House Von Carstaff


Painter of the Nine Hells
Jul 7, 2016
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House Von Carstaff

Colors: Green, Purple and Black

Business: Mining and Land Aquisition
Assets: Von Carstaff Estate, individual mines.

Brief History

The Von Carstaff family was born in the height of the Mad Queen to Raoul St. Carstein in 210 AC, a Regalian scholar working in Ithania, contracted into her research team to aid in conceiving what would eventually become known as the Te'suik Vampiric bloodline. After achieving his task, the newly-infected Raoul returned to Regalia under the name Von Carstaff, which roughly means, "from the map of the heavens" in pre-classical Alt-Regalian.

Raoul von Carstaff would give rise to one of the first Te'suik families, with only a handful of others to knowledge, even today.

In 249 AC, the Von Carstaff family would obtain their first taste of Regalian nobility as then-patriarch Victor von Carstaff I was appointed a barony from the state for his services to expanding the coastal fisheries. The economy in the area would grow around the business and by 260 AC, the township of Windfall had been cleanly established with the Von Carstaff family acting as the seat of governorship.

Victor II would take over the leadership of the family in 271 AC after his father's tragic suicide. Widow von Carstaff would not take responsibility for the family, considering her advancing age, but not her advancing appearance, fearing that it could out the family's true nature.

In 278 AC, Victor von Carstaff II would have expanded his trade and businesses into mining and obtained the title of Count, especially after several business undertakings with gem and metal-coveting families such as the D'eluise family who would remain one of the Von Carstaff's most valued trade partners.

Following the death of Victor II and his wife in 286 AC, Katarina would move into the commanding seat of the family, estranged from the Edmund branch of her aunt. She would all but drop support for the fisheries of Windfall and instead focus almost solely on expanding the family's mining operations in and around Regalia. This business decision did not come without much difficulty. The asset liquidation from Victor II's death left the Von Carstaff family with only a handful of profitable mines, leaving little room for profit and expansion.

In 290 AC, Katarina made the decision to exchange mining rights and partner with the Coen family, which gave the better-equip Coen's access to Von Carstaff owned mines, ending in a mutual benefit for both families. Katarina was allowed to remove the overhead of the mining operations while still maintaining an income through the mineral rights contract.

304 AC, Katarina and the Von Carstaff family have been less productive and business expansion has been unfortunately slow over the last few years. She has prepared the family for a business shift in order to maintain a relative seat of power in her respective community.

While not a very traditional family, there is one key tradition that has held since Raoul von Carstaff first introduced the Te'suik bloodline to his spawn. This ritual is, in the Von Carstaff family, known as a "Coronation".

All members of the Von Carstaff family, by marriage or relation, at the age of 20 are presented the option of being turned under oath of the family and its protection. Von Carstaff's cannot be turned before then, seeing 20 as the most prime age to accept the gift. While there are no punishments for breaking this tradition within the family, it's been adhered to with few exceptions, and those exceptions only being with family members who refuse to accept the bloodline. Those family members are often treated with extreme prejudice, but still treated as family, none-the-less.

A marriage to a Von Carstaff can only be arranged with Ailor who are most trusted to keep the secret of the family safe. Weddings for those above the age of 19 are sealed with a coronation to not only ensure the protection of the family, but its prosperity and longevity. Those younger are sealed with the promise of a coronation when they reach the proper age. Members by birth or adoption are allowed to deny the coronation, however members by marriage are not. It's for this reason that both often accept, seeing as neither one wants to outlive the other.

Von Carstaff's traditionally either have children prior to their coronation, as is the case of Kristen Edmund, who had her children at age 16 and 17, before the death of her husband. Or those who can't become pregnant before then often adopt 1 or 2 children. The children are often carefully selected with their birth parents and physical traits in mind, considering they will more than likely have to pass off the children as their own by blood. A full family of adopted children can be a major red flag for outsiders. It is for this reason that most of the Von Carstaff's act as though their children is their own, with the exception of Katarina, who openly adopted her children since she is unwed.
Family Line
Family members marked with a "(v)" denotes that they are/were vampires. Those without the note are currently too young to be coronated and as such, are still human.

