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Icarus: A Ninth


haeksen van regalia
Jun 22, 2016
Reaction score
Roleplay Guilds

Posted proudly on the center pillar of the Golden Willow's entrance and nailed haphazardly and not very deep at all (due to the stones) onto the Cathedral's entrance was the next word of the infamous poet of Regalia- one of many, though proudly the first one considered Jacobin:

Archways of Willow and archways of stone,
All of portals into a place far from thought,
In these grand places- whether you sinner or drunk- you find peace,
You find love.

But as vast many have said,
Whether they copy or not,
The love and peace we find, is the fault of a fraud.
Our Emperor grow weary, o' may him grow frail.
For with the fall of the Emperor,
There will be the fall of weak men.

Written in ink or written in blood,
All letters state clear of our message above.
May lie fall and may liar drown,
Only the strong will survive,
Only those of no doubts.
-Icarus Albatross
Joasaie, having gone to the tavern, gives a glare at the now familiar writing of the poet. Reaching out she would pull it down, folding it up to put in her bag. As she made her way out she muttered, "I need to bring this to him. If this poet is not found, these pages will turn into a book.".
Agnette's eyes upon spotting the letter poorly nailed to the cathedral's cobbled walls in a flash glanced down to the letters that spelled out the signature's name, them narrowing for several seconds before giving off a lighter impression. Not bothering to yet read whatever poem was written, the Velheim, still carefully, tore the left parchment from where it was posted, folding it to cache away into one of her coat's deep pockets.
A new paper is placed beside it, though the other remains as a sign for those who happen upon it:

Moments after the traitor, Icarus Albatross posted this latest act of betrayal to the Empire, Viridian Paladin Adelbrand Soren von Drachenburg apprehended the villain to which they were turned over to Nordmark authority. Myself and the Sun Paladin questioned them to which they spoke ill of our Emperor and this Holy Empire. While many feel that it is not the place of the Viridian Order to act, let it be known that we will continue to do such, for this is our sworn duty. Make no mistake, wherever there is a seed of treachery or rebellion, the Viridian Order will be there to stamp it out swiftly.

Spirit's Guidance in these times,
Sir Harald Viktor von Drachenburg, Paladin of the Brotherhood of Viridian
A dismembered arm was left nailed to one of the notices, droplets of blood still pooling underneath as it slowly blackened from exposure. A simple feathered quill stained in crimson was cusped in its fingers.
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A dismembered arm was left nailed to one of the notices, droplets of blood still pooling underneath as it slowly blackened from exposure. A simple feathered quill stained in crimson was cusped in its fingers.

A note in crisp green ink would be later seen by passersby having been pinned above the arm, reading:

The Rose Paladin shook with a terrible fury, anger befell the typically soft spoken man as he tore down the dismembered arm, sending glares to all passerby's. Removing his cloak, he draped it over the appendage. Before he withdrew himself, he stood atop the steps of the Willow, bellowing deeply to any standing near, many still in shock and horror.

"Let it be known this day, that the crimes of these rebels have become far greater then what was believed previously! These crimes are of an insidious and inhuman nature and those involved will face judgment of unimaginable proportions! My brothers of the Viridian Order shall not let this treachery pass, justice will be done! Spirit protect us and guide us into battle!"

Harald Viktor stood after he made his declaration, eyes equivalent to that of a mad dog as his body stood resolute. He tucked the now bloodied cloak beneath his arm as he made his way out from the scene.
Jack walked past, and saw the arm. He widened his eyes in horror. The grim smell, which invaded his nose and made Jack feel the need to vomit, could simply knock a weak-stomached person out.
'What an idiot..I guess he got what's coming to him.'
He looked at the pale arm once more, and the dead fingernails. The smell was still there and if Jack didn't leave soon then he was going to puke in the middle of the street.
'Will they kill him?'
"Can't wait to see the execution." Otto said.
Lazaruz Lupenzi gagged, putting his tea down at the sight of the dismembered arm and blood..

"Real fockin' lovely.."