How Did You Make Your Character?

May 31, 2014
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The title says it. Do you have a certain process to making a character? If so, just put down the steps in the process you use, things you draw inspiration from, etc.
When I make a character, I usually just begin with one main idea. Not even caring about gender, age, or race. All of those things could kill my main idea. For example, I knew I wanted my main character, to be a Te'suik. Te'suiks are very self-absorbed, vain, and full of themselves. I knew I wanted it to be like that. After establishing my main idea, I moved onto general details. I decided the gender, age, race and whatnot. After that it just all fell in place. I did each little part bit by bit. Multiple times I erased entire paragraphs because I was not happy with or 100% on it. But at the end of the day, I made everything revolve around my main idea. It caused for a very tightly wrapped, great character that worked out so nicely. Not going to go into detail on everything about the character though. But I guess my process is just to find my main idea, and stick to it. I did my best to make sure the main focus was not tampered with and kept strong.
I make the skin
Figure out what the character is based on, figure out his physical appearance.
Let his backstory and personality develop over time
I had an idea that I had for a while, took it, and molded into what is now Kristoph in a Google Doc.
I really wing it as I go along.
Each one of my characters express each of the emotions I feel, each one is differnt but are always usually joined together by a feeling of loneliness and hatred towards other people, and yeah that's why I have so many characters at one time.
I usually pick a name, race, and flip a coin for gender. I then choose a vice and virtue, and throw together various aspects of their personality.

Pretty much, throw everything in the microwave and see what happens.
idk all I can say is my characters are rarely even remotely the same as they were in their first form. I know Damon (not deceased) used to be extremely lore incomplint and honestly a bad character but got better as time went on. honestly he never had a final form on this server.

Riviel started as a bloody drow. Now she is obviously much different. I could actually make a new character from that drow because it is so different. Though I don't recommend changing a character like this, try to keep them the same mostly and if you have a huge idea for a character make a new one.
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Let me count my characters and the probably bad reason behind creating them in more or less the order they were created in.

Lana Asskan (Formally Lanaskan Shadowaika): Was created for me to be evil. Was my first character back before the lore was solidified into something more concrete and since then had evolved.

Arkania...somethingsomething: Was created because I was bored with Lanaskan and wanted to get into mage RP. Never played him IG.

Yung-Li Galasta: Was created to get into crime and mage RP, the character is actually developed a lot but only behind the scenes yet might return in the far future.

Leugel Viduggla: Was created to get into the nobility RP scene during it's infancy, became my primary where he evolved and got imbued with my personality more. May return if the Black family ever fails me but I seriously doubt that.

John Sasindota: Was originally just a nameless baker when I ran a bakery in the poor district yet decided to develop him out a bit more. Simply saying he disappeared to maybe be brought back into the FAR far future.

Philip Black: Was created because @Film_Noir wanted me to join his family and I was itching to get back into noble RP and is now my main due to personal reasons.

Farod Ulster: Partly to help out a friend and also to get a non-human character RP experience while the Slizar and thus Lana are in re-design.
As I'd find it hard to play a character that I would not be able to relate to, each of my characters are somewhat like a side of me. I have my klein, who is my immature side, Dimitri, my creepy side - who tends to come out more, mind you - Hunter, my awkward side, Ronan, my chill side and Matthias who is my mature side. There's also Amy, the character I have that I play simply because I have zero girl characters, but I'm not really gonna count her as I rarely ever play her and she's supposed to be all of me(bursts into singing) Usually, I start out picking what side of me this character is going to be. When I've made my decision, iiit's naming time. After that I just try to fill in a character application template (which I will most likely never submit, mind you I'm too shy) and try to figure out the backstory as I go. Sometimes, if I just feel the urge to make some random guy, I grab a skin online, take a name, and literally just start roleplaying with scratch.
I figure out what race I want to play as. Then I make a skin. Next I figure out what personality I want. After that I pick a name. When thats done I figure out my backstory then I'm done.
Depends on the character.

