• Regalian Roleplay Rules

    1. Roleplay rules apply in this category.
    2. Posts are in-character.
    3. Posts are not anonymous.
    4. Posts and reactions made to posts are public. What your character says or does is known by all other characters. If you would like a reaction to be private, do not post it as a public response to a thread. Roleplay it out on the server!
    5. Out-of-character commentary on threads is not allowed unless it is specifically spoiled or bracketed, and/or highlights additional information for in-character responses.
    6. Meme responses are not allowed. This includes reposting the same content as the poster(s) above, or repeating catch phrases on a post.

Icarus: A Second


Three more posters appeared in the morn light, the first again pinned to the Slums' tree. The second this time though was nailed on the doorway of The Morbus Imperium building. The last was resting on the foot of the Emperor's statue outside the Golden Willow, weighted down by a chipped brick.

Our sick, our poor
We can take no more
Lock them away in the Slums
While we say it's for the best
To protect those Faithful
But why must we need such if our God exists?
Spirit, O' Spirit
How you watch us so
You send Hunger and Cold on us weak
Is it a lesson to your less faithful?
Or a test for those that lie at your feet?
Whether rich or poor, we are just Men
Open the Gates, Regalia
Let your illness free all abound
May your Spirit protect you now
-Icarus Albatross
OOC Notes

-If you rip down a poster, please specify which one.
Reason: If a poster has been ripped down, in say, the Slums then no one that reads this after and has a character only in the Slums would know IC about the poster unless they were told by someone else or found another poster.
-Also try to have your character only take down one poster so other people have the chance to see them​
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Stopped, looking to the poster. He read about half of it before he reached up and ripped the poster down, ripping it in half and dropping it into the mud,walking off.

"Its not the fault of the Spirit, only the faults of those who choose to sin."
Stopped, looking to the poster. He read about half of it before he reached up and ripped the poster down, ripping it in half and dropping it into the mud,walking off.

"Its not the fault of the Spirit, only the faults of those who choose to sin."
Which poster?
So now there remained only two posters.

Morbus and the Statue.
Marith would walk by the poster, (statue) and give it a second glance, being drawn by the rhymes. He would struggle for a second, not understanding common writing as well as he knew Dwarvish. He would attempt to crumple the poster with minimal contact, then dropping on the ground and stomping on it. "Stupid Unionist fanatics, lets not get the rest of us sick, will you?" he said, and walked away, considering a bath despite usually rarely washing up at all.
Ida would move the poster to the Slum's entrance. "It is by the Spirit that I work and I don't send those to the slums. I treat them until I can become a charter fully...then by the grace of the Spirit will I be able to do further things." She sighs. "Though honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if the Spirit punished some with this illness, though I do not have time to judge for that." The woman finishes hanging the poster onto to the stone entrance of the slums before heading back to Morbus Imperium to make more solutions.
Amrynn was lost, again, in the Crown City. All the buildings looked so similar, it only took one hesitation from the Cielothar to wind up in an area they'd come to realize they'd never seen before. This time, though, the Nelfin decided they may as well make the best of it. Appreciating small details in an attempt to remember the place later; flower planters, little nooks, and the entrance to an area they decide was better to not wander into in particular, with a page nailed to it.

"Huh..." As Amrynn's eyes skimmed the content, the disappointment of having not found medical work yet hung heavy on their mind. The Nelfin truly felt terrible for those who were sick or couldn't provid for themselves, but they couldn't help but give a sad chuckle. These silly Ailor looked to something that couldn't help them, and probably wouldn't if it even existed...

"Perhaps it's time to become a little more serious..." they muttered, pivoting on one heel to simply walk away. Back to finding their way "home."

(( was typing as that went up before me. Oops... ))
Eleri swiftly glided past the entrance of the slums, doing a double take as something caught her eye. She reversed, moving backwards a few paces and stopped when she reached the poster. Her eyes skimmed over it, and as she read further, a small smile appeared on her face, slowly growing into a smug beam. With a laugh, she spun around before eyeing up a muddy puddle. It wasn't long before she'd already scooped up some mud onto her index finger and proceeded to draw a crude smiley face onto the corner of the paper. Satisfied, she skipped away, whistling to herself as she continued her daily wander about the city.