Archived I Ask For Tom Too Be Demoted From Mod

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Dec 25, 2012
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After all that what started all this was that he claimed i called war on auxillion and i did NOT.
What happened was that cdc attacked my members even though they told them they were friendly
but yet they didnt stop. I asked that cdc be punished for there actions and said i WOULD NOT like a war beween all of us. I guess that spewed a buntch of hate after that tom enemyed me i pm'd him asking why he said because i threatened war on aux. I did no such a thing, i told him and i also stated i do not want a war becouse i would hope the 9th would defend me if needed. Then he isnt against 9th he is agains me, then i said I AM 9th then he staid that he pretty sure that 9th isnt going too protect some sub faction. So i said ok fine nice ur a crappy mod or something like that because i know i couldn't stop him even if i wanted too and he could of been right if 9th wanted they could just protect themself they have everything they need. So i said it out of fear so i told all my members too leave and go too spawn and i do not plan on attacking tom and i DID NOT attack him at any time during this or before it. PLus I dont own a bed because i have been running around going crazy trying too protect my members and havent had time so i just typed /f home and ignored them and started working on my home like normal. then each time they attacked i talked to gwen once though out this i have no clue what her deal is with all this other then some personal stuff me her and friendlyender went through a few weeks back i even nutraled her and tryed at least 5 times in teamspeak and in pms that i was sorry but got no reply. So i just let it go but im sorry a mod doesnt attack an unarmed and without a weapon or armour for some stupid resason like that and yes i ignored him as well becouse i dont want too hear his bull. iv dealt with enough when beerando was here.
im sorry i respected tom before this not i do not he is a mod and i will fallow his rules but i wont respect him sorry again. plz punish these acts if u want look at ur logs of me and gwen and tom and what not and will and everything else i JUST WANT A SMALL RP FACTION like the banner says is a rp server with mild pvp although ive been seeeing no rp and a ton of pvp. im asking PLZ IF ANYTHING PUNISH HIM. also i have sent all the pictures that i have it may not be illagel but MODS DO NOT ACT THIS WAY. if ur a good mod and it also proves my point that 16 and below shouldnt be a mod becouse of all the stuff going on with puberty and emotions and what not so it deludes the persons judgment. I AM NOT SAYING I WOULD DO BETTER but he at least need a good talking and i want a appoligy if anything. also i will appolize for calling him a crappy mod TOM I AM SORRY FOR CALLING U A CRAPPY MOD and i mean that but think before u act everything u do is a reflection of ur empire and the other mods.

ps: sorry for the bad spelling








those are all the images that i was able too get
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You didn't use punctuation; I couldn't read it. This has nothing to do with him being a moderator. He is a perfectly fine moderator: this is about him being a leader, emperor, of a faction. Now, if he used any moderator abilities like invisibility, godmode, or creative, he should be demoted, but if he killed you with any normal weapon in normal PvP (I understand this is a raid), he doesn't need to be demoted, even from leadership.
It sounds a lot like you're one of the jerks who thinks mods can't be players, and are butthurt because you got killed a few times. Did he use ANY kind of moderator power in his raid? If not then he can be treated as a normal player, and he did not break any normal player rules.
I did change (add) punctuation from this thread, although I did not change any content. Sorry, but it had to be. First I couldn't read it, now semi.

What you state is a normal player against player situation, nothing illegal at all. How would you react if someone, without good reasoning, would question what you did a good job in for a long time? You would get angry, I know it.

This is how it works, pvp is enabled, pvp is a big part of the RP (to be honest a very big part) on this server. His behaviour doesn't state anything about him being a moderator. Nothing at all.
May I interject? Well I'm going to interject anyway:

I did not spawn kill you. At all.
If I recall correctly, I killed you 4-5 times. Non of which could count as spawn killing.
You see, you did not have a bed, so, when killed, you respawn at /spawn or the spawn of that world (In this case, Ithania.)
So, in order to return to your base, you need to /f home. This means that you were alive for 10+ seconds before I even saw you again. Also, I might add, I allowed you to run around or stand still for a good 20 seconds before I attacked you again. In no way was this spawn killing.

Also, I might add, that killing someone 4-5 times in the space of 10-20 is not harassment. Raiding someone, non-stop, for a few days is classed as harassment. (OctoberGwen can confirm that she asked 2 moderators, Severek and BigBellyBuddah, what is defined as harassment and that was the answer provided). In no part of this attack did I use a single 'mod' command. Would you like me to go through how I got to you?