When my old char became unplayable due to him traveling back to Jorrhild, I wanted to have a really evil character. I made a skin and played as a cultist for a day or two, but it didn't really kick off. So out of curiosity, I tried the complete opposite. And I now have a friendly old healer..
Chalden was literally my first character. I didn't give him much thought, other than "Oh. Tigran sounds cool. Now time to RP lul". I decided to play him again like a year after I first shelved him for the Lo Family, but with a much clearer backstory and personality than before.

Ludwig was supposed to be a throwaway side character simply to test how it's like playing a character based on my IRL self. And then he turned out as the most successful characters out of all when I kept him.

After that, I simply decided whenever I was going to create a new character, it should be to fill a certain niche. I had Ludwig, who was a nobleman, and Chalden, who was a mercenary mostly involved in lower class activity. And as I was lacking a rather regular character who I could play as a bartender again and potentially a guard, I created Vaughan, which was indeed a good choice as it allowed me interaction with people my other characters never would have had a reason to interact with.

Recently, I created a vampire character who was only supposed to be temporary as well, but roleplaying out the feeding on victims also is incredibly fun and something I haven't got the chance to do before. I might keep him as well, with that character clearly filling the vampire and dark and abusive niche I still had.

Of course, these niches are only to fill if I like the concept of those. I tried filling both the female character niche and passive/weak/no-combat character niche, which I both found a dislike towards. Somehow I figured out I simply couldn't stand playing anything that is not male, can't fight, and doesn't at least have a toned body. My old character, Tristan Nava de Lo was the entire opposite of it and I sticked to him alone for a rather long time. I'm not entirely sure what has changed my view on things, but it's likely because of how I changed IRL both personality-wise and physically.

Some examples of said "niches" include, and can as well be easily combined:

  • Nobility
  • Guard
  • Bartender
  • Commoner
  • Opposite Gender
  • Vampire
  • Strong vs Weak
  • Pacifistic vs Aggressive
  • Loyal vs Unloyal
  • Good-Natured vs Evil-Natured
  • Lower Class
  • Slave
  • Slave Owner
  • Magic-Based Character
  • Faithful Character/Priest
  • Bard
  • Thief
  • Mercenary
  • Alchemist
  • Nicoloan Fighter/Dressolini Fencer/Other special combat styles
  • Pirate
  • Gypsy
  • Never played before race
  • Special Permissions Character
  • Flirt
  • Different Heritage (There is countless lore on different, interesting states available.)
  • Beggar
  • Doctor/Medic
  • Scholar
  • Family Patriarch/Matriarch/Member
  • Character based on one's IRL self
  • Deaf/Blind/Mute Character
  • Guild Leader/Member
  • Servant
  • Pet
And of course, countless more options than that.
Chalden was literally my first character. I didn't give him much thought, other than "Oh. Tigran sounds cool. Now time to RP lul". I decided to play him again like a year after I first shelved him for the Lo Family, but with a much clearer backstory and personality than before.

Ludwig was supposed to be a throwaway side character simply to test how it's like playing a character based on my IRL self. And then he turned out as the most successful characters out of all when I kept him.

After that, I simply decided whenever I was going to create a new character, it should be to fill a certain niche. I had Ludwig, who was a nobleman, and Chalden, who was a mercenary mostly involved in lower class activity. And as I was lacking a rather regular character who I could play as a bartender again and potentially a guard, I created Vaughan, which was indeed a good choice as it allowed me interaction with people my other characters never would have had a reason to interact with.

Recently, I created a vampire character who was only supposed to be temporary as well, but roleplaying out the feeding on victims also is incredibly fun and something I haven't got the chance to do before. I might keep him as well, with that character clearly filling the vampire and dark and abusive niche I still had.

Of course, these niches are only to fill if I like the concept of those. I tried filling both the female character niche and passive/weak/no-combat character niche, which I both found a dislike towards. Somehow I figured out I simply couldn't stand playing anything that is not male, can't fight, and doesn't at least have a toned body. My old character, Tristan Nava de Lo was the entire opposite of it and I sticked to him alone for a rather long time. I'm not entirely sure what has changed my view on things, but it's likely because of how I changed IRL both personality-wise and physically.

