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Played Character Hue

This character is actively played.


Jul 14, 2024
Reaction score
Character Information
Full Name: Hue
Heritage / Culture: Brakin
Age: 187
Gender / Pronouns: Agender, They/Them
Religion: N/A
Occult: Mage
Character Occupation: Wandering Bard/Trader

Appearance Information:
Eye Color: Left eye is Purple-Orange, and right eye is Yellow-Cyan.
Skin Color: The robotic parts are yuma in color, while the slimy parts are pink in color.
Hair: With its slimy substance, it forms a pink, messy blob of hair.
Height: 7'8
Body Type: Skinnier but taller than average.
Additional Features: There is a decently sized crack on the left side on their face.

Skill Information:
Hobbies and Talents: Potion crafting, wandering mindlessly and eating every material they see (within reason)
  • Hue has permanent night vision, not requiring any light source to see perfectly in natural darkness.
  • Hue do not need to breathe, eat, drink, or sleep. They cannot be poisoned, nor can they become ill, but they can be affected by Magic Diseases.
  • Hue, when killed, turn into an orb-shaped mass or small cube. It will auto-revive them after 72 Hours, or immediately with 1 Divinium or Artifactspark.
  • Hue has a strong attraction against lightning compared to everything around them. Instead of being damaged by struck lightning, they get stronger and faster for each application (2 attack and +2 blocks, for a maximum of +6 attack and +6 blocks)
Languages: Common, Brix, Agasi (learning)

Hue's story isn't particularly known. Not only that, they had no idea. Due to their own lack of knowledge, Hue chooses to spend their life wandering for purpose and to learn about everything and anything, no matter the risk. Planning to trade and entertain for a living, they might choose to forget what they were and to start anew.

There's only one person through their travels that they've found themselves more comfortable with, and maybe one day they'll speak up about their past.

... if they ever get to remember it ever again.

Combat Proficiencies and Abilities
Attack Stat: 3
Defense Stat: 5
[13/14 points spent]
Proficiency Points:
Strength: 0
Constitution: 0
Intelligence: 4
  • Tech Exchange
  • Tech Assimilate
  • Tech Exhaust
  • Hook Shot
Wisdom: 5
  • Chem Bolts
  • Chem Hyperfocus
  • Chem Cleanse
  • Chem Bloodboil
  • Chem Berserk
Dexterity: 4
  • Sharp Reflexes
  • Dirty Fighter
  • Escape Artist
  • Cutthroat Target
Faith: 0
Magic: 0
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