Preserved Sheet Hugh Rumar Kearney

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Aug 21, 2014
Reaction score

@Chiruda thank u for the art fam

"Being badarse is not an act, it's a profession."

Basic Information

"Being bad is not an act, it's a profession." - Me.

  • Hugh Rumar Kearney is a twenty-three year old male Ailor/Qadir.
  • Hugh was born on January 1st, 278 ac to his mother in New Cerdia.

○ Alenaushe Kearney (Alive, Fourty-Two) Father

○ Casandra Polina (Unknown, thirty-six) Mother

  • Hugh lives with his father and siblings at Naushe's home.
  • There was never anyone to make proud during his childhood, not even his mother, so he strides to make Naushe proud, and the only way to do that, in his point of view, is to become a guard just like him. He also wants to attain a spot in the Violet Order and hopefully earn a title through his work. To insure this will happen, he makes certain connections with people that he'd normally stay away from. By becoming a guard of sorts, basically anything better than a Houseguard, he'll help the people as much as he can; vigilantism is illegal, so he can't do much now. He'd just love to be called Ser Kearney, and that is his main goal.

Visual Information

Body Description

  • Hugh stands taller than his father, being five foot eleven inches and weighing in at 223 lbs. He isn't fat, instead he's very muscular. To maintain the large amount of muscle, he has to constantly exercise, and does so everyday. Sometimes more than once. Hugh's body type is mesomorph, and as most mesomorphs are, he has a lot muscle spread equally throughout his body. All of his muscles are well-defined, and where his fat lies, mainly his calves, it's almost unnoticeable. After a rather short time in Regalia, Hugh has acquired several different physical disabilities:
Badly wounded side: After wandering into the sewers moronically, he was brought into the Kindred's hideout at knife-point. There were a group of five of them, and he tried to speak with one, Robin, and was tackled by some vicious puppet. Soon enough, the puppet slid two blades three inches deep into each side. Luckily, he wasn't killed.

Bad left knee: During his early childhood, he fell off of a roof, ultimately breaking his left knee. His mother never had a lot of money, so they simply made a makeshift splint; however, it didn't heal correctly- he needed real medical attention.

  • Being related to his father, and having a slight tan, Hugh scores a 24 on the skin chart. Like the bullet points above, I'm going to put the rest of the skin-related things in that form.

○ Two on each of his sides, just below the ribs.

○ One long slash upon his chest, from a blade of sorts.

○ One short, claw-like scar on his stomach.

○ Multiple whip-like scars on his back.

○ One long, slash-like scar on his leg.


○ A band wrapped around his bicep with his Family's name written into it: On his right bicep, his dominant arm, a band wraps around it. It's rather simple, not too much effort put into the tattoo; however, it's not lame, either. He had the tattoo done so that when he met his father, he could learn his last name. After his father left, and because his mother was a whore, he never knew his last name; that being one of his goals- to learn his last name. Upon finding his father and learning the name, he tattooed his surname, Kearney, into it.

○ A creature wrapped around his body: Starting from his chest, and then ending in his abs, a snake-like creature wraps itself around his body. Being made from his father, it's actually pretty well-drawn. At the start of the tattoo, the snake looks as if it's biting into him, though it slowly slithers down his chest, wrapping around his back, and then finally showing its face again around his belly-button. Close to the end, the head of the beast changes, this time a sword dripping in venom. The meaning behind the tattoo is very simple, really. At the start, it shows the snake killing you, taking your life- people-, and by the end of the tattoo, it shows that if you want to get anywhere; you're going to need to be that snake, and take what you want.

  • Hugh has some hair, most of it residing in his chest, however. A light brown dusts his arms and his legs.
Head Description

  • Hugh's face is diamond shaped, and his nose is short, eyes are small and his chin is rather stubbed, too. Also, he has a widow's peak. His forehead is of the average length and wideness. Both of his ears are slightly bigger than usual. If you want to see what he actually looks like, because honestly I can't describe faces, look up David Gandy.
  • Hugh's eyes are the color amber, topped off with thick brows. He can be seen as intimate or serious most of the time, but once in conversation he has the brightest smile.
  • Hugh keeps his hair short and manageable. It's cut down on the sides, combed over to the left so that a 'line' can be seen running through his head. During the morning it's usually messy, however, in the day time he likes to keep himself presentable- in case of business opportunities. He doesn't have any facial hair, shaving almost every day; though, at his worst he'll be seen with a very, very light stubble running up the sides of his face to his lush brown hair. The stubble would be cut around his neck and chin so that it's kept clean.
  • The only thing on his face that could be put here is a scar that runs along his left cheek.
Clothing and Accessories

