Archived I Want To Make A Food Mod For You Guys

This suggestion has been archived / closed and can no longer be voted on.


Apr 26, 2015
Reaction score
Hello massive craft im LEGO116 im somewhat new to this sever but I love it so I would like to make a food mod for it i will add more food like stews wines beers rice other cultures food like Mideastern food Japanese food Irish food and other food things

moderators and the owner of the sever can ask me to add foods,remove foods or change foods i will only add foods that are rp friendly so no burger king burgers or anything like that.Also im not good at texures so if you (the sever) want good textures then I need volunteers.

i will make this mod when the owner/moderators approve of this and i hope they do.

---love LEGO116 i hope to see people eating things from my food mod in the future :)

ps yes i know my grammar is bad
This suggestion has been closed. Votes are no longer accepted.
The server is a mostly vanilla server, at least client-side. Adding a mod such as this would require all players to install said mod in order to join, something which MassiveCraft has repeatedly said they will not do.
The server is a mostly vanilla server, at least client-side. Adding a mod such as this would require all players to install said mod in order to join, something which MassiveCraft has repeatedly said they will not do.

moderators and the owner of the sever can ask me to add foods,remove foods or change foods
For this kind of environment, it would not make sense to have to make a new build of the mod for every food change, it would be much more practical to just upload additional files containing the resources for the additional foods and drop them in a folder.
The server is a mostly vanilla server, at least client-side. Adding a mod such as this would require all players to install said mod in order to join, something which MassiveCraft has repeatedly said they will not do.
*reloads Jes's anti - idea gun to shoot down another free flying idea*
Lego, If you really want to help the server through mod making then I suggest you follow the proper channels to do so. You can apply here. However the tech staff has a priority list that reflects the direction of the server, and it is not all just independent projects.
first off, shut down. Maybe a mod is not a good idea because everyone would need it but maybe a plug in would work. im not exactly sure how but im thinking we can use holding values in the game (kinda like pokemon, i know) and texture them in the massive texture pack as different food. not sure but its worth a shot. @MonMarty