Commoner Family House Von Hohenberg


Local Imperial Knight
Dec 20, 2020
Reaction score


"Ehre ist die Seele."



House Theme: Conservative and Regal Wirtem with strong Knightly values and beliefs.
House Culture: Wirtem
House Religion: Unionism
House Seat: Schloss Hohenberg, Littoriën
House Title Level: County
House Colors: Viridian Green, Gold, Black
House Motto: "Ehre ist die Seele."
House Values: Honor, Virtue, Purity and Strength.
House Political Stance: Statists
House Foreign Policy: Interventionist
Sworn Banners: House Schäfer, House Ackermann, House Müller, House Abel


Males: Men of House von Hohenberg tend to stand taller than others. With an average height range of 5'10-6'6, they're raised as pseudo-knights from a young age. Known to be broad-shouldered and stout in stature, almost all of them are bearded, with black hair and green eyes typical to the region.

Females: Women of House von Hohenberg follow their male counterparts in being taller than average, standing within the range of 5'9-6'0. Educated on the same values of the males, the females are often afforded the choice of Knighthood or courtly politics. This often causes a rival between women over who made the better choice, but never so much as to degrade the family. Eye and Hair colors match the rest of the family.


Littoriën is a mountainous province on the border of Nordmark. Mines dive into the earth below, with most export being livestock and forge materials, both crafted and not.


Schloss Hohenberg, quite literally, Castle of the Tall Mountain, overlooks the province from on high. An ancient fortress from the Wirtemcaller Kingdom that was brought to ruin, has now since been restored through generations of work. Now the pride and joy of the house, it's a bastion of the house's values, and a remembrance of old history.


Schloss Altewache is the second holding of House von Hohenberg, though this one shows its age. Built originally by the house, it was never fully repaired from the Velheim raids that destroyed the Wirtemcaller Kingdom and razed most of Littoriën. Silently still it stands guard over the northern-most passageway into the region, waiting for it to be brought back to its former glory.


Ernst von Hohenberg (? BC - 27 AC)
The origins of House von Hohenberg can be traced to well over three-hundred years ago, far before the creation of the Regalian Empire. What records remain are written in Proto-Regalian, decipherable by scholars. Finding its home in the mountains of the Wirtemcaller Kingdom, the family originated around the Littoriën region of modern-day Calemberg. Nestling into the tall mountainous regions, Ernst von Hohenberg, named after the earthy outcrops that surrounded his home, was the first Hohenberg to make a name for the family. Starting a smithy inside the mountain town, he was the mastermind behind the mines and anvils that would go on to forge the family's legacy.

Helmuth von Hohenberg (27 AC - 52 AC)
If Ernst was the mind behind the family industry, Helmuth was the one who realized you could do more with swords than just sell them. Gathering the funds from the growing smithing and mining industry, Helmuth began to raise banners to expand the borders of the family's holdings. Bearing the title of Knecht, Helmuth found himself carving out the beginnings of the Littoriën province. Whilst the man's exploits were notable, he met a rather unceremonious end however, as during one of his rides, the horse's leg snapped over a log, and sent him into a river.

Franz von Hohenberg (52 AC - 65 AC)
Franz took up his father's mantle without much pomp or circumstance, being a slightly shorter version of Helmuth. A warrior with strict ideals, he believed in security and might. And part of securing oneself, was securing your future. Given this string of thought, Franz was the first of many to implement strict standards upon Hohenberg children, ensuring that they were all trained in not only the family trade, but also on the battlefield. Franz was killed in a clash against a Velheim raid, but his brief tenure had seen one of the most important family traditions created.

Anton von Hohenberg (65 AC - 89 AC)
Anton von Hohenberg inherited a strong territory with loyal banners and a hardy population. Deferring the conquests and border security to his banner lords, Anton took the role of Lord instead. Building Schloss Hohenberg, the mines were expanded and export was introduced to the region. Making peace with surrounding Lords, Anton made use of his mountain mines, turning a larger profit than expected with significant orders leaving the trails daily. With this increase in product, came a need for protection, as the Velheim raids began to increase. A warning sign for the future, but one that was ignored in lieu of maintaining stance and order.

Gerhardt von Hohenberg (89 AC - 113 AC)
Pending Scholarly Review
Ehrhardt von Hohenberg (113 AC - 138 AC)
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Heinrich von Hohenberg (138 AC - 164 AC)
Pending Scholarly Review
Jürgen von Hohenberg (164 AC - 187 AC)
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Christoph von Hohenberg (187 AC - 212 AC)
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Bernhard von Hohenberg (212 AC - 245 AC)
Pending Scholarly Review
Götz von Hohenberg (245 AC - 270 AC)
Pending Scholarly Review
Josef von Hohenberg (270 AC - 298 AC)
Pending Scholarly Review
Fridolf von Hohenberg (298 AC - 308 AC)
Pending Scholarly Review
Klaus von Hohenberg (308 AC - Present)
Pending Scholarly Review

Ser Fridolf von Hohenberg (49) - An aging Viridian Knight, Fridolf is the retired Patriarch of the house, and has taken up residence in Schloss Altewache. It is known he is working on restoring the fortification, frequently looking for new bannermen to join the retinue. - @FeatheredBlade

Ser Klaus von Hohenberg (23) - In stark contrast to his father, Klaus is a fresh graduate of the Viridian Order. A man who spends most of his time on Imperial Property, he's taken residence in Regalia to assist his Order, and to also guard the jewel of the Imperial Dynasty, the Imperial Palace. - @FeatheredBlade

Joining House Hohenberg

House Hohenberg is open to any who feel they're interested in a Wirtem family with deep roots and considerable lore behind it. It is important to recognize that this is a noble house however, and that Knight or not, you will be held to the same expectations regardless. This includes being held in good standing with Server Administration, and being proactive about acting within the rules and regulations of the server. Additionally, Hohenberg players are expected to commit themselves to learning the necessary lore of the family, culture and related subjects.

Family Application

To join/create a Cadet Branch or Banner Family, please tag the leader of that/the family in your application.

In Game Username:
Discord (May send in Forum DM):
Desired Character Name:
Character Relation to the House:
Character Concept:
Nobility Experience:
Why House von Hohenberg?

Staff Application

It is recommended that interested players work as House Staff or House Guards for the Hohenbergs and get to know the family's lore and style before applying for a family member.

In Game Username:
Discord (May send in Forum DM):
Character Name:
Character Sheet:
Desired Job (House Guard, Servant, Cook, Advisor, Etc):
IC Letter to Ser Klaus von Hohenberg

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