  • Hugh doesn't really change up his clothes all too often. And if he does, it's because something happened or is happening. He wears a clean, crisp shirt tailored shirt underneath a teal tailored vest, some nice tailored pants and leather boots with steel clasps on the tongue of the boot. A belt is slapped around his waist and holds the following items; a golden pouch on the front and a leather purse near his rear end.
  • He doesn't wear any jewelry at all; tattoos are jewelry to him. However, after the execution of Vincent, he now wears a silver chained necklace with a stork symbol of the Ivraes and the Imperial Spirit. It was Vincent's, and in his will it was given to Hugh. The necklace means a lot to Hugh, and he'd die if it was stolen- mentally, of course.
Behavior Information

Personality Traits

  • Tense: After all of the issues and kidnappings in his life, he is never sure of an area. Don't jump out at him, don't yell abruptly because all of those things tend to scare him. It's not that noticeable, however. He just doesn't tend to do all that good at places alone, Hugh needs someone with him at all times. You could call him cautious. Hugh doesn't like going to places without a say in it, or if it's a surprise; he doesn't like surprises. All he wants is to know what's going on, and who's going to be there.
  • Liberal: After being mistreated in his own home and the Pits, all Hugh wants is equality. However, he knows that it will never happen. Since he's constantly made fun of for his skin tone, he just wants others to be treated fairly, which isn't all too much to ask for. If it's his decision, he'll choose to benefit all, not just some. Hugh basically wants everyone to be treated fairly, and is that too much to ask for? He'll intervene if he sees something wrong usually.
  • Independent: Even though he likes people with him at social events, he likes to be independent. Hugh wants to work his way up to the top by himself- no help at all. Even if he's drowning he won't call for help, he can do it on his own. Some can see this as a positive trait, but in his case, it's negative. It's not that he doesn't want the help, he just can't ask for it. Hugh just would rather do things himself than have someone help him in any way. Granted he does like to talk to people, he just doesn't want their help. If he's gotten this far on his own, he can go anywhere on his own is the attitude he's got.
  • Hot-Headed: It doesn't matter what you say to him, he'll still beat the void out of you if you mess with him. You can call him short-tempered. I guess he gets it from his father. He knows that he can get really angry really fast, but honestly he can't control it. Like put a tiger in a cage with a crocodile and they'll fight. It's like that, just anger for no reason. Hugh just gets angry really quick. For example, if you insult Hugh, you better expect a fight or an argument.
  • Sensitive: Even though he might front that he's the most confident man in the world, he's pretty sensitive. You can break him down through words quite easily. It'll last a day at most, but a lot of things can hurt him very easily. He'll make little issues into big ones. No idea how he got this way, probably from all of the discrimination throughout his entire life. Hugh just takes criticism very heavily, and it can bring him down for a while.
  • Strong-Willed: Since he's determined, he's strong-willed. Nothing can stop this man, however, he can be slowed down by words (AKA: Sensitivity.) Once he's got his eyes on the prize, he'll get that prize- even if it kills him. If Hugh found his father practically two worlds away, he can do anything. He just won't stop until he gets what he wants. You can push Hugh to his limits and he won't stop, only because he has an attitude of never giving up. He read up a book about warriors, and from what he did read, it said that "... he should never give up, and even though life hits hard, you can hit harder."
  • Charismatic: All he wants to do is gain the people's favor and make friends, so he's quite the fun person to talk to. He'll joke around with you, flirt with you, and do just about anything to gain your favor. People sometimes see him as Charismatic or obnoxious, it all depends on the person. He's read enough books to know how to act in public, like a gentleman. Hugh uses this to his advantage sometimes, usually earning someone's favor rather quickly. Most of the time he'll use jokes or just tell interesting stories.
  • Obnoxious: After a while he can start to be obnoxious. He'll use the same jokes over and over, or he'll just get too dang loud. He's basically an attention-whore. Without attention he starts to get tense, and then that leads on to bad things. So, he'll add jokes and get rowdy with you at the Tavern. Guess you'll just have to get used to him being the center of attention. Hugh needs attention or else he won't be pleased with himself, and he'll think no one likes him. The tavern is his favorite spot because he can easily get the attention he craves.