Some examples of said "niches" include, and can as well be easily combined:

  • Nobility
  • Guard
  • Bartender
  • Commoner
  • Opposite Gender
  • Vampire
  • Strong vs Weak
  • Pacifistic vs Aggressive
  • Loyal vs Unloyal
  • Good-Natured vs Evil-Natured
  • Lower Class
  • Slave
  • Slave Owner
  • Magic-Based Character
  • Faithful Character/Priest
  • Bard
  • Thief
  • Mercenary
  • Alchemist
  • Nicoloan Fighter/Dressolini Fencer/Other special combat styles
  • Pirate
  • Gypsy
  • Never played before race
  • Special Permissions Character
  • Flirt
  • Different Heritage (There is countless lore on different, interesting states available.)
  • Beggar
  • Doctor/Medic
  • Scholar
  • Family Patriarch/Matriarch/Member
  • Character based on one's IRL self
  • Deaf/Blind/Mute Character
  • Guild Leader/Member
  • Servant
  • Pet
And of course, countless more options than that.
You are absolutely right about the feeding as a vampire. T'aryn was also supposed to just be temporary, just to screw around with the Est'unfae bloodline, but I actually play her quite often now. Feeding is so fun!!
My idea's for characters come simply from the depths of my complex mind. :P But no seriously, random inspiration usually creates my characters. As well as inspiration from movies, books, and such. If I suddenly feel the urge to create a new character, I will.
I normally start with the main concept of the character, Eloraid/ later Caine Monveto was based around my hunter from Skyrim. Gave him the over used broody hunter personality and made a character from it.

Cayd was based of myself, and infused with my love of magic.

But the general goes
Age, race nationality.
Name to base of the land they came from.
Back story and tibits. This part comes from Rolepay, to understand why my character would be doing that.
My characters are generally quite spontaneous, and I only make a small plan before playing them. Generally the skin i find for them is where the backstory starts.
Duvainel was made because I wanted to play a more outgoing, combat-loving mage. I added backstory as I went along, such as her having a child, and explanations as to why she did not practice void worship. I added her being a vampire because I wanted to try feeding from people.
Ronrick was another attempt to help myself initiate roleplay. I found a really cute, but slightly wealthy-looking Hobbit skin, so the backstory started with him being a baker who had come to serve an old, relatively wealthy man who had him as a cook before his recent death. After that, his personality came around it.
Lodornal was a completely spontaneous character. I wanted to play a mer yanar, and I hadn't decided her indentified gender or personality before I started roleplaying. I just let everything happen naturally.
When creating completely original OCs for daydreams or stories I write, I usually create a system of magic and create the character off of that. For MassiveCraft, I'll usually find a name and a skin I like and go off of that.
First I choose a race that sounds cool and go from there. My character that is being worked on, Talia Candwen, I chose because I wanted to do something with an elf. It went from Talar/Alior hybrid to just Talar. For appearance, I chose traits that appealed me for different reasons. Examples are: Height, Eye color/size, and body shape. For traits, I again chose things that applied to me, but I also chose some that would not make my character "perfect'. Examples are: Aggression, Intelligence, and Caution. I also altered the traits from the stereo typical version, like how my character is modest, where many Talar are not. Then I go through and add little things that would help the character. I develop a backstory that makes the character interesting, mostly developed from reading sooooooo many books. Then I make a skin. I then review and add finishing touches. Done :D
I get a feeling in my gut whenever I have an idea for a new character
I put my thoughts into words and clean it up so it'll work then bother one of my friends for a few days to make me a skin
Sometimes they stick and sometimes they flop
I get a feeling in my gut whenever I have an idea for a new character
I put my thoughts into words and clean it up so it'll work then bother one of my friends for a few days to make me a skin
Sometimes they stick and sometimes they flop
Then they kidnap someone, run off to the Grove, and...
Usually my characters are inspired by historical figures. My current character was inspired by the theologian Martin Luther.

