Archived I Cannot Believe No One Has Suggested This Yet...backpacks!

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I am prettiest Princess!
Jul 11, 2012
Reaction score
Alright so with the whole arguments with prems being op, non prems not having fair gameplay etc, Ive just been sitting back feeling impartial to the matter, then suddenly I saw that non prems can wear diamond armor...yea ok thats cool I gues...-reads down- More loot...hmm...
I started thinking, I have no idea why seeing as I rarely raid but "loot" stuck out to me, and I thought, "hey, why not back packs?" Non prems would not keep what is in their back packs if they died like prems, and if killed, then you have more things to steal. Just a thought.
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As diamond armor, an advantage to non-premiums was just given, I think I may be a while before this would be considered, although I'm always up for more loots.
While I do not believe that would be a possibility, being that Mon and Cray have already removed the diamond armour perk, I personally love the idea of having more space.
Not bad idea.Is not a unfair advantage for premium and usefull for trade.

Another related idea i have,is premiums have also a portable McMMO anvil(the block iron).To repair simple tools like stone tools, fishing rods and chamail armour in anywhere place.
Backpacks are a large part of the reason I get premium, for that space. I think they should stay premium only, or there may be a decrease in subscribers.
I actually think they shouldn't give that out, not like I am a asshole, I have times being premium for like 9 month and I know it's hard, but I don't wanna see massive dies out because the server needs loads of donator in order for it to run like today, all the sharding...
I'm on the fence about this, yeah, backpacks are cool... but that's why they're premium only. They also aren't part of the vanilla minecraft (yet) and as such aren't something lost by joining MassiveCraft like diamond armor was.
Nonprems can still use their backpack if they know how -wink wink- -nudge nudge-
I appreciate all of your feedback both for and against this idea it is very enlightening. Thank you all.
Not bad idea.Is not a unfair advantage for premium and usefull for trade.

Another related idea i have,is premiums have also a portable McMMO anvil(the block iron).To repair simple tools like stone tools, fishing rods and chamail armour in anywhere place.

Couldn't you just carry a few iron blocks in your non-losable back pack at all times?
Alright so with the whole arguments with prems being op, non prems not having fair gameplay etc, Ive just been sitting back feeling impartial to the matter, then suddenly I saw that non prems can wear diamond armor...yea ok thats cool I gues...-reads down- More loot...hmm...
I started thinking, I have no idea why seeing as I rarely raid but "loot" stuck out to me, and I thought, "hey, why not back packs?" Non prems would not keep what is in their back packs if they died like prems, and if killed, then you have more things to steal. Just a thought.

๖ۣۜHonestly think this is a rather good idea, but you gotta refine it somehow. As shetlandj said, there has to be something to change so it can stay Premium only. Say, you have to wear a backpack in your armour slot in order to have a single addition bar of items? Basically, it's just another hot bar.
However, seeing the added Non-Premium perk, I don't quite see Cayorion doing it after all of us previously.
I personally think that every time a feature that has been premium only is suggested to be given to non-premiums, premium becomes less unique, and a new feature has to be created to make prems unique again.
As much as i wpuld love more space. Backpavks should remain a premium feature only
Not bad idea.Is not a unfair advantage for premium and usefull for trade.

Another related idea i have,is premiums have also a portable McMMO anvil(the block iron).To repair simple tools like stone tools, fishing rods and chamail armour in anywhere place.

Isn't that what /fix is for??
I think the backpack is easily one my favorite perks for premiums. I don't think non premiums should have them. That being said, non premiums do have access to their backpack if they had purchased premium once before. However they can only withdraw items that were already in the backpack (can't access to put items in) so in a sense some non premiums already do have partial access to a backpack.
... I swear, sooner or later everyone is going to want non-prems to be identical to prems. I believe that It should stay the way it is.
For non-prems there should be: No backpacks, no crafting table, no pasifist mode (and remove dia armour from them, for god sake), etc.
I disagree, sorry but backpacks is a prime reason why I donate. If everyone had them it would just make non-premiums get closer to premiums with features, and cause players to realize that the features they get from being premium is not far from the features they get for being non-premium, thus stopping people donating and ending this amazing server we are all so very fond of.
Why not just make it so they have to be purchased for silver (for non-prems) and have half the amoun of space prems get or less…?
I find that fair.
still gives a readon to donate, helps non prems only a teensy bit and it isnt givin much of an advantage. Slap me if I'm wrong.
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