  • Drinking: Nothing is better than a nice bottle of ale. It doesn't matter what time of the day it is, because if there's ale, you better bet Hugh will be there! He uses drinking as a way out of reality, something to take away the pain. Every since he first tried alcohol with a good friend he's never been the same. However, sometimes he'll drink too much and end up in jail for disrupting the peace, so now he tends to set limits.
  • Adventures: Getting out of Regalia to explore is always fun, and even being in the city is great. Just about anything will work for him. If it's different than his usual routine, he'll love it. Exploring the world and its culture is interesting to him, especially stuff about the Qadir.
  • Singing: Ever since he was a little boy Hugh has sang. His mother sang to him and he eventually sang back. In fact, he's not half bad. Singing is just something that is fun, therefore he likes to do it. Although, he refuses to sing in front of his father because, well, that's just weird to him.
  • Dancing: Hugh has been taught several different dance techniques, and this is one of his ways to reel in the fish. Just like the singing, his mother taught him how to dance too, though some of the dances he does he learned through females. If you get him drunk enough he'll dance for you, maybe even sing.
  • Family gatherings. Hugh is a very family-oriented guy, and loves it when his family gets together, which they rarely do sadly enough. It's a time of reconnection, and Hugh really hasn't had all that much time with his family growing up. He refuses to meet his mother'a side of the family, so he just knows the Kearney side. There may be a lot of them, but Hugh loves each one individually. In fact, he will try to start family gatherings, always in the mood to reconnect and chat.

  • Racism: Everyone calls him out for being part Qadir, so he despises it. If he sees someone getting called out for their race, he'll usually intervene; however, if it's someone of a higher social-status, he'll just move along. He's kind of hypocritical, however. Hugh has called some people ash-wipes before.
  • Disrespect: No one likes disrespect, but Hugh has different standards. It's just not right to be disrespectful to people in his point of view, especially his family. He hates it when someone calls him out for being a Kearney, and will definitely argue till his death if someone yells at his father. Unless, of course, Naushe deserved it.
  • Meaningless Fighting: If there's no point, then why are you fighting in the first place. Pit fights, arena fights, etc… just anger him. There's no point in killing another man for sport. A life is a life, and life is precious. He's fought in pits before and that's the main reason for this hatred; they beat him constantly.
  • Recreant: Being disloyal is downright despicable. Hugh will be there with you till the end, so he expects the same out of you. If you leave him, he'll hurt you in ways you can't imagine. He's been left too many times in his life and can't handle anything like that in general.
  • Slavery. After his experience in the slave trade, he isn't really pro-slavery. Hugh is disgusted by slavery and will not acquaint himself with anyone who works on that trade; however, he has no goal of stopping it, as that'd be impossible. He will never talk about slavery, joke about slavery or anything that is about slavery. It's just one of those things he hates, and from what happened in his life, I don't blame him.
Abilities and Disabilities


  • Hugh is a fairly decent swordsman.Now, I wouldn't call him the best, because he's only had six years of training and some of it wasn't even in blades. He's been taught many, many different way to fight offensively and defensively with a long sword. All of the training he got was from basically an expert in blades, whom bought him at a slave auction and gave him his freedom. He may not be that old, but it'd be a good idea not to get in a sword fight with him.
  • Hugh is extremely determined. If his mind is set on it, he'll get it. It's that simple. When he falls he always gets back up, unless he's unable physically, of course.
  • Adaptable. It doesn't matter where he is, he'll always be able to adapt to the situation. Hugh is very capable of surviving if he has to change for the situation. After a long time in the pits and on the street, Hugh knows what to do in most situations. I'm not saying that he can survive no matter what, I'm saying that he can change himself easily.

