I need some help finding a good laptop or computer (probably would be better off if it was a laptop) for some where under $500 (usd) I know these are hard to find, and I'm still going to keep looking on my own, and I also have some room to move around but I'd prefer to keep it under $500. I'm just looking for a laptop that I can run games (Mainly minecraft, but a few other steam games too) at around a steady 40+ frames. If anyone has any suggestions that you think I might be interested in, let me know.
Thanks a bunch!
- Your friendly neighborhood SpiderWhale (Sunsh1ne901)
I'm also debating weither I should change my name from SpiderWhalePvE back to Sunsh1ne901, I really like both but most people know me as Sunsh1ne. If you could take a second to just answer the poll at the top, or if you really don't care, then just don't answer please. I only want answers from people that actually care.
Thanks a bunch!
- Your friendly neighborhood SpiderWhale (Sunsh1ne901)
I'm also debating weither I should change my name from SpiderWhalePvE back to Sunsh1ne901, I really like both but most people know me as Sunsh1ne. If you could take a second to just answer the poll at the top, or if you really don't care, then just don't answer please. I only want answers from people that actually care.