How Would Your Character React To....(2)


Plotting Somthing Sinister
Jul 9, 2016
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Another one of these from the not well know Buckwheat2003.Let me know if you want more and I take suggestions.

1.) Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae

2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer. (Edited a bit but suggested by @cpt_manta_ray )

3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.

4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword

5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves
1. Why am I in a dark alley to begin with?
2. Why am I in the sewers?
3. Actually had this encounter. Gave one a beer and they paid for it. The end.
4. Racist Alt-Regalian with an Arming Sword. Their turn to attack.
5. free flower. odd fellow.
1.) Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae
Dante: ignore
2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer.
Dante: ignore
3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.
Dante: ignore
4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword
Dante: ignore
5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves
Dante: .... smoke the flowers
All reactions are in Alvah's perspective

1. Why am I even in a dark ally? Like, I get I'm in the sewers half the time, but I just don't go into an ally.

2. *checks pockets* Yeah no... I'm not that rich...

3. *gets forced to mate with it* @GoldiTheKamikaze

4. Racist Cielothar with a cane.

5. *sticks flowers in hair when no one is looking* I'm so pretty!
gonna do this w/ Zëlindae
Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae
"aren't tigrans supposed to be slaves"
and confusion
while she Ghost grips up a wall or something to get away
A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer.
isn't that dude already a char
3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.
Rashaq are great tho. Zëlindae loves Rashaq.
Racist Yanar with a broadsword
Semi-Racist Saivalthar with a kitchen knife and Ghost Grip???
A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves
"oh. okay."
1. Syrum would yell: "Hey Verdian!" Out to the entrance of the alley and hopefully the two Tigran were stupid enough to look that way as he ran out the other exit.
2. Syrum usually doesn't go into the sewers.
3. Watch the fight commence.
4. Excuse me? In daylight? Oh okay, Syrum would say in response: "I hope you're allowed to carry that in public!" While walking off.
5. Mutters something about gay people while setting the flowers down somewhere no-one was at the moment and leaves.
1.) Val would probably be all for it. She's not all that smart. Varaan would probably have it fed to her because she'd get beaten up trying to beat them up. (They're both not very smart)

2.) Val wouldn't buy anything, she doesn't have the money. Varaan would waltz on by and give him a rude nickname.

3.) Val would take one and make it into a doll against their will. Varaan is a Rashaq, so she'd join the fight for the other Rashaq.

4.) Val would just take it, given she looks eerily similar to a Shendar. Varaan would (again) try and fight them.

5.) Val would 'plant' them and give them yucky sewer water in the hopes that they'll grow. Varaan would crumple them up.
1.) Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae
Saeunn: Put them to sleep with violin and force-feed it to them.
Eunice: Claw them. Scratch them. Bite them.
2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer.
Saeunn: Ignore.
Eunice: Befriend them!
3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.
Saeunn: Put that little rat to sleep and toss it in a canal, preferably while tied to a boulder or two.
Eunice: Befriend them! Or eat them. Or both.
4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword
Saeunn: Make a salad.
Eunice: Claw. Scratch. Bite. Repeat.
5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves
Saeunn: Track down the man, tie him up, and shove the flowers down his throat until he chokes on them.
Eunice: Yay! Pretty flowers! Also befriend and subsequently drain the flower man if and when she meets him again!
1.) Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae
Limba would ponder the morality of this and likely just give into the mold if he found it moral. Peni would beat the literal brains out of their cat heads. Ho'ohui would try to convert the heretics to nessaria
2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer. (Edited a bit but suggested by @cpt_manta_ray )
Limba would buy them all off of the man and dump them in the deepest of the sewers. Ho'ohui would try to convert the heretics to nessaria. Peni would buy some wepons cuz wha noh
3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.
Limba would try to befriend and help the rashaq. Ho'ohui would try to convert the heretics to nessaria. Peni would swim away...
4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword
Limba would likely do the same thing with the rashaq and try to understand why the yanar feels this way and possibly try to change his opinions. Ho'ohui would try to convert the heretics to nessaria. Peni would have a "neat" talk with the man.
5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves
Limba would take it as a gift and secretly want to slit his own throat with the thorns. Ho'ohui would try to convert the heretics to nessaria
Peni would either snort and/or swallow the flower.
1.) Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae

Hahano, they'll learn why people don't mess with the Ford.

2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer.

Look through his wares and pick the decent ones, haggle the price and buy them.

3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.

What? They're not doing anything so there's nothing to be done.

4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword

Probably tell it to go bug someone else and come back when it's not trying to commit a crusade.

5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves

Thank him, smell the flower, then tuck it on an ear because people gotta be fabulous sometimes.
1.) Two tigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae.
Gllo'jjiëa: Would be surrounded by a group of bloodthirsty Shendar, sooo...
Ke'wince: Is a plant, so would cry.

2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer.
Gllo'jjiëa: Steal.
Ke'wince: Doesn't use such weapons.

3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.
Gllo'jjiëa: Up next for the punt, we have Gllo'jjiëa Amajo'liëa.
Ke'wince: Run.

4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword.
Gllo'jjiëa: Next chef, Gllo'jjiëa Amajo'liëa with her famous salad!
Ke'wince: Would Cry...again.

5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves
Gllo'jjiëa: Shove it in his mouth.
Ke'wince: Put it in his pouch.
I'll answer these as Grükhgr Truggsbane

1.) Two "trigrans" (guessing they're actually Tigrans) confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae


2.) A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer.
Probably buy weapons from them, if they're good quality? I don't see why having one ear, or being a Dwarf, has any impact on that.

3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.


4.) Racist Yanar with a broadsword
Well, if they're being racist towards Orcs, you already know the gif.

5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves
Probably just drop them.
1.) Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae

2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer. (Edited a bit but suggested by @cpt_manta_ray
Depending on how good the weapons are id probably buy one

3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.

4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword


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  1. Execute them.
  2. Execute them.
  3. Execute them.
  4. Execute them.
  5. Execute them.
It's good to be the king.​
1.) Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae
Keanu runs away
2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer. (Edited a bit but suggested by @cpt_manta_ray )
Keanu runs away
3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say.
Keanu runs away
4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword
Keanu runs away
5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves
Gladly accepts the flowers, then runs away
1) fjola considers this a salad to the main course and also eats the tigran depending on their gender
2) fjola beats up the dwarf and kicks his weapons into the sewage
3) makes concerned noises that just come out as the letter "E" drawn out
4) fjola also considers this a salad
5) *blushes in novilyud*
1.) Two trigrans confront you in a dark alley and try to force feed you a strange green algae. The sapper grins, and flicks a vial. Caustic vapours aloft when it shattered, a sparking filament. Bang.

2.)A grumpy dwarf that has one ear sells weapons in the sewer. (Edited a bit but suggested by @cpt_manta_ray ) "..ohshite..BLACKFIS'...t'ouh y' were a carrion mass!" a once saddened sapper yet glows with joy, a rare feeling in his nature.

3.) Rashaq. That's all I need to really say. Rerik now has a Ra'shaq on his shoulder.

4.)Racist Yanar with a broadsword. A shared smoke, a gargled tale of depths and fire, waves and cracked iron. New Yanar friend.

5.) A man in a red vest gives you a purple flowers for no reason and leaves. This actually happened to some degree. Rerik poultices flowers.
1. Leave
2. Leaves, has his own weapon anyway
3. Ignore, unless it attacks him. In that case, he would give the Rashaq three warnings before stabbing it.
4. Say hi
5. Say thanks and give the flower to his wife afterwards.