How Berry Delicious

A messy journal page covered in struck out sentences and doodles lay open, revealing the recipe inside.

Something sweet to top off your fruit or anything really, I learned how to make this at the Crystalline Iris to top off the "Melon and grapes" recipe. (It's just nicely cut and presented fruit with berry syrup and garnished with a sprig of mint)

Anyway you can do this with any berry but blueberries are what I'll be using this time around.

All you need are blueberries (about 4 cups give or take), a cup of sugar (or half a cup of honey if that's too rich for your blood), and half a cup water. (Add a little lemon juice for taste if wanted)

With sugar, you combine everything into a decent sized pot/ and stir til all the sugar is dissolved and your fruit is soft.

When the sugar is dissolved, get another pot and a strainer (a fine one) and mix it all together and stir for a while then bottle. Be sure to press as you strain to get the berry juice as well, this time you can crush them like those who dare insult your linage and expect to get off without retribution

With honey you first prepare your fruit by heating them in water and mashing them gently. Don't crush these like your enemies, squish them softly like crushing the unrealistic dreams of a friend.

You then strain the juice into another container and mix in your honey and bring it to a boil. Next leave it to simmer for about 10 minutes and once it sticks to the back of your spoon and add in the lemon juice.

Stir it in some more and you're done with your syrup!

(It's warm and a bit runny fresh made, bottle it and leave it to sit and cool and it's thicker than an orc's left pectoral)

(Flower syrup is a bit simpler to make. It's 2 parts sugar, 1 part water, and a tablespoon to a cup of flowers of your choice.First mix the water and sugar over heat, then pour it into another container with the flowers in them while it's hot and let it stand for about 30 minutes. Afterwards strain out the flowers and now you have a simply sweet floral syrup as well as a main ingredient in Hani'lloaya y'eloa florialle)
"Oh flower syrup! 2 parts sugar, 1 part water, and a tablespoon to a cup of flowers of my choice." *adds Nightshade*