I /f home'd, ran down to my portal room. Went through the Osai portal and ran the 2.5k block gap between Osai and Wolfhound to get to you. I then enderpearled into your base and killed you and your member. I continued to stay for 10-20 minutes, killing you and your member, along with an ally of yours, until you /ignore'd Gwen and left.

Also, attached are the messages you sent me at the beginning of the attack:

I also urge my fellow staff members (Mod+) to investigate the HE Tool Logs to prove my innocence.

What I am seeing from this post is that Moderators are not allowed to play the game as normal players. This is what I'm seeing. Every time Moderators attempt to play the game as a normal player (Not using moderator commands) we get called on for abuse and/or demotion.

If the Admins feel there is enough proof here, which there isn't, then I will gladly accept the demotion. However, I feel this post to be unjust and full of rage because you didn't understand the rules.

Also, in case you didn't know, someone does not need a reason to attack, maim or kill you. However, my reason for killing you was sufficient. You told me that I was a 'Crappy mod' even though, in my eyes, I've poured nothing but time, resources and energy into this 'job'. Please remember that this is not paid work. I am volunteering to do what I am doing, and, if I must say so myself, I'm doing a pretty decent job. I am entitled to play the game just as a regular player. After working hard for 7+ months on end, day to day, working to assist you and other players, being called a crappy mod, isn't going to make me happy. So, I came. I killed you. I left.

Analogy: If someone works in a store, does that mean they cannot shop there?

EDIT: Also, concerning OctoberGwen: She came on her own accord and attempted to reason with you. When you were not having any of it, you /ignore'd her which made her attack you. If you want the reason for Gwens appearance I'm sure she'd be glad to tell you. If not, here is a summary:

Slingdancer, a few weeks back, threatened to kill OctoberGwen, and threatened to take her as his 'dark queen' or something along those lines. Scared for her life, Gwen accompanied Thomas to the land of Wolfhound and stood on the wall as Thomas attacked village. She then, when the chance arose, fired an arrow which pierced Slingdancers skin and embedded itself in his skull, leaving him lifeless.
Let me translate.

After all that what started all this was that he claimed i called war on auxillion and i did NOT.

shadowhunter said:
What happened was that cdc attacked my members even though they told them they were friendly. They didnt stop so i asked that cdc be punished for there actions and said i WOULD NOT like a war between all of us. I guess that spewed a bunch of hate. After that Tom enemied me. I pmed him asking why. He said because i threatened war on aux. I did no such thing. I told him and I also stated I do not want a war because I would hope 9th would defend me if needed then he isn't against 9th he is against me. I then said I AM 9th then he staid that he pretty sure that 9th isnt going too protect some sub faction. So i said "ok. fine. nice. Your a crappy mod or something like that because i know i couldn't stop him even if i wanted too. He could of been right. If 9th wanted they could just protect themselves. They have everything they need. So i said it out of fear. I told all my members too leave and go too spawn. I do not plan on attacking tom and i DID NOT attack him at any time during this or before it. I dont own a bed because i have been running around going crazy trying too protect my members and havent had time. So i just typed /f home and ignored them and started working on my home like normal then each time they (Tom and Gwen) attacked. I talked to Gwen once through out this. I have no clue what her deal is with all this. Other then some personal stuff me her and friendlyender went through a few weeks back. I even neutraled her and tried at least 5 times in teamspeak and in pms that i was sorry but got no reply so i just let it go. I'm sorry a mod doesn't attack a unarmed and without a weapon or armour for some stupid reason like that. Yes i ignored him as well because i dont want too hear his bull iv dealt with enough when beerando was here. I'm sorry. I respected tom before this now i do not. He is a mod and i will follow his rules but i wont respect him. Sorry again Please punish these acts. If u want look at your logs of me and gwen and tom and what not and will and everything else. I JUST WANT A SMALL RP FACTION like the banner says. It is a rp server with mild pvp although I've been seeing no rp and a ton of pvp. Im asking PLEASE IF ANYTHING PUNISH HIM. Also i have sent all the pictures that i have. it may not be illegal but MODS DO NOT ACT THIS WAY. If you're a good mod. It also proves my point that 16 and below shouldn't be a mod because of all the stuff going on with puberty and emotions and what not so it deludes the persons judgment. I AM NOT SAYING I WOULD DO BETTER but he at least need a good talking. I want a apology if anything also i will apologize for calling him a crappy mod. TOM I AM SORRY FOR CALLING YOU A CRAPPY MOD and i mean that but think before you act. Everything you do is a reflection of your empire and the other mods.
first of im not but hurt, second i do agree he should be able too play as a player and third smart way of doing it tom just so u wouldnt called out of spawn killing like u said. i had too ether 1 run from ithians spawn or to do /f home also like u stated. you waited too kill me in my eyes thats just a smart way of gettting around spawn and all the smart ass comments everyone is say im pretty sure all of yall have ether 1 have been part of auxillion or 2 are in the auxillion so sorry but i know most of yall are all friends. i point out whats a freind going too do if another freind is being proved wrong they are going too stick up for them also i thought the mods would side with tom anyways. HE IS A MOD U KNOW so who they going too belive a player that is doing there own thing or a MOD that has power and could end up making the who team look bad and that isnt a good thing for the team too. it looks bad becouse if the team looks bad then pplz will challenge what they do more. i personally think 1 gwen i want nothing too do with u every since u joined aux u went down hill same with tom. i used too be in aux remember tom i liked u at one time and i thought also at one time we were freinds but since u have gotten this whole stupid empire crap u have become a jerk, thinking u can push anyone around becouse ur a mod. i bleive too becouse u own a crap ton of allys that will attack anyone u command, so go ahead kill me. Do all u want, but i an apolizing for my actions i know what i did and i know in my mind that what u did is wrong wetherr anyone belives mefg.
shadowhunter, I strongly advise you to calm down before you post more text. Your text is hard to understand, try to keep it structured.

