How To Get More "land" On A Single Creative Plot!


Sep 17, 2014
Reaction score
United States of America
Mithril & Kataktites
Ever run out of space on your single creative plot and you want more? Well, this can be easily solved incase you want extra building space but can't add any more plots to your possessions. It comes in a few simple steps really; The use of world edit making this very useful. This is really a small tutorial, really easy to do.

  1. Once you have noticed your plot floor is finished, go to an elevation you would like whether it is above or underground, though if it is underground take notice it will be darker without a light source.
  2. ABOVE: Go to the selected elevation and go to two corners, though don't make the corners next to each other, only across. Once you choose your first corner, left click or right click a block placed where you want your platform. Now do the same with the opposite click and opposite corner.
  3. BELOW: Go to your selected elevation underground and go to two corners, though don't make the corners next to each other, only across. This is much more useful to only go to one corner, dig straight down and press F3 to get your Y coordinate. Go to the opposite corner and dig down how much you want, though make sure it's below the Y coordinate you chose for the other corner. Once you have selected the region below you on both corners, type in //cut and your giant room should appear!
  4. Now with your new area to build, you can easily repeat it again and again for more space without renting/purchasing/owning another plot.
this is a minor tutorial for the creative mode; it is moderately useful. i thought of this idea by spectating my friend @Chamaset do it on his own plot! :)