Archived I Lost All My Stuff!!!!!!!!!!

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The Human Torch.
Nov 26, 2012
Reaction score
Up North in that Minnesota place
Roleplay Guilds
Divine Intervention
How can you run a server when the mods help a corrupt faction. Today at 11:30 pm my time on January 25th. I went to collect my stuff from Argonia as I promised to Grailen. It was a rude awakening when I went to my chests and saw all of them unclaimed as well as my shops. All my stuff in Argonia which amounted to the bulk of my first month on this server gone, stolen by the greedy hands of Argonia. New moderator Aleixandria aided these shenanigans. Not only am I angry about this but that there is no public set of guidelines for stuff like that and there are all these unsaid server abuses that can get you reprimanded is it that hard to post online No exploiting private signs and then give examples ie Furnace room and Portals. Also nothing is posted on what exactly mods can destroy signs for. I was an active player that was about to remove all the chests but then a mod comes in and does it for me and I lose a month of my life on this server. All that I have left from my first month now is an full enderchests, some hidden loot and my mcmmo stats. That is ludicrous I have recruited various members to this server who all have enjoyed it very much and then I get home from working all day and find a spent a month here just to get screwed in my ass hole by a new moderator.
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Well, that is certainly sketchy. :( It actually hasnt been ten days yet since you defected from Argonia. Word to you dear, edit the swearing out and make sure punctuation is there. :3
Before going on a rant, did you consider the possibility that Aleixandria made a mistake because she is a trusted in training?
Instead of posting a highly dis-organised paragraph that repeatedly states the same things over and over again, try calming down and describe what happened without insulting other players/factions and, as MonMarty mentioned, consider the different possibilities, then, I think, the staff would be able to help you without any difficulty.
We'll end up helping him, but with that tone I think it can wait a day.

I'm not feeling particularly warmed up to jump out of bed and hunt his items down.
Before going on a rant, did you consider the possibility that Aleixandria made a mistake because she is a trusted in training?

Pretty big mistake... but people should be forgiving.

For those who spoke about punctuation, what ever happened to the 'no commenting on spelling/grammar' rule? English may not be his first language, and I know I still have difficult with commas(and English IS my first language). On cursing... well, October, Marty, Cielian, what would you do if someone stole everything you had ever gotten? Personally, I think my rage-post would need to be deleted... would be nothing but swear words :P

Sarge_Peppers is not a bad person or a rude one, he's angry. Angry is okay, considering what Argonia did. Personally I think a few tempbans are in order for Argonian Leadership (they should have known it wasn't allowed, even if Aleixandria did not), and the definite return of stolen supplies.

All in all, Argonia broke the rules and tricked an administrator. That is not something you can overlook just because he swore a little and was furious. My bet is that by the time you look in to it tomorrow, his stuff will be untraceable. It's probably already untraceable. The sooner you get working on this horrible breach in server rules, ethical conduct, and general moral values, the better for the entire server. Not doing so just makes the server staff, in my eyes, look as bad as Argonia and as immature as Sarge_Peppers few swear words.
Its true the post was bad, I do apologize. I made this last night right as I found out about the signs. Which was a mistake I didnt follow my moral code and wait to calm down before posting. I had quite a flame session which again I do apologize for. I do understand Aleixandra is new to the whole moderating thing it's just that I blew up and over reacted posting very ignorantly before I thought things through.
I for one have no idea what happened to his stuff. Mecharic you dont know either. Quit your bashing of argonia and accusing them of somekind of wrong doing without proof. MonMarty will be able to resolve the issue. Just go and run your 15 or so factions you own now and stay out of this.
Quit your bashing of argonia and accusing them of somekind of wrong doing without proof.

The chests were inside Argonia, Shortbus. What is some faction going to go to the mods and say Sarge_Peppers stuff in Argonia needs to be unlocked.
My comments were not directed at you sarge. Argonia had kicked some peoples a** along the way and they just cant seen to let the hatred go.
You lost a month worth of stuff?
I lost the Grand Jewels of Serenum from a backpack bug... which I'll never get back.. you'll live
Like i have said, Aleixandria don't even know how to turn on a PC
Your items had been there for around a fortnight. You had made no attempt to recover the items, i removed it as there was nothing of considerable value inside them... 2 whole weeks of going without 'All your stuff' seems rather long. If you would be so kind as to contact me ingame then will sort this out and fully explain everything and the reasons and you will see the reasons it has all been done and i will sort the issue out
I for one have no idea what happened to his stuff. Mecharic you dont know either. Quit your bashing of argonia and accusing them of somekind of wrong doing without proof. MonMarty will be able to resolve the issue. Just go and run your 15 or so factions you own now and stay out of this.

If I don't automatically trust Argonia, well, I'm well within my rights not to. Also, my message was more on the note of 'Stop hating on Sarge_Peppers because he's angry for a valid reason.' then 'Argonia sucks and should disband.'

And finally... I only have 2 factions I claim ownership of, and one of them is for sale. The other is storage. I withdrew all claims to other factions when I left Osai.
What was most likely the issue here is that I haven't given the /f admin access document to Aleixandria yet, so she didn't know under what conditions to delete the contents of chests.

If sarge peppers was to retrieve his chests, 2 weeks is a reasonable expiry date. If argonia refused to give back the items they should all have been deleted.

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