House Weinmüller


Dragon of Semperis
Nov 19, 2015
Reaction score


House Weinmüller is a New-Regalian family known for its work in the wine and spirits trade. Many of its members have combatant and wine brewing backgrounds and are worshipers of Unionism.


Weinmüller (vine-mull-er)

Family Motto
Alt-R; "Folge deinem Pfad, selbst wenn er mit Dornen bestückt ist." | Common; "Follow your own path, even if it's filled with thorns."

Family Sigil
Calemberger Grizzly Bear

Family Colors
Dark Navy Blue: The Navy blue color represents the families transition into a new age. As such it's a symbol of their past and of the family's growth.

Blood Red: The Blood Red color represents the families trade of growing and producing fine wine. This is represented as it provided the majority of the income for the family

Ivory White: The Ivory White color is representing the families action in diplomacy and that they would serve the empire, whenever their help is needed as diplomats and advisors.

Family Culture
: The Weinmüller family is one of the New-Regalian Families in Regalia, carrying on the culture, dialect and even their way of thinking. As such, most members of the family grew up in the culture and learned to speak Alt-Regalisch at a very young age, aside from the common language. However, most parts of the family are often influenced by other cultures, creating a bit of freedom from them language- and culture-wise.

: Most of the Weinmüllers are Unionist which are actively practicing the religion. However they have a limited tolerance, which is really more of an apathy, toward practitioners of other religions and turn a blind eye to the private worship of others, as long as the followed faith is legal in the empire.


Male Characteristics

The average height of a Weinmüller man is at around 6 feet, although the tallest reach heights around 6ft 3inch, often peeking out of most Ailor males due to their height. Each male born Weinmüller is known for the dark hair color, ranging from all shades of brunette to rare cases of auburn, and can be easily identified by it. The hair color is mostly derives from their New-Regalian origin, however, the browner spectrum is often a result of their mixing gene-pools and as such are drawn from various other Ailor cultures. Each male born Weinmüller may also adorn a beard, kept in place by shaving. The eye color of the family is quite distinct as nearly every member displays an ocean blue hue but it can vary from member to member between a bright, nearly ice-like blue to a dark navy blue. Some members are known having green eyes, depending on their family branch, but these are a rare sight in the Weinmüller family. Each male member is well-trained, giving them often a ripped and strong masculine appearances. As such, most of the male bear broader chests and thicker arms.

Female Characteristics

The average height of a female Weinmüller is often between 5ft 5inch and 5ft 9inch', making them a bit smaller than their male counterparts. However, like all born Weinmüllers, they possess jet black or dark brown hair. Unlike the males, the females often have browner hair, due to their mothers often marrying into the family and bringing in new genes. Like the male born Weinmüllers, the females also display blue eyes, often ranging from a bright azure color to the dark navy blue color, however, green eyes are also well spread under the female's. To no surprise, female born Weinmüllers have a slim body build. Many mainline women tend to avoid combat entirely, however, their agility is a lot higher than the men.

Cousin Characteristics

Unlike the mainline, all cousin lines to the family have differing features due to the slightly mixed heritage and backgrounds. Their hair can go between the darkest of browns to even auburn and strawberry blonde, men often keep it cut short and groomed, either with a bearded chin or even goatees. Women however often keep their hair long and free-flowing with the odd hair embellishment such as a silver hair pin. As all Weinmüllers, the cousins also fall into a different abundance of blue hued eyes, however the odd grey and green are common. Regarding physique, much different to mainline, the women of the cousin lines are often athletic and muscled if militaristic, though more often than not curvaceous cousins are usually a common occurrence, reaching heights between 5ft 5inch and 6ft. Men are often well defined in muscles if training in combat and keep to strict training regimes, bulky and almost never falling on the skinny side. Weinmüller Male cousins often reach between 5ft 7inch to 6ft 2inch.


Characters in red, are either deceased or unplayable.

Characters in blue, are taken and roleplayed.

Characters in green, are available to apply for.

Main Line

Armand Weinmüller - The first patriarch and father to the mainline, the man was a gentle ruler but strict with etiquette. Passed away from illness whilst his children were very young.

Adi Weinmüller - Wife to the first patriarch, a soft and warm mother with skills in music. Outlived her husband's passing until she passed away from old age, not remarrying.

