, my...I never thought the day would come where I would have a child. Even though you are adopted, you are loved dearly and accepted into the family. I hope I can just provide you a good home and life. @Mandyy_
Reimund d'Vaud - Hm, I expect greatness. (@Shrykos_ )
Virathus Krupp - Is it odd that we once danced and you would tell me to find a good man while the good man was standing in front of me? (@Theoderic )

Dominic Kade - I really do hope to befriend you. Not because your name, but the type of person you are.
Xavier Kade - You've done good, and even though I respect you, I am curious onto what goes on in that mind of yours. I know it isn't my place, but I cannot help it.
Orlin Wodenstaff - I hope your business flourishes and we can be great friends! (@HigherAltidude )
Most of the Wodenstaff- Lovely folks, though I am curious to know more about them...
Olivia Ombre - A new beginning and fresh start I hope... @Posidem
Rena - I once hated you, I don't feel like I need to explain to you why I did, but you did something for me without question and instead of being spiteful like some, you did it out of selflessness. I pray you don't end up like your father...grumble grumble. @flareskies
Merina - I am unsure of what to think of her since I rarely talk to her. I wish I knew more. (@AtticCat )

Zaan Haaven -
Wonderful teacher and a person to rely on when you need a helping extra hand in the arts of healing. You know my secrets and I am growing more and more to be stronger. Thank you for teaching me and putting up with me. (@Caelamus )
All of Fen's Characters (except for like one) - Whether is it dying, being in jail, or having tea, I am glad to help...oddly. Just because these people tend to be true and honest. And I can respect that. (@Fenlee )
The Emperor - Your idle words sometimes embarrass me, but that is because I am prude. I do know you are the Emperor, but I am glad to have an honest speaking Emperor to serve. Hopefully one day I can talk to you than just to offer cotton for your ears...
All the People of Morbus Imperium - Thank you for taking the time to do this with me. It is really an honor to work with you all and I would individually thank you everyday for everything you do for the greater cause of the Empire.
Lynn - Pft, who knew a woman who barely smiles can dance. Bravo! Though really, I like our short and sweet talks. (@EpsilonPanda)
Poppy & Wyn - You two girls are very inspirational and determined young women. More so than a lot of others I have crossed paths with and I commend you both for your hard work. I hope I can repay you well enough for all you do. (@Miss_Confined & @Mandyy_ )
Reddulf Ruyter- A person who can always put a smile on any face.
Hengest- I wish you could read and write. But you are honest...maybe? Honest enough that I can respect you. @Jonificus
Avilda- From the moment I walked up to you without even asking your name to just help heal you, to today, I feel I can talk to you truly out of respect and dignity that you have brought time and time again to our House. Thank you. I am unsure if I could call you a friend, but I hope to, one day. @CRASHIR

Noelle - For a Varran, you are respectable. You work diligently and you own up to your mistakes. You are very young and bright. Don't beat yourself up too much. -Pat Pat- (@MCMANN32 )
Ange - You are a great person that I can just speak freely to. I always feel warmly welcomed and it is a great relief to speak to someone at events who understands me just a little bit. (@Betel_ )
Irina - From swimming to cooking, to everything...It is always a friendly competition between us. I always have fun and enjoy spending time with you. Even if it is to heal you, we manage to laugh and even share a few tears? Maybe that is just me. Either way, I am always here for you. @Hexanone
Kazi - Kasimira, my heart goes out to you, my dear friend. I hope one day something will make you shine. (@Starryy )
Vumela - You are a sweet honest person and one of the best guards besides Kazi and Reimund. Thank you for all your hard work and putting up with me running around the city daily. Thank you for also having a strong enough stomach to deal with what I work with. (@DrunkFailure )
Vidarr - I am a strong person, or at least I try to be so I can curl up into a ball and cry about it later. Don't worry so much. @MugKing
Christopher Black - I respect both you and your wife and your family. Thank you for taking the time to hear my words and concerns, I just hope I can provide you the same treatment as you do for me. (@Film_Noir )
Elizabeth Black - Words cannot express how much our friendship means to me. Words cannot express how much it means to have you in my life and to share a true friendship with someone as dear as you. Thank you for putting up with me. (@Miss_Confined )
Leinhart - You watch over me and you hear me out. You are smart and kind. Don't let anyone change that for you. (@Grotlenator )
Reynald - I'd respect you more if you took your damn medicine! But hey, I am just the doctor. Other than that I commend you for hearing everyone's needs and meeting them either half way there, or fully. If not that, you show them their errors in their ways and you guide them to the proper path. Also, you are pretty funny. (@Arendan )
Vi- I know I can be heated up at times...and nagging...and jumping into fire...but thank you for putting up with me...I don't blame you for...for you loss...I am sorry I couldn't do more... @HeyoFreyo

You know who you are...
Last edited:
  • First off you may remove Scholar in the School of Biology under your Special Permissions as Expert is the one with the Permissions.
  • For your Skill Information follow the three bullet format on the template which is as follows:
  1. School: For you it would be School of Biology then the Discipline whatever it may be.
  2. Level: Scholar
  3. Source: The school that you were trained at. If you are referring to the one in Regalia that is the Medical Academy of Theron's Hand
  • Place all of your Expansions into spoilers as to avoid cluttering the sheet.
  • For your first Personality and Abilities paragraph I would like to you expand on when Ida would open up as it seems the only way she would interact with persons to experience this bubbly person. How do people perceive this shy person? And at what point does their perception change as she opens up?
  • For the second paragraph, how does she struggle with her thoughts? Any cause for it? Just some clarification there.
  • Now we are at the Life Story. I want some expansion on her relationship with her brother, perhaps you can touch on it as well in third Personality paragraph but I feel that his leaving had some sort of effect on her life and then how his resurgence effects her. What has the time lost done for their relationship?

    Make the changes above and mark them in the colour of your choosing. Remember to tag me once you do so. @DizPanda

I am satisfied with the changes you have made. Good work. I'm happy to mark your application as Approved @DizPanda
@Wumpatron Made changes... a I wasn't sure if this is acceptable or if it needs to go under re-review.
Yes, this would be a rereview.

I'm going to give you a choice here, either replace biology with alchemy or remove alchemy. Both fulfill different uses in role play despite being compatible in areas. But for someone so young, you need to have them devoted to one practice or the other. No exceptions.

The choice is yours, once you have that I'll give it the ole once over to make sure it's all kosher and you're good.
Your Horticulture talent is more akin to Alchemy so it will be considered such for the sake of the review. That being said a level of Novice in Alchemy will be required in order to fulfill this objective. A decrease in Biology skill will also apply, but a level drop will not be necessary. Just know that in RP Ida would be less skilled than a Medical Scholar who strictly does that.

With the imbalance of five talents I will require two weaknesses to be added. One of them will have to be significant to role play in some form to balance out the skills of Alchemy and Biology.

Make the appropriate changes and tag me once completed. If you have any questions you know how to reach me. @DizPanda
Hm, I think for now I will keep it like this until she ages up a bit. Thank you for clearing that up! I will just make it a hobby of a way? Unless that is not allowed? @Wumpatron
If you want it as a hobby it would be no more than saying "I know what makes this" rather than being the one to actually go through the process of doing it. Are you fine with this?

Regardless of your choice I will need two weaknesses or one if it impacts role play to a noticeable degree. Alternatively you can drop your Talents down to three. Really the choice is yours how you want to approach this, but for each talent above three you will need one weakness to balance it.
Changes were made with the name going from d'Vaud to Krupp due to marriage.
Additional bio was added to the changes in her life.