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Humble Greetings From The Three Shots Brigade


arf :3
Nov 6, 2020
Reaction score
Several flyers went up overnight in the Holy City, depicting a sketch of a beaten individual slumped against a wall, dressed in aristocratic garb. Below it, a message is written.

To those most privileged,

Oh, how blissful to sit in one's lavish house, to host grand parties while servants flood plate and cup, to casually throw away more Regals in a day than the masses earn in a week. You build a machine of greed that binds the rest of us in modern day chains. Regalia never outlawed slavery. It was simply rebranded.

The masses might be tempted to dwell on what that sort of life is like, but we are born into a harsh, unforgiving reality: The only choice given to the poor-born bastard is to be a cog begging to make a break, or be cast aside as waste -- for what use is a living, breathing person if not for the value of their labor or ability to oppress with blade and bullet? We have no escape, no reprieve, for your hands never cease to want. You grab, and grab, and grab, wringing every ounce of dignity and freedom from us, so that you may build your houses taller, fill your coffers fuller, and say your names louder, reaping every benefit those above you bestow so you can keep the masses in line without true regard. You do this, ignoring those among us who pour sweat and blood out for basic needs to survive, while there are those among you who mock us for daring to be poor, all without a single thought of empathy. This system is created to oppress and keep the likes of us down, consolidating wealth that will never see the masses. And even that is not enough, for your greed does not just linger in the city nor Regalia as a whole, instead plaguing every nation you let your hands touch. Your sins, domestic and abroad, have not gone ignored.

So, we say: Let the people rise. Let the people prosper. Let the people take power. Let the people taste true freedom and representation. Let the people have revenge.

Thus, we begin. Starting from the bottom.

House Kymiin

Guilty of aiding in arming the Regalian War Machine and the nobles that wage its wars, and profiteering from death.

Let our visit be a reminder of the monster you are.
For the rest, let this be your warning. Put your Regals where your morals are, or expect a visit. Rest assured that you will not be put to rest in whatever afterlife you expect, but you will certainly wish you had once we are finished.

Yours truly,
The Three Shots Brigade


Crime. Ya want crime? We got crime. Crime R Us. 1-800-CRIME. Just your friendly neighborhood crime.

If you would like to set up something, please let me know!

Tags: @SmolCreacher
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A Fin'ullen reads over a copy, humming considering the words, "Jacobins perhaps? For all their talk of the people rising. Their first target is perhaps the least grandiose of the peers, the crime of arming the 'Regalian War Machine' if that's a crime then this brigade will have to aim their shots at every commoner blacksmith, military academy, and common soldier and sailor next.

The Noble armies are gone, the individual Houses no longer bear the swords to drown each other in blood. That integration was thanks to the Imperial Family, there is no crime in arming the defense of Hadar from Sendrassians from ensuring Guards and Knights armed well enough to keep Order and Law. They spit in the face of the honored souls and living personnel by condemning the House which provided the armor and weapons needed to not just to kill but to survive.

There are far greater monsters."

He wites up a small note and sends it to thw Countirh.

I will stand beside you Countirh, as we both stand beside Regalia. Call on me when able.

A small note is tacked on to the end of the original paper. Easily overlooked, it easily attached; it was an invitation for someone to take the note off once they've read it.

We should meet, I think you would make a good friend

((Im really sorry but I cant read this font. Just letting you know))

((Edit: Thank you for changing it!))
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