How We Can Help Our Server.

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Consistently Inconsistent
Jan 15, 2013
Reaction score
Western Pennsylvania

All the little things you do added together, will make a huge impact.
  • Obviously the first thing people can do is to donate, but like me many people do not have the money or their parents won't allow them to donate. Donating is what keeps the server alive and running and what keeps Cayrion and the admins having to find other jobs.
  • Help out people. This may seem strange to include but if people just answer question in the help chat ,no matter how nooby, it will let the admins devote more time into trying to help the server over all.
  • Include suggestions on how to help the server down below ;)


There are many reasons why players are leaving the server, so I will only talk about a few of the reasons.

1. Players are bored. Most people will know what I am talking about here, so many of the players don't know what to do with themselves so they just leave.
How we can fix this:
Switch up your routine. If you are bored on this server than you have obviously not explored all the possibilities. If you RP a lot than maybe try PVP or vice versa. If you are part of a giant empire and you feel like a peasant, you can either start your own faction or you can try and join a smaller faction. (there are always factions looking for members) Tired of being a warrior? Switch it up and become a simple farmer.
2. Players do not like the new premium because of EULA. Now listen I understand why people are mad, committed premiums feel like they are getting ripped off. I really do not have much of an answer for this but only to say that The only thing consistent is change.


Tired of being a dirt poor farmer? Well become a merchant. Why? well because in my mind it still stays closer to agriculture than being a bloodthirsty vampire warrior.

Sick of pulling arrows out of your knees? Become and Architect! There are many different kinds of architects so if you still want to stay a little bit in war that you can be a war mechanic.

Is fishing getting on your nerves? Become an Explorer! There are so many sights that you will be able to see other than your dirt fishing hut.

Are you sick of those horrible RP'rs? lure them out into the wild and slay them! Or you could be a RP teacher and help them learn how to RP like a master.

Annoyed with yourself for being a bandit? Well there are so many wars on this server that almost all of them need warriors.

Hope this helped! :)


First off I would like to thank ALL the admins and moderators and Cayrion, for doing such an amazing job with this server. You guys have created memories!

Next I would like to thank All those people out there who didn't but gave me motivation to write this!

And lastly I would like to thank Magnaimus, Now many of you people are probably screaming at me how they have been horrible people and such, But think about it it brought factions together it forced people to help each other. It gave people on the server a purpose and made them fell important so really they gave self esteem.

Ok this is the last thing. I would Like to give a shout out to Valyria for being one of the first Empires who started the idea of world domination!

I hope this helped out some people. Have a nice day :)
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EULA came in and stopped premiums from being premiums.

Players do not like the new premium because of EULA. Now listen I understand why people are mad, committed premiums feel like they are getting ripped off.

You do realize that, now, the premium package actually has more features than it ever did in the past? It's the old package, but has been buffed out.

Unless you were specifically referring to the 1 month temporary alteration of the premium package, these quotes I pulled from you just make me think that you may have missed this post:
You do realize that, now, the premium package actually has more features than it ever did in the past? It's the old package, but has been buffed out.

Unless you were specifically referring to the 1 month temporary alteration of the premium package, these quotes I pulled from you just make me think that you may have missed this post:
But I miss something. The premium chat channel. I liked that.
Yes I am hoping things pick up again, it is a lovely server. I feel like a lot of people come in looking for something specific but don't know where to look exactly or how to ask and get bored. I've noticed a lot of new players look for a faction not specifying what it is they want in it, and end up faction hopping even though these factions very well could have had what they wanted. I've seen people leave simply because they didn't want the specific job or home we offered, but didn't specify anything different.
People shouldn't be afraid to ask. Go in explore, ask for work, make Regals, maybe even their own factions. Read up on the lore and make a character, etc. Help chat is there for a reason, and the staff are there to help if they have questions. The server does have a lot to offer and that's why I like it.
Prems get a lot more once again, Eula asked a pretty unreasonable thing of the server and as of late they've corrected a lot with the latest bit of changes. I recently got premium and the differences are great. And I like knowing I'm helping keep the server up by donating.
Nothing is perfect but I hope things get worked out, I've seen too many people I used to play with stop playing.
Please don't profess things that aren't true. We aren't at an all time low at all, in fact we aren't even losing players. If you look at the daily stats there is no change in the playerbase of any mention, the only difference we can see is that the 1.8 release cost us some players but they should come back now that the 1.8 fake update is live.

