I Return To You Now, At The Turn Of The Tide


Blade of the Legion
Sep 11, 2013
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Well then. Here we are. I've been gone from this place for two years, give or take. I took the time to check in every once in awhile. But now I'm truly back. As those of you who actually knew me may recall I left for Jobcorps, a thing which is meant to teach me how to adult. To be fair it did a fair enough job. I feel a little more adulty. That fact notwithstanding I am back.

For those of you who are either new or didn't know me in the first place I am neogreggory. Or neogreggory with a tiny dash above it. When I was first joining this forum it didn't like my email so I needed to remake my account with a new email. Regardless, I am a forum roleplayer of sorts. I've had many an adventure on this site and I'll tell you a few brief details of them in some later paragraph. I like to think myself a gentleman, though Irl I have a hard time in social settings. Asperger's syndrome says the fancy people with fancy pieces of paper but that is a detail you don't really need I suppose. Anyways! I suppose it is time for some random facts. Or more random facts. I admit to being bad at this. Regardless, random facts?
Homestuck? YES
Cats/Dogs? Cats, but dogs are alright.
Minecraft? Dumb question, considering how I found my way here.
Yogscast? Fine chaps them.
English? American actually, just watched to much yogscast during a critical phase of my life.
League of Legends/Dota? Was playing as Twisted Fate a few hours ago. Not the best player but I have fun.
Relationship? Sadly not.
Sign? Virgo
Favorite Color? Red
Favorite anything else? Hate choosing favorites.
Other questions? Feel free to ask them.

And I suppose I said I would treat you fine chaps to snips from my RP history here. Well I don't want to waste everyone's time so I'll just say a few exploits. My adventures in roleplay here started with star wars. In the times of the old republic, a sergeant in the Sith empire. Spent the first irl day or two cleaning my knife and sowing disloyalty in the hearts of my fellow non-force using empire members. Ended as many RPs sadly do, with everyone just stopping. A few other highlights in my RP career? Animalia Mutatio Virus. The first one ended with a true ending, a good ending. Number two ended not long after I mary-sued my way into stupidity. I tried to make a number three but that didn't end well. One time I robbed a space bank with some space friends. Shot one of them in the face, escaped with two of them via chopper with all the money as the other survivors tried to escape. Don't recall it going well for them. And then star lords. I was the GM for that, had everyone partake in a space pirate raid on a "defenseless" trade ship. In fact, had thousands of guns and marines and the secret cargo was a GM character. That one also had a true ending. Number two didn't, sadly. Intend to make a third one some time soon.

My little brother just commented on how long this "email" is. He's seven. Regardless I have to agree with him. Honestly I may rant from time to time. But it's either long rant or three words in a half sentience so I'll have to choose this one. Anyways I'll stop wasting everyone's time. I hope you enjoyed reading this between your RP posts. I'll just... go sit in the corner and eat some dinner. Maybe look for a roleplay to partake in.

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To reply to the question thus posed... Not played it, somewhat intrigued but without further incintive will not have any true excuse to download more things on my laptop.
Also, I would like a full report on the Halo RP before I leap in, via conversation assuming those are still a thing. If not then... neogreggory1@gmail.com

If anyone else feels like pestering me via email... I always do enjoy some pestering.
Kiba, send me a convo with the details when you have time and I'll consider the offer there.
Welcome back!

I love (or rather, used to love, haven't watched them in a while) Yogscast too :) They got me interested in Minecraft when they did their first series on it.
Well it was dame time you got back, I finished high school in June and have bin on a long list of things that make zero sense for the last 6 months and on top of that my parents are pressuring me to get a dame job. But in any case welcome back 57416286.jpg
And I was really hopeing that you would have done a remake of the Star Captains 2 cos I have bin cooking in my head a LOT of ideas, but it's up to you to say when and of you will do it
On that note, I'm making a new forum RP!

Star Wars. Four years before the fourth(first) movie. With smugglers(kinda) Jedi exiles and a YT-1300 and other such fun things!