House Von Forst


most honest biped in athens
Staff member
Jan 19, 2014
Reaction score



Named for its skilled lumberjacks, though eventually turning to a family of mercenaries and slavers, House von Forst, a commoner family from Calemberg, might as well be entirely irrelevant. Aside from the marrying in of one Marie von Forst and Gilbert von Forst, they've remained mostly absent from the noble scene. Their latest patriarch, Adalwolf von Forst, hopes to expand their influence wherever he can, though his plans are kept secret from a majority of the family.




Place of Origin: Calemberg.
Wealth: Mid-class Commoner.
House Colors: Darker greens, blues and grey.
Family Symbol: A grey oak tree, with green leaves. A blue falcon overlaps the tree, extending its wings.
Religion: ???.
Family Culture: New Regalian.
Business/Trade: Mercenary work and slaves!







Screen Shot 2018-02-23 at 2.05.42 PM.png



Green = Playable
Orange = Taken
Red = Unplayable
Black = Dead​


Derek von Forst (55): Strict and militaristic former Patriarch.
Erma von Forst née Amsel (57): Derek's bullied wife. Practically treated as a slave by her husband, though she finds solace in her sons.

Jaeger von Forst (60): The elder of the family, the oldest one still alive. After the death of his wife, he's taken more of a disciplinary role. @GoldWolfGaming
Elvira von Forst née Vérany (Deceased): Jaeger's Leutz-Vixe wife. Mild-mannered and deeply in love with her husband. A competent medic, before inevitably passing.

Rainer von Forst (Deceased): A cold advisor to the former Patriarch, and a competent businessman. Passed away from seemingly old age. Married into the family.
Ada von Forst (Deceased): Wife to Rainer, only daughter. Tight lipped and coolheaded until her death.

Brendan von Forst (37): An individual in his own right. Giant, and trained in Feer-Drakken. Sort-of forgotten and left on his own. Source of bastards. Committed suicide. Formerly @Vivamente




Baer von Forst (36): Elder brother to the Patriarch, and practically his polar opposite. Less concerned with responsibility, and more concerned with self-improvement.

Adalwolf von Forst (34, Patriarch): Despite being the younger of his siblings, Adalwolf was given Patriarchy. None of the family are actually sure on why. @Anakyrivo

Eberd von Forst (22): The dramatic younger brother of Baer and Adalwolf, Eberd wasn't specialized into combat or military like his bretheren. More of a social manager to the family. @HodlinG



Gerfried von Forst (38) Well-studied in theology, heavily focused on by his father and mother, leading to heavy neglect to his siblings.

Marie Peirgarten née von Forst (25): Considered Adalwolf's greatest rebel, Marie is solely kept around for her potential use as a way of forming a relationship with other families through marriage. Which she eventually did, through her marriage to Maxence Peirgarten. @mochalattes
Maxence Peirgarten (can't be bothered to check peirgarten page): Marie's husband. @_Owlet
Cecilia Peirgarten: Alarik's sister.
Alarik Peirgarten:
Cecilia's brother.

Gilbert von Forst (20): A young and ambitious Lancyon warrior. Quick to befriend Ailor and make jokes, though brutally violent to nonhumans.

Maiolaine von Forst née Alaire (18): Gilbert's wife, arranged into a marriage with him to start an alliance with the Alaire and von Forst families. Barely ever sees him, and a good thing to, what with her headstrong personality conflicting with his own joking and fun loving one.

Rosalia d'Soliel (25): An ambitious scholar in medicine, headstrong and independent to her family. However a socialite and ally to many. Disowned, and currently a target of Adalwolf's brutal agenda. @_Owlet



Hansel von Forst (28): A black sheep in this line, in every sense of the word. Originally intended as a girl, Hansel was raised as one, despite his masculine name. Though he soon fell into Wapnbog, and embraced his gender. Currently crippled from the waist-down.

Alban von Forst (23): A young banker, with a heart of passable gold substitute, and a tongue of passable silver substitute. Despite his family's commoner status, his quick-wit got him enough money to continue his hobby of banking. @_JayP_

Cathrin von Forst (20): A young lady with an optimistic outlook on life, and a constant smile.



(Characters can be created, as long as they fit the lore. Adelheid and Volker are two known ones, though neither of them are played, nor legitimized.)​

(As an OOC note, despite these characters having a lot of similar names to Heinrich, Heinrich has no IC relation to von Forst. Heinrich died with onearmsquid.)




  1. Follow all server rules.
  2. Follow all Roleplay rules.
  3. Your von Forst has to be, at least somewhat, active. Inactive players will be given three warnings before removal.
  4. Have good OOC etiquette. We're fine with whispering to friends and such, but no screaming inside jokes at the Emporium.
  5. Rebellious characters are (generally) frowned upon.
  6. Don't just join for courtships and arranged marriages. Please.
  7. Metagaming, God-RPing, and Powergaming can all result in removal.


