IRL Age: 14 almost 15
Username: WalkingShrub
Character Name: Emiliana Karhter
Are you willing to make an application?: If needed to then yes.
More About The Character (4 sentences or more To people who have seen Emiliana from afar and haven't spoken to her before she seems like a calm keep to herself person. Once spoken to their view on her would most likely change as Emiliana is quite kind and charming. The woman usually has a small kind smile on her face and is always a bit eager to speak to someone new. Emiliana always thinks before she speaks not wanting to say something of disrespect or something foolish.
PM me your skype and/or discord name: Discord: WalkingShrub#6053
Have you been banned from the server before? Why?: I have never been banned from the server.
Greatest Roleplay Strength: Quick typing, easy to engage with (I have multiple strengths so if you would like to hear more I guess ask?)
Greatest Roleplay Weakness: I would say anything having to do with romance. Not the best in the romance rp department.
References to give me a 1-10 rating: You said I didn't have to give any.
What you would give yourself on a scale of 1-10: Maybe a 6-7
I am quite tired so I'm sorry if this isn't the best
Also if skins are needed I am willing to do skins as well
Accepted! I'll send you a skype contact request, and a skin via forum pm!IRL Age : I am thirteen, turning fourteen on sundayy.
Username: The_DarkDuck_
Character Name: Amilise Karhter
Are you willing to make an application?: Yes I am willing to make a character application, but if I do it might take a while.
More About The Character: Amilies is a kin girl, She enjoys speaking with new people, but has a difficult time introducing herself and keeping a confersation going. At times she can get a little too excited, which causes her speaking to turn into gibberish. When she is with family, she has good manners and treats them with respect. When she is around friends, she gets a little hyper and tents to make small talk about the latest things happening. She is also very well educated and loves to read. She also likes to take walks around Regalia and explores, finding new things. Amilies is an over all happy person and isn't afraid to hide what she is thinking.
PM me your skype and/or discord name: My Skype is Wafflesaurus Syrup. I have discord but I do not use it.
Have you been banned from the server before? Why?: No I have never been banned from the server before.
Greatest Roleplay Strength: My greatest roleplay strengths are Family Roleplay, Fighting Roleplay, Emotional Roleplay, and Extroverted Roleplay. I am also quick at typing
Greatest Roleplay Weakness: Introverted Roleplay, Romance roleplay, I do sometimes during roleplay get distracted and for get about a roleplay.
References to give me a 1-10 rating:
WalkingShrub: 9/10
The_DarkKnight_: 8/10
Blitz_Miner : 8/10
What you would give yourself on a scale of 1-10: On a scale of 1-10, I would rate myself as an 8.
Irl age: I'd rather not say
Username: Fluffy_Rose_9
Character name: Sarah Karhter
Are you willing to make an application: It depends
Greatest Roleplay Strength: Fast typer and romance rp
Greatest Roleplay Weakness: Combat rp
More About The Character: Sarah is a nice and chatty person, especially to Ailor, though she can be quite mean to the other races she considers lesser than her. She loves to be around her family and loved ones and loves to speak with them. She loves to cook and it shows in her food as she is one of the best cookers in the house.
Have you been banned from the server before: No.
WalkingShrub 8-10
GrimDeValhalla 9-10
PosidonX7 8-10
How I would rate myself: 6-10
The two things I quoted seem to contradict each other, maybe she should have skin that is more fair in tone because of this?
My bad, I should make her a bit more tanned now that you point that out.Accepted as the adopted daughter of Edmund and Sarah Karhter (@Fluffy_Rose_9).
The two things I quoted seem to contradict each other, maybe she should have skin that is more fair in tone because of this?
Accepted!IGN: dboy_101
Character name: Marcello Vis-Vegcht
Description: <W.I.P App> Marcello is the middle brother of Edmund and Derick. He has always been looked down upon by the rest of the Vis-Vegcht family due to his disinterest in Military superiority, his Mother being the only one who truly supported his aspirations of becoming a philosopher. From a very young age, Marcello has been very interested in literature and the History of Aloria - especially the Post-Cataclysm and Nelfin Histories. Before his Mother died, she was able to send him to a History Academy within Dorinn where he would be able to stay with his cousins. After graduating, he spent the majority of his life with his cousins, losing contact with his own half of the family. He grew very close to Henry, who was much more accepting of his choices than his brothers. Very recently, however, Marcello has moved to Regalia to reconnect with his brothers, hoping they may have become more respectful with age...
Vouchers (optional): @Ghirko @Blackfish__ @OnyxXIII
Do you understand regalian, Leutz-Vixe, and military lore: I might have to read up on the changes since I left, but pretty much yeah.
Do you have Skype: You got it!
Irl age (optional): 15 (Homework, Revision, Exams etc. Mean I can't be as active as I used to be - but I'll make sure I get on for important stuff.)