  • Poorly healed sides. Just below each rib is an extremely sensitive area for Hugh. When struck in the side he'll go through an insane amount of pain, usually knocking him on his arse.
  • Impatient. Hugh does not like waiting for things at all. He likes to get things done right away, and when he's forced to wait he'll get quite angry. Even if it's just waiting for a drink at the Tavern.
  • Always wants to be the risky hero. All Hugh does in a fight is risk his life, sometimes jumping in to swing at weird times. If he sees any type of opening, he'll go for it. When someone needs help saving, he'll risk anything to save the said person. When he's fighting offensive he'll take risks: For example, say that someone takes a step backwards and lifts up their weapon. Now, Hugh will go in for a slice at their body, or even a punch. Hugh doesn't even need a blade in a fight necessarily, because all he wants to do is gain their favor.
  • Weak left knee. During combat his knee tends to not have much strength. If he's to rush forward too hard, he might fall. It all depends on how heavy the armor he is wearing is. Say the opponent kicks his left knee, not the right, it'll give out extremely easily. However, he has some way of countering it, using his sword as a cane, though that doesn't work all the time. This problem could one day end his life.
Combat Styles

  • Defensive two-handed long sword combat: Hugh will usually just wait for his opponent to make a move and hopefully wear him out. After the man or woman is worn out, he'll go in for the kill, but until then he'll just wait and hopefully block all attacks. With both feed spread apart and his blade facing the floor, he can usually block most incoming attacks. Hugh likes to walk around his target, too.

  • Offensive two-handed long sword combat: Hugh will attack the limbs and rush in with a barrage of swings. One at the knee, one at the hip, and finally one at the chest. The swings usually overwhelm his opponent, so he uses that to his advantage, swinging as if a demon guided his blade. His feet are still spread apart, though his blade now points in front of him.

  • Hand-to-hand: Since Hugh doesn't have a permit, he usually fights with his body. Just as before he'll wear down his opponent and then go in for the kill, however, if they're easily overwhelmed he will overwhelm them. It all depends on who he is fighting.

Weapons of Choice

Steel long sword: Ever since he was a child he enjoyed swords. Rumar taught him how to fight with a dagger and a long sword, so he tends to only use what he's good with.

Steel Dagger: Just another weapon he's good with, however, just like the last one, it doesn't matter what type of metal the blade is made out of.

Life-related things


@Npc Rumar Dovanik (Trusted Teacher)

After a long career fighting in the pits, Hugh found a teacher, Rumar. This man taught him everything he knows about fighting with a long sword or his two hands, and means a lot to him. Rumar was a father to Hugh in a sense- the first role model.

@Npc Cassandra Polina (Mother)

Hugh and his mother have a strange relationship. She was a whore and Hugh had to deal with men constantly being around the house. But other than that, he still loves her because she's his mom.

@Kelpsy Naushe Kearney (Father)

Hugh loves his father too much. He'd die for him any day of the week, However, he still has anger directed towards him; he was never there for Hugh growing up. Naushe has saved his life too many times, and Hugh owes him for that.

@PrincessJynn Ezmeralda Amaya (Lover)

Ezmeralda is in many ways Hugh's soulmate. They do everything together, and she's always there to talk to. He's pretty sure she's the mother of his child, too. Though, he doesn't know this because of personal reasons- this needs to be found out. Hugh loves this woman and would do anything, give anything to make her feel better.

(There are probably other people, but I just don't remember you guys. Sorry. </3.)

Life Story


On the first day of the year a child was welcomed to this unforgiving world. His mother held him close to her chest, and named him after her father, Hugh Polina. His father, however, had no idea he was even on this planet.

Early Years

Schooling began when he turned the age of six, the age most kids started in his area anyhow. His mother knew a man across the town from their home, and he taught Hugh all he knew about math, history, and literacy, which wasn't all too much. It's not like the man knew much, but he knew enough. Eventually Hugh was introduced to reading, something he loved as a child and gradually grew out of; too many books can do that to a person. I mean, it's not that he won't read, it's just that he won't go out of his way to read. However, Hugh hated math as much as he hated not having a father around. Although, he didn't really understand that at this age.