House von Forst is, almost exclusively, black in hair color, though brown and a singular blonde have been recorded in the past. Their style of hair fluctuates, from straight curly and wavy, usually dependant on the von Forst themselves. The women are known to keep their hair long, and the men keeping it either short, or mid-length. Their eyes can be anywhere from blue, to green, to even dark brown.



Character name:
Character description?: (Personality, appearance, etc. You don't need to go into age or backstory unless making a character of your own)
What do you intend to do with this character?:
Any IG punishments?:

Thanks to @mochalattes for the aesthetics, and @BirthFather / @SasuNaru2016 for a general read through!​
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Not accepting applicants as I rework House von Forst into a Commoner family.
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Hello! Today I shall be applying to your wonderful family as the character Jaeger Von Forst! Thank you for your time!

IGN: GoldWolfGaming
Character name: Jaeger Von Forst
Character description?:


Jaeger to the public can be seen as a man of manners and etiquette, truly befitting the Aristocratic position and stance the family possesses in society. To family, Jaeger takes a role of discipline, expecting the utmost best from his kin. With this expectation, he holds himself to the same standards. At times he is taken by a depression which stems from the loneliness he possesses at his wife's death, though instead of this depression coming forth as a sadness, he could be seen as a cold individual when this overtakes him.

Of course with this personality, if accepted there is much much MUCH more development to be done.


Jaeger's appearance depicts of course an elderly man. The Von Forst's hair is greyed and wrinkles are scattered about his visage. The man's eye color of is of a dark brown. The elder adorns clothing of House colors, consisting of dark greens, blues, and greys. The man is always accompanied by a cane. This cane is not for support in walking, more so used for decoration as he walks.

What do you intend to do with this character?: With this character, I intend to bring interesting roleplay to the family and attempt to spread the influence of House Von Forst.
Any IG punishments?: None
References?: @_JayP_ @Ghirko

Tagging the family owner!

Character name: Eberd von Forst
Character description?: Twenty two years old, and with a consistent liking for the dramatic. He needs to be the center of attention, he is so caught up in this self-centeredness that he becomes agitated when the focus is off of him. Throughout his life he has afforded little interest in his family's business or upholding respect for the name. Rather, he has kept himself thoroughly in a partier's life, a life of many lovers and vices, each he has ditched for the next thing to catch his eye.
His place in the family tree is under the Main line, the youngest of his two brothers.
What do you intend to do with this character?: Play him.
Any IG punishments?: None at all
Discord?: Not Hod#7405
References?: @Anakyrivo
IGN: KattiMeow

Character Name:
Cathrin von Forst

Character Description:
Her hair would be a dark black, it is long and wavy. Her eyes are emerald green, and entrancing. She's have good bone structure, though a softer jawline. She'd have full lips, and a refined, upturned nose.

Personality-wise, Cathrin is a generally joyful person, always having a smile on her face. She rarely complains, and is always looking to the good things in life. Cathrin makes friends easily, and keeps a good reputation. She has a close relationship with her family, normally sticking around them for the majority of her time. She tries to hide her disappointment as best she can, wanting to only see the good, She isn't very outgoing, and doesn't take many risks.

What do you intend to do with this character?:
Have her as a main character.

Any IGN Punishments?:

KattiMeow #6422

@Galakskija @_JayP_ @Antartican
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Going to have to deny this for two reasons.
  1. Don't know enough about you.
  2. Changing the family.
Yep! Reworking it, already, to fit a more Common agenda. With the recent change in noble system, and von Forst's evident focus on nobility, I felt going to a more Commoner-level would be a good idea.
Basically, changing them to be mid-class Calemberg commoners. Update will be out soon enough.
IGN: Nidakk
Character Name/Application: Naumache Ni'kevvi No Application yet
IC letter to the Patriarch:

Dear Sir or Madame von Forst,

I am Naumache Ni'kevvi, I am a former Varran Cosiar but as of right now I am having a hard time finding a job. I would like to apply to humbly be your House's maid until I can land a job in the Regalian Battleship Fleet. I can take very good care of your residents, however, I do expect to be more inclined to the female members seeing that is my gender. I am willing to be a personal maid or one to all the members although I would prefer to be a personal maid to someone of your choosing. Please get back to me as soon as possible.

"Naum" Ni'kevvi
Firstly, you have a very high win-rp and god-rp reputation and I do not feel comfortable accepting someone like that for staff.
Secondly, as mentioned above, we are reworking the family, and not taking applicants of any kind.