Also, read the rules again. Can you find anything in there which speaks in favor of you? If so, go through it calmy.
Rules - MassiveCraft
I see no reason for Tom to be demoted, this is a silly case.

And please ask your teacher about .... and ,,,,, It would really help you in the future :-)
That statement is amazingly incorrect.
I waited 20 seconds before killing you so it wouldn't be spawn camping, that is not a smart way of getting around it. That is me playing by the rules. I wanted to kill you, so I respected the rules and waited until it was not spawn camping to kill you.

I may also say that the Auxillian Empire was around a long time before you even started the server.

One thing I will say here is that in no way do I push people around. I am a moderator to help people. But, I am also a player. The team does not look bad for allowing a player to play the game. In fact, OctoberGwen, Illogicalleaf and Eyebrows are not in Auxillian. Oh and Ulu is your leader. The head of 9thLegion.

People are not sticking up for me because I'm a moderator. These people have seen the evidence, heard both stories and come up with a statement which best reflects the image they received from the situation. I will state again, I did not use any moderator powers during this attack, nor did I break any rules. The attack was initiated because you insulted me and stated that I was a 'crappy mod'. This got me angry as I have done nothing but spend time working on the server for players. (As mentioned in my previous post).

Also, I do not have a 'crap ton' of allies. I have a few small allies which did not help me during this attack. I came alone. OctoberGwen, Lady of Osai, arrived at a different time and attacked because of a previous incident both you and her had.

i thought the mods would side with tom anyways. HE IS A MOD U KNOW so who they going too belive a player that is doing there own thing or a MOD that has power and could end up making the who team look bad
Incorrect statement is amazingly incorrect. If I broke a rule, If I did something wrong, my fellow team members would call me out on it and punish me. Ulu saw the evidence presented to him and made a judgement off of that evidence. Please do not accuse myself and other staff members of favoritism and abuse when there is 0 evidence to support that claim.
its fine tom sorry that it ended like this im sorry we turned into enemys instead of freinds also gwen same for u u know we all used too get along just fine and i thought we were friends and.... i guess we kinda were. i am also sorry there was miss understanding at this point do yalls on thing im leaving massivecraft becouse of personal reasons only thing i ask is plz help my old member of wolfhound find a new home they are so loyal i hate too leave them but... i have too for now and probley forever i used too get on massive for fun and too get away from real life issues now i the fun is gone has been for a while i already was going too leave untell my members paid for prem becouse they wanted me to stay i had already stated a few times i wanted too leave ask will4will4 i am very sad this has turned to this but i wish yall all the best and a very fun future i hope. i dont know what more too say except goodbye and ill miss the good times we had as friends all of yall

also this is not becouse im angery any more its becouse im letting real life effect me in game when i should be able too keep it serprate
also this is not because I'm angry any more its because I'm letting real life effect me in game when i should be able too keep it serprate
This, my friends, is the best statement I heard for a long time......"reflecting" real-life problems into a game can end up horrible for all sides, the same vice versa. If you feel it happens, face the problems in real-life. Shut down the computer is a good start.
(althought this sounds quite negativ to me, it isn't ment that way)
This is NOT the first time in a few days you have attacked my fellow Moderators and Trusted for unvalid reasons. I have had several reports.
After your apology the last time i thought you where going to behave youself and now i get this? Your disrespect towards the team is unacceptable. You should go and reflect on your problems outside the game and leave it there. I don't want to see anymore of this from you.

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