On a cold, crisp morning Hugh woke up, got dressed and went over to see the man. Hugh had turned ten a few months before, and was just starting to finally understand things. His teacher's hut was quiet and unlit- too quiet. And as the curious boy Hugh was, he ventured in the house cautiously. The man laid dead on the dirt floor- the community he was born in was extremely poor and full of poverty. Hugh investigated the room, searching for anything that could be useful. He didn't know the man was dead, he just thought he was sleeping. His eyes were shut thankfully, and there weren't any weird marks on his body. However, Hugh didn't touch him yet. After about an hour of investigation of the home, Hugh finally mustered up the courage to try and wake him up; he was taught not to wake anyone up from their sleep, but this was important. His teacher's cold body met the boy's hands, and at that point he knew something was wrong. Hugh screamed and ran out of the house towards his own home that was around a mile away. He finally made it home, though Hugh only came home to see his mother 'working'. All he could do was hide in his room.

Hugh was around twelve when he was raped in his own home, held down by a man. (I don't need to add more because there's no point.) His mother didn't care, however. This is what made him leave his own home at the age of twelve. All he did was pack a bag and leave in the middle of the night, and the sad thing was his mother never searched for him. But at this point, it didn't matter. Hugh stole food and slept anywhere he could, a very dull dagger stuffed into his pants. One dark night he collapsed in a courtyard and was kidnapped by a slaver of sorts; the man was just passing through town, too.

Teen Years

At the age of sixteen Hugh was introduced into the pit fights, an underground one- not something famous or anything. He walked into the pit for the first time, his arms shaking and knees weak. They didn't give him a weapon, they just told him to fight. Everything was just a blur, the other teenager ran forward and punched Hugh in the face. The ground tasted awful, Hugh now faced down on the ground. A surge of anger coursed through him, allowing for him to move once more. Hugh rolled over and pushed himself off of the ground. To sum it up, Hugh killed another human for the first time in his life. But this didn't hurt him weirdly enough, as it was either his life or the other kid's. However, after you kill it takes a piece of you that you can never get back.

Hugh fought his way up the chain until he was the champion, and at that point another man bought him at the next auction. Hugh didn't care about anything anymore, all he could do is fight and stay alive… but was he really alive? The kid lost all humanity. The man who bought Hugh was Rumar, a kind man. He paid a lot for Hugh, but it was only to get him out of there. For the first time in six years Hugh was treated with kindness. Rumar began to teach Hugh how to fight like a warrior, or how he was taught. The routine went like this: wake up, bathe, exercise, eat, read, and then practice. Hugh's humanity was gradually being restored, but he'll never be the same kid ever again.

It was Hugh's twenty-third birthday! Rumar treated him to a feast and a ride to the nearby city, gave him some regals, and left him there for the night. Hugh came across a Tavern and finally met his bestfriend, alcohol. It was at this point, too, that he finally knew that he had other talents other than fighting. These people treated him with respect weirdly enough, though there were some bad people in the flock. The next morning he woke up with the worst hangover, and could barely walk without heaving. He made his way back to Rumar's home and told the old man all about his adventure. It now occurred to him that he needed to find his father; it kind of just jumped into his thoughts one evening, too. Hugh thanked Rumar and promised him he'd eventually come back with a title, he'd be called Ser Whatever- he didn't what his surname was. The thing was Hugh didn't have a middle name, so he took Rumar's. He then set off to Regalia in search of his father, or maybe a new life.
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I am reviewing this character!
  • What title? How will he make people proud of him? What specific things will he do each and every day in-character to further his goals? Be sure to add this in his life-goals.
  • 11 traits is a bit ridiculous. I would shorten the amount to 8 (4 positive 4 negative) so you can accurately portray all eight in character. In addition, assuming you get the right amount of each, I would lengthen them to 5-6 sentences in length. Take a gander at this example of an approved application for reference.
  • Remove "quick problem solver" and come up with a different strength. That one is too generic, so think of something very unique to Hugh.
  • Not being able to use certain weapons is not a weakness, so remove that and come up with another. Again, we're looking for something specific to Hugh.
  • So he's 23. I get he did the fighting pits and is certainly skilled, but I don't know about "expert". So down his skills slightly, to balance his swordplay. Do all that and tag me when you're done @Slinkie_
Your Progress: Under Review!