If anything, the amount of daily voting has increased, so we are gaining popularity.
Uh... pretty sure that this server is doing very well. I'm sure most people are only less active because school just kicked in for most of the northern hemisphere. That's why I'm less active.
Uh... pretty sure that this server is doing very well. I'm sure most people are only less active because school just kicked in for most of the northern hemisphere. That's why I'm less active.
But look at the amoun of premiums. Even with the new features it hasn't risen to over. 550 (was more than. 700 at some point)
You do realize that, now, the premium package actually has more features than it ever did in the past? It's the old package, but has been buffed out.

Unless you were specifically referring to the 1 month temporary alteration of the premium package, these quotes I pulled from you just make me think that you may have missed this post:
Alright than you tell me why not as many people are donating. I am not trying to sound rude i actually want to know.
Please don't profess things that aren't true. We aren't at an all time low at all, in fact we aren't even losing players. If you look at the daily stats there is no change in the playerbase of any mention, the only difference we can see is that the 1.8 release cost us some players but they should come back now that the 1.8 fake update is live.

If anything, the amount of daily voting has increased, so we are gaining popularity.
Look at the monthly stats than come back :/
Look at the monthly stats than come back :/
This statement is condescending in my opinion. First of all, looking at stats and interpreting them immediately as a crisis when you're not fully in the know, is a rather negative approach. This is the type of negativity that may scare players away, rather than rally them together to do something positive. There is no shame in a player choosing a server because of popularity. We specifically market on PlanetMinecraft just for this reason. However, if a new player joins our server, reads your thread... I feel their reaction might make them second guess playing here due to the fact that your message implies there is something wrong. As players and an admin have already stated to you, there are reasons why premium purchases have the stats that you're interpreting as an issue. As I told you in a private conversation, I appreciate your concern, your time, and your thought in creating this thread. However, at this point you have had players and two admins explain that there is not an issue. We are in the process of growing this server far beyond any stats we have had in the past. We are fine tuning before we do a large PR campaign. When we do, it will be calculated, be executed diligently, and be far greater than any of our competitors. I can assure you of this without a doubt.
This statement is condescending in my opinion. First of all, looking at stats and interpreting them immediately as a crisis when you're not fully in the know, is a rather negative approach. This is the type of negativity that may scare players away, rather than rally them together to do something positive. There is no shame in a player choosing a server because of popularity. We specifically market on PlanetMinecraft just for this reason. However, if a new player joins our server, reads your thread... I feel their reaction might make them second guess playing here due to the fact that your message implies there is something wrong. As players and an admin have already stated to you, there are reasons why premium purchases have the stats that you're interpreting as an issue. As I told you in a private conversation, I appreciate your concern, your time, and your thought in creating this thread. However, at this point you have had players and two admins explain that there is not an issue. We are in the process of growing this server far beyond any stats we have had in the past. We are fine tuning before we do a large PR campaign. When we do, it will be calculated, be executed diligently, and be far greater than any of our competitors. I can assure you of this without a doubt.
The PR blitz to beat out all other Minecraft server PR blitzes :O
False alarm then?
Alright I understand that my first paragraph in my statement was wrong to say and i am sorry for that. The only thing is that people say i am lying about some of the the things i said. MonMarty himself said that the amount of people donating is lower than average and that is why they reversed the premium back to donating only. It seems that people are upset with my first paragraph so instead of locking the thread I will just remove that paragraph. I only want to help the server, i am sorry if i caused false rumors but the things i heard is my impression on what the admins have been saying.
Alright I understand that my first paragraph in my statement was wrong to say and i am sorry for that. The only thing is that people say i am lying about some of the the things i said. MonMarty himself said that the amount of people donating is lower than average and that is why they reversed the premium back to donating only. It seems that people are upset with my first paragraph so instead of locking the thread I will just remove that paragraph. I only want to help the server, i am sorry if i caused false rumors but the things i heard is my impression on what the admins have been saying.

During the time of players having a lot of free premium features, we weren't getting enough donations. People just didn't want to donate for primarily cosmetic features. The number of donations significantly increased the instant the premium package was reversed. As spectec and marty have showed, we expect to see the server continue to grow well.
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