Blue Blood Noble Family House Von Rolanthe


Dec 25, 2023
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House vun Rolanthe, or von Rolanthe (commonly referred to by it's Calem translation outside of Tirgunn,) is a Lothar-Aligned, Purist-Unionist house. They are almost exclusively Leutz-Vixe. Their wealth was acquired by supplying weapons, armor, and uniforms for the Darkwald, then Lothar Order along with the Lothar Academy. They have operated workshops and factories for the production of wares for over four generations. The modern perception of the von Rolanthe family is that of the Lothar Academy and the Darkwald Chapter. In recent times, the house has moved to produce weapons and armor for the Regalian Military, as of the Sendrassian-Hadarian war.

Province: Vanren, Tirgunn
Colors: Dark Gray and Black, Pale Green-Blue (Rolanthe gréng) and Pale Red.
Title: Grof vun Vanren
Religious Alignment: Purist, Dogmatic-Unionist.
Wealth: Acquired through providing wares, weaponry to the Darkwald Chapter and Lothar Academy.

The family are known to wear misty shades of dark teal and grays, along with a specific shade of misty teal that has since been dubbed Rolanthe Green, which most staff and family's attire have accents of. Their crest includes a red poppy and a rapier. The family hails from Tirgunn, living in a large, dark stone castle, high on a hill overlooking blazing forests and frequently purged lands. They are proudly Leutz-Vixe, but are known to remain isolated in Tirgunn. Rarely are they spotted in Ostiermark, and never in Lorhaus. They are known as uptight and distant people, standing proudly behind the greater Counts, Knights and higher ranks of the Lothar Academy. They are well educated, a common attribute of the family are that they are prolific language-learners. The von Rolanthe kin are assumed to speak at least Letz and Calem to communicate with as many families within the Lothar peerage as possible. They consider themselves to be a stalwart symbol of the old Darkwald Chapterhouse.


Indigenous to the Leutz-Vixe region, the initial wealth of this family began with Minerva von Rolanthe being a Knight of the first congregations of the Darkwald Order. Since then, the family has operated production sites for weapons to be issued directly to the Lothar Order. The third generation of the family were mostly hands-off, the company being considered too instrumental to fail. Though as of the invention of Puretek, the von Rolanthe have hastily moved to invest into these wares, and grow their house assets. While the von Rolanthe name is generally steady and good, the third generation of wares fell under criticism for poorer manufacturing. The 4th generation strives to correct this with its investments in firearm production.


Played | Count, Ser Adagio Von Rolanthe of Vanren (@vulnyacura) | Count Adagio vun Rolanthe holds the head of the family following his mother, Cordelia vun Rolanthe's passing. He is her first and eldest son. As a new Count, Adagio keeps the majority of his duties to his house quiet, taking trips back to Tirgunn to assess the estate once a month. The Count is proudly Leutz-Vixe and strives to continue his family name, but has sworn his life to active duty within the Lothar Order in Regalia. His time spent becoming a Darkwald was long and unforgiving, but he may be recalled through his work as a translator for the order.

Played | Sir Jean von Rolanthe (@Local_Schnom) |Son of Cordelia von Rolanthe and her second husband, an Ithanian of questionable nobility, Jean stands out in the family for being vividly Ithanian. Despite facing occasional side-eyes, he experiences comparatively less familial pressure than his brother. Capitalizing on this liberty, Jean delves into his passion for the Arts, while serving the family as an occasional overseer to research and development of production within von Rolanthe factories. He has recently graduated as a Rank-Knight of the Émérites.

Played | Messamer von Rolanthe (@Local_Schnom) - WIP.

Played | Alice von Rolanthe (@Local_Schnom) - WIP

Non-Playable | Cordelia von Rolanthe (Deceased) | The Fourth Countess of the von Rolanthe name, Dame Cordelia von Rolanthe was a quiet, devout purist of the Lothar Order. Being a Darkwald herself, her younger years were spent on the frontlines of Tirgunn's offensive to the Sanguine. She had excelled within the academy and graduated in remarkable time. Her time was spent accounting for the interests and management of her house assets, and active duty within Lothar. At the age of 45, Cordelia began spending her time closely within the Academy, taking on dozens of Squires within her lifetime. She was considered a dignified and well respected lady of the Order. As her son Adagio joined the Academy, she shifted her attention back to the frontlines, as she feared presence on the offense from the von Rolanthe name was wavering. The greater family dissuaded her from returning to active battle in her older years, though Countess von Rolanthe disregarded this, and saw their concerns as cowardice. As her eldest son and heir was finally Knighted, and had followed his plan to relocate to Regalia, she was killed in battle months after he departed.

Non-Playable | Ser Klaus Maurice (Alive) | Cordelia von Rolanthe's first husband, and father to Adagio von Rolanthe and another son. Countess Cordelia and Ser Klaus had soon divorced after their son's birth, Klaus von Rolanthe being an emotionally absent and distant man. Ser Klaus is a Grauwald, notorious for his low tone, reserved manner and inability to raise his voice in combat. Rumors of the divorce circled about Klaus's inability to assimilate with the peerage, and his obsession with his abundance of penitents that often bothered the peerage associated with the Lothar academy. Ser Klaus is alive, and makes little note to communicate with the von Rolanthe he had previously associated with. Still, he remains on active duty within Tirgunn as a Grauwald.

Playable (?) | Andréa von Rolanthe (Alive) | Cordelia von Rolanthe's closest sister, Andréa is a well studied Lady of the peerage. She lives within the von Rolanthe estate in Vanren, Tirgunn and is the main organizer for von Rolanthe production sites. Her time is spent in her chambers researching fervently the newest innovations within Puretek, and manufacturing methods for weapons and textiles. Often found with piles of logistical sheets scattered in her dwellings, or sending encouraging letters to both Jean and Adagio. As of the Countess's passing, she has taken her time to send the new Count letters of encouragement, and assistance to assure his image is good within Regalia. She worries greatly for her nephews and the family's future.

To Play a von Rolathe, message @vulnyacura on discord with a pre-existing concept (above) or something else.


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