Blue Blood Noble Family House von Wremen


Aug 29, 2023
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House von Wremen


The von Wremen house lives off the land bestowed to an old military general. They are quite active for a Court Family, participating in and hosting Noble activities. Their activity has had a dip after a vampire invaded their ranks. Rest assured, this plague has been eradicated and the sanguine curse has been purged. The current head of the house is one Wilhelmina Winzer, a Stormenn woman who married into the family. The eldest member, Philip von Wremen, passed down his title to her after the death of his wife led him into seclusion. The family is known for the talented smithing techniques and military tactics passed down through the ages.


The von Wremen family was ennobled after their vital service in the military during the late Wirtemcaller Era, but before that, they were just blacksmiths, miners, and farmers. People known for their kindness, building houses for those without, and feeding hungry mouths. The guiding hand that brought the family up to Nobility was a military general by the name of Dominic Vetter. He used the work of his brothers, sisters, and children to aid the military. This sacrifice in the name of good earned him the title of Count, and the province of Wremen.

Province: Wremen, Calemberg
Colors: Dark Crimson(450B0B), symbolizing the blood shed in battle, Muddy Green(394031), symbolizing the ground fought on, and Gold(B8860B) symbolizing the good profit spread across the land.
Title: Count/Countess/Countirh
Religious Alignment: Unionist at first glance(Any Religions accepted)
Wealth: Acquired through the sale of weaponry and wares to the Regalian military.
Family Symbology: The family crest is a cowbird and a canary resting on a branch together.
Family Values: The family stands for pride and perseverance and the thought of putting all you have into your work so it may help another.

House Members

[OOC Information]: Reach out to me on discord if you wish to infer about any of these characters, or wish to play any of them. @ghostarchitech

Played Character - Main Line | Countess, Wilhelmina Winzer von Wremen(@GhosTech) | Countess Wilhelmina Winzer von Wremen acts as the mighty head of the family. She worked alongside a small militia to purge the von Wremen house of Sanguine, which led to her new title as Countess, Head of the Family. She leads most of the family's activities and holds an uptight moral standing. (NOT IC INFORMATION SPOILER) A Silberfeder vampire that embedded herself within the family after infecting or slaughtering previous members.

Played Character - Main Line | Lord Kostiantyn Winzer von Wremen(@fruitmeister69) | The feka son of Lady Irina von Wremen and Lord Leonid Eduardovych von Wremen. His official guardian became Wilhelmina Winzer von Wremen after the tragic deaths of both of his parents. He is one of the younger members of the family, and is oftentimes considered an oddball or the eccentric one by other family members. He is well-mannered and very proper in public, and comes off as naive to many. He is most commonly seen with the Countess and is reluctant to stray from her.

Playable Character - Main Line | Lord Jeremias von Wremen | Lord Jeremias von Wremen is a renowned blacksmith, carrying the knowledge of the von Wremen household.

Playable Character - Main Line | Beatrix von Wremen | Lorem Ipsum

Playable Character - Main Line | Amalie von Wremen | Lorem Ipsum

Playable Character - Main Line | Dmytro von Wremen | Lorem Ipsum

Playable Character - Main Line | Liliya von Wremen | Lorem Ipsum

Playable Character - Extended Family | Leonore Kirchebaum | Although not a direct descendant of the von Wremen line, she often works alongside the family in their duties. Through her actions, she has gained an honorary title amongst the family's ranks. She is a defiant woman, often acting uncouthly, seeing as she lacks noble origins. She is a close advisor to the family head, Countess Wilhelmina Winzer von Wremen. (NOT IC INFORMATION SPOILER) She was turned a Silberfeder vampire after being infected by Wilhelmina. This sacrifice was taken to keep her father, Philip Kirchebaum von Wremen alive.
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