Typically I'll find this historical figure, identify the key struggles that they faced in their era, and the great acts that they did to overcome those key struggles, or otherwise avoid them. At this point race, gender, age, strengths and weaknesses are all irrelevant, it's just about forming a struggle and a character's desire to survive through that struggle. It's no fun to play a boring, meek character. From peasant to royalty, everybody in the world has core struggles in their lives, and many people have multiple struggles. So once you identify a struggle and you identify the methods that they work through those struggles, a personality starts to form.

Martin Luther was a significant figure in the Protestant reformation who, after being frustrated by the Catholic church's drive for money in tithe and through indulgences, wrote literature that created a religious revolutionary movement throughout Europe.

Charleigh Shawhell, my character is an ordinary commoner who is disillusioned by the realities of the Unionist faith, which are not turning out to be what he believed the religion was as a boy. Once I created that as my base struggle, a common man who wished for religious reform, I was able to supplement his life with careers, friends, and personality traits that compliment his personality and his goals.

I think the biggest mistake some people make is they design a character off an ability, not a personality. Magic won't make a good character, and being a certain race won't make a good character. I believe that personality is always core, and it should always be the defining construct of a character. Once you have that core, abilities can supplement a character, but they shouldn't form it.
I usually just make a skin basing it off of something I've seen on TV or anywhere else.
Sometimes I think about personality first like if I wanna be evil or something like that but most of the time its just me making it up on the spot.
I usually don't even decide if he/she's a mage or not until their first combat rp

Well, to start off, I get an idea, usually through a specific personality trait. Then I add in some more traits. By this point it leans toward one gender or the other (for humans), so I pick the gender. I try to pick a racial background I can actually handle, as well an a speech pattern I can actually handle and do consistently. IRL I sketch out their basic facial features and if I like those, I find a skin that suits that. Then I give them a background, which is basically a random assortment of relationships and interesting stories that weave together well. Then I do a little RP with this character to see how they handle different situations based on the given traits, and that often causes a bit of organic personality change to make them more realistic, or just flat out fun to play. (This includes scars or other markings, bad habits, typical disposition). Lastl,y I write a bit about the character, then I play some more to work out any last little bugs. That's it.

Also, finding a specific piece of classical music that matches their personality is always good for getting into their head.
I just normally, pick female all the time (Because I feel that its easier to play a gender that I am irl) Then, pick a race and age. Make their backstory and skin. Then the very last thing I do is pick out their name.
When I make a character I usually like the character to represent a part of me in a way. Some of my chars were meant to be temporary as a way to explore rp as different races. I usually will make the skin first and then while writing for that char in a word doc. I'll change parts of the skin to match what I'm writing. My first character, Zahak, was originally going to have Multiple Personality Disorder, I scraped that idea pretty quickly seeing as how it made rping as him a lot harder. He does have it a little bit but I prefer to call it more of a lack of him knowing who he is in a sense. One of my other chars, A'rlo, was meant to be the complete opposite of Zahak.
I pick an occupation and a race, make personality/backstory that conflicts with said attributes, and go from there. Rand is a thief trying to live an honest life, and Kylen is a merchant who wants to help the poor more than himself. This I find creates inner and outer conflict.
Most of my character making ideas have things in common. They usually start with either a skin or a concept, then to personality and everything else.

  • Some of my character ideas stack on top of each others.

Phon would be obvious enough, started as a recurring character in many RP communities I was in. (appearances varied, but settled down as an old man later on). He was made to be a badass and heroic character from the start and I had a damn lot of fun playing him. (my worst and best character, all in one)

His existence and ideas inspired the creation of...
  1. Mahoney - As a concept of genderbent Phon. I stuck a polar opposite personality in, threw some redneckery at her, and bam! The kickass grandma comes-a-rolling. [She was intended to make tandem appearances with Phon at various points, though this never happened]
  2. Marianne - Stemming from a joke skin of younger Phon. I tried something different and made her a scaredy cat lacking the ability to defend herself - an excuse to retire Phon as a playing character.
  3. Ricardo - Stumbling on the original Phon skin. I decided to pull Faith from Mirror's Edge and fused it into the skin to make a character and stuffed a wackier personality in. Didn't work out very well and he got into bad water pretty damn fast.
  4. Ribbon - Another attempt at a free-spirited and relatively normal character with skin origin similar to Marianne, hence their familial relationship.
  5. Sigma - A throwaway support character to kill some time.
  6. Magnus - An attempt at someone with Phon's skills but darker personality. It was a waste since I got caught up in a parade of constant real life troubles.

