Preserved Sheet Hróðmarr Velam

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Jun 14, 2019
Reaction score
Name: Hróðmarr Velam
Nickname: Jack
Sexuality: Attack helicopter
Age: 52
Race: Altalar
Preferred Weapon: Longbow
52 PP from age
  • +30 bow
  • +10 blade
  • +12 Athletic traning
30+20+(12 x 2)= 64 Physical Stat
  • Common (learned in child hood)
  • Modern Altalar (learned in child hood)
Special Traits/Spells/Mutations
  • Ring of Power of Ellea
Visual Information

    • Eye Color: Hot pink
    • Hair Color: Blond
    • Hair Style: Unstyled
    • Skin Color: #FDEBD0
    • Clothing: Hooded In black only eyes showing
    • Height: 6'1

    • Choose your Character Alignment
      • chaotic lawful
    • Choose your Character Personality Type
    • INTJ
    • Choose your Character's Religion
      • Faith of Estel 5/10
Life Story

Hróðmarr Velam Dosent remember much until the age of 7. Being born in the capital he Picked up common extremely quickly and was taught Modern Altalar
by his parents. Being home schooled he was extremely anti social. He joined the army and was honorably discharged at the age of 30. He then Became a bounty hunter due to him haveing the skills and training to do so and still hunts down wanted people and vampires to this day.
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Hello! I'll be claiming this application for a review!
Alright, I'm sorry for the wait but it's review time!
  • Please specify which type of bow and blade he has in his proficiency points!
  • You need to pick a single preferred weapon, please!
  • Altalar have proficiency boosts listed on the wiki, feel free to add those! Also, do pick an Altalar Ring!
  • If you're listing your character as non-religious you need to list why!
  • Altalar cannot have yellow eyes unless they are a Silven, which is a special permission!
  • Your life story is quite lacking, while I understand that he does not have memory before age seven you should still expand on his life! Why did he learn his skills? Why was he discharged so young? Why did he become a bounty hunter?
Overall while this application has promise, I feel the overall work to make this character properly compliant and more fleshed out would warrant a rewrite! I will be Rejecting this application, but don't worry, feel free to re-apply with the edits above completed! Thank you for your time!
Edits Made need re review
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