La Especia Debe Fluir
House Trade:
Spice planations, coupled with shipping
House Colours:
Red, Brown and Gold
House Symbols:
A Bathogg head with flowers in its ears
The Amaya Elasmo
Titles and Estates:
County of Alto Barataro in Girobalda
Casa Agnano in Daenshore
The Vincente trace their lineage back to the Amaya family, when the Vincente patriarch Mateo was disowned from the prestigious Daendroque family after a marriage scandal. While the Amaya focused on their famed logging trade, Mateo took over a few spice plantations the family maintained for extra coin on the southern outskirts of Daenshore. When Mateo grew old, he left his son Cristobal in charge of his spice trade. With an arranged marriage for Cristobal and a wealthy aristocrat's daughter Lorea, Cristobal was able to put more funding into the plantations, allowing their vast expansion. With a grand income coming into play, more workers were taken on and eventually a cooperation with another business put shipping as another trade. The Vincente were quickly becoming more powerful than their previous ties, where the Amaya were struggling to remain prominent. During the Daenshore rebellions, Cristobal was slain when Atilio Amaya conquered the city with the pro-Andrieu Anahera militia, putting his son Ivaine in a position of power. When the riots subsided and the Bone Horrors cleared from the surrounding area a year later, the current Amaya title holder abdicated their title to the branch family, for no available heir was around to take a hold of it. While the Elven slaves of the Amaya logging industry were no more and the business was abandoned, the family were able to claim land in Regalia, with the County of Alto Barataro. With this new opportunity awaiting them, Ivaine and his kin took themselves to the Archipelago with new intentions.
Family Traits:
Green, blue or brown eyes.
Auburn or dark brown hair
Tanned skin
Current Members:
Ivaine Vincente, Patriarch, Played by @Greenie
Santiago Vincente, Played by @Kyberulf
Unnamed Vincente, Played by @snakeeyes205
- Character Name: (Self Explanatory)
- Character Position: (What relation do you want in the family? Revolves around Ivaine.)
- Character Concept: (What kind of Vincente do you want to play?)
- Have you ever been banned, muted or jailed? If so, why?: (If you have had in game punishments, state them here.)
- Activity level?: (How often are you online?)
- Previous character applications: (Do you have any previously approved character applications?)
- Experience with Nobility?: (Have you ever had a noble character? What personal experiences with noble roleplay do you have?)
- Do you have Skype?: (For easier communication.)
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