  • Some characters were made upon the idea of being in a group, then branch out with their own personalities.
  1. Dexter - Was never meant to be played more than a few times, but was made with the image of a cowboy twisted to fit into middle ages.
  2. Ramirez - Was made to make myself a room in the Qadir occupation. The same with being a cowboy. She was set to be very cocky and ghetto sounding. Had I played her more she'd be using more "gangsta" language in her speech. I shelved her in the rebellion and if the Tree and Sun project finishes I might bring her back with altered appearance.
  3. Willis - Is what happens when you take "Posh" and "Kung fu" then mash them together. In all senses he was meant to be the most superior character - easily surpassing Phon in terms of fighting skills. (luckily I never got him into combat RP before I decommissioned him, as he was regarded as OP even by me)

  1. Lazarrus - Originally was to be my second character but his idea was outshined by Teresa. A first and only attempt at a mage character and making a steam-oriented dynasty.
  2. Teresa was my second female character and the first attempt at a milder personality. She was intended to be a throwaway character but then I found the personality set I put into her very likable and has my heart inflate whenever I played her.
  3. Louis - A throwaway character made from a "posh" archtype.
  4. Emillan - Made out of pure goofiness. The only thing loaded into him is the song "Gay Bar" by Electric Six. Originally he was going to be paired with a more taciturn female captain character but my lack of alternate account prevented that.
  5. Gussen - A steamwork enthusiast who envisions himself making a steam powered mech suit one day.
  • And then there's the ones who were constructed individually.
  1. Ulysess - I think he was my third character. Ulysess was inspiried by Forrest Gump in a way that he is a dense simpleton but a genius in the art of sharpshooting. Taking the image of a modern sniper and fit it into medieval ages, resulting in him lugging around a freaking Arbaleste with him. He was originally to be paired with a smarter twin.
  2. Nicolas - Oh boy, this guy is the epitome of being a crazy ass wanker. I random came up with his concept of a fisherman that thinks his stuffed fish is an intelligent and sentient being. He was made to be a pure slapstick character and oh lord I had so much fun freakinging nobles out by launching a tuna at them. (victims include Thomas Kade and Christopher Black)
  3. Roxanne - Funnily enough, her original concept has her being a bodyguard from Ithania whose master had been assasinated but she was stopped from committing suicide by Phon. I tried to search for an appropiate last name for her and ended up joining the Lamperos. Then I revamped her concept and turned her into a scholar instead. Her personality however were untouched as I found it perfect for her.
  4. Sasha - Made for the rebellion and being the most deviated character by far. Sasha is made so I can shamelessly approach random people without reasons (in contrast to myself who refrain from contacting people unless I have a relevant topic to talk about). I made him half drunken as an excuse to pull off all kinds of things my other characters wouldn't even imagine themselves doing. He, like Nicolas. Was made for the wackier side of me.
  5. The Ithanian Scrub - He doesn't even have his own skin. But was made to be as fabulous and punch demanding as possible while working the bar.
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Most of my character making ideas have things in common. They usually start with either a skin or a concept, then to personality and everything else.

  • Some of my character ideas stack on top of each others.