Otto Weinmüller (60)- Armands younger brother and uncle to the mainline, he held the patriarch title as a placeholder until Roland was of appropriate age. A skilled general and warrior, a kind guardian.

Roland Lewis Weinmüller (40)- The House patriarch, a tactician with military running through his veins. Extremely strict and maintains a firm upkeep of etiquette, often reminding family members to adhere to the aforementioned also. @onearmsquid

Konrad Weinmüller - @Nano_kay

Rozalia Weinmüller (35) - The sister of Lewis and Konrad, recently rejoined after almost a decade away, bringing her daughter Matilda with her. Currently residing in her own home, grieving the loss of her second husband. @_Owlet

Mainline Extended Family

Jonas Weinmüller (32) - Only son to Alfons Weinmüller. Following in his father's gentle nature, often sought as a guardian for the women of house Weinmüller. Hoping to join the city guard. Trained closely alongside Roland as they grew up.

Adelheida Weinmüller (18) - Half daughter to Rozalia, her father passed away and was taken under the wing of her step-mother when her biological mother did not want the responsibility, being brought into the Weinmüller. An elegant poet who strives for excellence. Bestfriends to Matilda.

Matilda Weinmüller (17) - Youngest daughter to Rosalia, having her father just recently passed away she was taken alongside her mother, back into Weinmüller. An odd wall-flower, often causing trouble and getting into mischief. Niece to the patriarch.- Under STRICT recruitment.

Friedrich Weinmüller (19) - Son of Roland Weinmüller, heir to the family. Known for his excellent skill in combat, usually he can be found training or participating in duels. @Bertramqaz

First Cousin Line

Franz Weinmüller (60)- A considered Uncle to the mainline, father of four. Extremely militaristic, often engaging himself in talks of warfare and sparring despite his age. As well as being handy with a long sword, a skilled diplomat.

Brunhilde Weinmüller (58)-A considered Aunt to the mainline, mother of four children. A strict parent with a maternal warmth, her only wish is to see her children grow up well, a retired librarian - playable

Elias Weinmüller (35)- The first born, arrogant in nature and vain of his appearance. He avoids combat at all costs, choosing political and more scholarly hobbies.

Johanna Weinmüller (33)- A creative and polite woman, with a keen eye for fine craft, the woman spends her day creating jewelry for profit and practicing with a short bow in the evenings. Assisting in her families diplomatic excursions.

Brandt Weinmüller (31)- A strong religious warrior, zealous and devout to a pinpoint. With extreme strength, the man trains himself in the handling of a greatsword, hoping to serve his part within the frontlines and in the city. Humble in nature.

Griselda Weinmüller (27) - The youngest out of the four, however the most stubborn and headstrong. With a sharp tongue and hopes to become a well known tradeswoman.


Every member of the Weinmüller family or staff needs to follow specific rules to create a good and mannered roleplay. To make this possible, we are using Discord to communicate with one another in order to plan more fulfilling events. We also make use of this medium to question incoming members (if you want to apply for a position as a family or staff member).Everyone is placed on a trial period. Test-Roleplay (or trial) is used to find out whether or not you have RP etiquette and if you are fitting to the character itself or even the family at all.

The most important rules you should follow are;

  • Try to use your character as your main character as we ask you to spend most of your time on it.
  • Act in a manner befitting of a respectable high commoner. (Rebellious characters to the family will not be tolerated).
  • Communicate with each other in a good and friendly tone, regardless of it's a good friend, a family member, or other nobles and players.

Members of the Family

  • IGN:

  • Have you had an approved character before? (Yes/No, please provide a link):

  • How often are you online? (Please state your usual hours as well as your timezone):

  • References (Anyone else who may support your roleplaying skills. Please ask them before tagging them, as we might talk to them!):

  • Mutes, Jails, Bans, ETC.:

  • Greatest Strength in Roleplay (Something that you bring to the table. Be it vocabulary or just a cool character):

  • Greatest Weakness in Roleplay (Something you have trouble with in role play. E.G. emote chat, grammar, spelling):

  • Character Name:

  • Character Age:

  • Character Gender (M/F):

  • Physical Description (A brief physical description of the character):

  • Personality (A few sentences on the personality of your character):

  • Biography (How or where did your character grew up? Did your character had any event involvements? ETC.):

Staff Members

Sought out IC.
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