GREY: Deceased
RED: Unplayable/NPC
BLUE: Open
LINK: Played with Character Sheet​

  • Victor von Carstaff I (deceased) - First noble patriarch to the Von Carstaff family.
  • Isabelle von Carstaff (79) - Wife of Victor I and eldest living member of the family.
    • Victor von Carstaff II (deceased) - Natural born son of Victor I. First Count of the Von Carstaff family. Father to Katarina and the most successful business leader in the family's history.
    • Emile von Carstaff (deceased) - Wife of Victor II.
      • Katarina von Carstaff (38) - Adopted daughter of Emile and Victor von Carstaff II. Current matriarch of the family. She remains unwed and has never thought about a relationship. She does not care about others and thus feels no need for a husband, even for show.
        • Annaleah von Carstaff (23) - Adopted daughter of Katarina von Carstaff. Little interest in carrying on the family business.
        • Garon von Carstaff (19) - Adopted son of Katarina von Carstaff. Presumptive successor to his mother as leader of the family.
    • Kristen Edmund (57) - Adopted daughter of Victor I. Bore 2 children before she would be turned.
    • Issac Edmund (deceased) - Husband of Kristen von Carstaff Edmund. Perished at sea while Kristen was pregnant with Daniel.
      • Erich Edmund (deceased) - Natural first-born son of Kristen Edmund. Died during the turning process due to heart failure. The Te'suik bloodline was aimed to make him stronger, but his frail body couldn't handle the transition.
      • Daniel Edmund (41) - Natural second-born son of Kristen Edmund.
      • Maria Edmund (34) - Wife of Daniel Edmund.
        • Aaron Edmund (16) - Adopted son of Daniel and Maria Edmund.
        • Cynthia Edmund (14) - Adopted daughter of Daniel and Maria Edmund.

  • Tobias Jens (73) - Housemaster of the Von Carstaff family. He serves as the primary personal assistant for Katarina as well as controls all functions and staffing within the Von Carstaff Estate. He also serves as a guard and advisor for Katarina while she's out of the house, remaining armed at all times, although typically hidden from plain sight. Tobias can only be commanded by Katarina herself. While other servant staff can be equally controlled by the other family members, Tobias cannot, not even by her children. NOTE: Tobias is NOT a thrall. He is not under any magical influence. He will never put himself in harms way for no reason.

Roleplay Information
  1. Their Te'suik bloodline is an extremely guarded secret. - Suitors to the Von Carstaff family undergo extreme scrutiny before they are allowed to wed any of their members and thereby know the secret of the family. An undying bond of trust is required before someone outside of the family is allowed to know. For this reason, anyone who is not a family member who finds out about the secret will "disappear". Family members who threaten to out the family are equally as tolerated and will likely be executed instantly if they ever try to spill the secret. If you play a Von Carstaff with the deliberate intention of outing the family, you will be retconned and removed immediately. That's not to say that the threat of them being outed isn't there, but if you do it just to grief, then you are not welcome.
  2. Do not act like a vampire. - Von Carstaff's are not sewer-dwelling monsters. They are not edgy. While they remain in the shadows in a literal sense, they are not disassociative. They are a family who conducts themselves like other families of their status. Their Te'suik bloodline lets them tolerate the sunlight in small doses, which aids them in hiding their true nature. Should any Von Carstaff have a visible rash, however, they will not be allowed out until it clears. When in public, the words "blood", "vampire" or anything else like that will NEVER leave your lips unless they are directly tied to the conversation at hand and in no way will they ever insinuate that you are such. Von Carstaff's DO NOT drink blood in public, even with "discrete" items like flasks.
  3. Unless explicitly stated otherwise, staff members do not know. - Very few staff positions will ever know, and those are only positions where their knowledge is directly useful in their day-to-day tasks. Currently, Tobias is the only staff member allowed to know. If a staff member inadvertently discovers their secret, they will more than likely be "terminated".
  4. You do not have to play a vampire. - If you don't feel like you can play one well enough or you simply don't want to play one, that's fine. There are plenty of family members in the Von Carstaff's history that either did not take the bloodline or did not pass it onto their children.
  5. If blood is present in a situation, you will immediately remove yourself from the area. - An important lesson taught to every Von Carstaff is that to prevent any bloodlusts, they will simply do their best to never put themselves in situations where fresh blood is present. This is typically taught to act as though you are violently ill to the sight of blood and must remove yourself from the area immediately. Bars, hospitals and other common places with fighting or blood present will be actively avoided.
  6. You are a noble and a sociopath. Act like it. - A defining trait of the Te'suik bloodline is that the vampirism directly inhibits their ability to feel emotions, making them much less susceptible to guilt. To you, other people are commoners and you are above them, both in wealth and status, and you don't care if you offend them in the process. They need you, not the other way around. To nobles above you, you're not stupid, you understand that kissing a little ass will help you rise to the top to the spot you deserve. You will accept a momentary ego cut in order to advance your personal status in the community. You can fake emotions easily, but you cannot legitimately feel them. You will never put others before yourself because you see no reason to.

If you would like to either control an available character or create your own somewhere in the lineage, I will only be accepting people that I have personally roleplayed with for the time being, until I'm able to expand the family some. If you've RP'ed with me before or would like to RP so I can gauge whether or not you're a good fit for a role in the Von Carstaff's, reply here!

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Would like to play Annaleah von Carstaff (23) - Adopted daughter of Katarina von Carstaff. Little interest in carrying on the family business. I will make her a character sheet and such If you allow me to join in this family :p
How Long Do You Play: Weekdays 4-6 or 7 Weekends Usually as much as I like not counting sunday
Time Zone: (ET) Eastern Time
Reason of joining: Vampire noble family, Something I would love to be a part of :D, I also would love to make a Te'Suik and apply to be approved and such and make a story to add on to yours with the adopted daughter :D

Since I have not rped with you before would like to rp with you to Join into this family
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