Phon would be obvious enough, started as a recurring character in many RP communities I was in. (appearances varied, but settled down as an old man later on). He was made to be a badass and heroic character from the start and I had a damn lot of fun playing him. (my worst and best character, all in one)

His existence and ideas inspired the creation of...
  1. Mahoney - As a concept of genderbent Phon. I stuck a polar opposite personality in, threw some redneckery at her, and bam! The kickass grandma comes-a-rolling. [She was intended to make tandem appearances with Phon at various points, though this never happened]
  2. Marianne - Stemming from a joke skin of younger Phon. I tried something different and made her a scaredy cat lacking the ability to defend herself - an excuse to retire Phon as a playing character.
  3. Ricardo - Stumbling on the original Phon skin. I decided to pull Faith from Mirror's Edge and fused it into the skin to make a character and stuffed a wackier personality in. Didn't work out very well and he got into bad water pretty damn fast.
  4. Ribbon - Another attempt at a free-spirited and relatively normal character with skin origin similar to Marianne, hence their familial relationship.
  5. Sigma - A throwaway support character to kill some time.
  6. Magnus - An attempt at someone with Phon's skills but darker personality. It was a waste since I got caught up in a parade of constant real life troubles.

  • Some characters were made upon the idea of being in a group, then branch out with their own personalities.
  1. Dexter - Was never meant to be played more than a few times, but was made with the image of a cowboy twisted to fit into middle ages.
  2. Ramirez - Was made to make myself a room in the Qadir occupation. The same with being a cowboy. She was set to be very cocky and ghetto sounding. Had I played her more she'd be using more "gangsta" language in her speech. I shelved her in the rebellion and if the Tree and Sun project finishes I might bring her back with altered appearance.
  3. Willis - Is what happens when you take "Posh" and "Kung fu" then mash them together. In all senses he was meant to be the most superior character - easily surpassing Phon in terms of fighting skills. (luckily I never got him into combat RP before I decommissioned him, as he was regarded as OP even by me)

  1. Lazarrus - Originally was to be my second character but his idea was outshined by Teresa. A first and only attempt at a mage character and making a steam-oriented dynasty.
  2. Teresa was my second female character and the first attempt at a milder personality. She was intended to be a throwaway character but then I found the personality set I put into her very likable and has my heart inflate whenever I played her.
  3. Louis - A throwaway character made from a "posh" archtype.
  4. Emillan - Made out of pure goofiness. The only thing loaded into him is the song "Gay Bar" by Electric Six. Originally he was going to be paired with a more taciturn female captain character but my lack of alternate account prevented that.
  5. Gussen - A steamwork enthusiast who envisions himself making a steam powered mech suit one day.
  • And then there's the ones who were constructed individually.
  1. Ulysess - I think he was my third character. Ulysess was inspiried by Forrest Gump in a way that he is a dense simpleton but a genius in the art of sharpshooting. Taking the image of a modern sniper and fit it into medieval ages, resulting in him lugging around a freaking Arbaleste with him. He was originally to be paired with a smarter twin.
  2. Nicolas - Oh boy, this guy is the epitome of being a crazy ass wanker. I random came up with his concept of a fisherman that thinks his stuffed fish is an intelligent and sentient being. He was made to be a pure slapstick character and oh lord I had so much fun freakinging nobles out by launching a tuna at them. (victims include Thomas Kade and Christopher Black)
  3. Roxanne - Funnily enough, her original concept has her being a bodyguard from Ithania whose master had been assasinated but she was stopped from committing suicide by Phon. I tried to search for an appropiate last name for her and ended up joining the Lamperos. Then I revamped her concept and turned her into a scholar instead. Her personality however were untouched as I found it perfect for her.
  4. Sasha - Made for the rebellion and being the most deviated character by far. Sasha is made so I can shamelessly approach random people without reasons (in contrast to myself who refrain from contacting people unless I have a relevant topic to talk about). I made him half drunken as an excuse to pull off all kinds of things my other characters wouldn't even imagine themselves doing. He, like Nicolas. Was made for the wackier side of me.
  5. The Ithanian Scrub - He doesn't even have his own skin. But was made to be as fabulous and punch demanding as possible while working the bar.
So many...
Yeah, I knew i wanted my guy to be the Captain Jack Sparrow of aloria, so i combined the mischief of tigrans and the playfulness of his tamed subspecies field and then I made him an adventurer so yeah....