House Vauclain


Lesbian Worst Enemy
Jun 10, 2016
Reaction score
Deep, Dark Forest of Eastern PA



Gold in Peace, Steel in War.
House Colors: Purple, White and Gold.
Culture: Alt-Anglian with the flare of Ithanian influence.
Religion: Strictly Unionist
Family Trade: Vineyards, Winemaking and Horse Breeding (Military and Leisure)


The family can be traced back many generations but there is nothing of note until Eadmund I took a business trip to Ithania which caused major changes to this once so militaristic and fairly basic family. Eadmund left Anglia to explore the world in hopes of furthering the family's name but had never thought he'd be making such a large impact at the time. Once arriving in Ithania he quickly grew to like the fashion and overall feel of it all, which was expected from one who lived so plainly. He soon met Aloisia Farenne and after growing fond of her and finding that her family owned a wine business, he quickly decided to marry her, her business, and her lifestyle.

From thenceforth the family always had an Ithanian flair and often fluctuated between the two cultures, tradition warring with fashion and decadence. This lead to the family often travelling between Ithania to handle the business and back again to Anglia to handle the military side. It wasn't long, around about 180 AC, before Eadmund finally decided to drop the military pretence and Vogerenaard name completely - so committed he was to his love and their life. The family rose in power from there and oddly enough continued to travel between the two states. Once Eadmund had passed - the family grew complacent and happy in their vineyards before being reinvigorated by Eadmund II, the grandson of Eadmund I. After visiting Regalia for a time, he gained various titles to Loiree and pushed for the family to live on their new lands. There were hardly any more trips to Ithania or Anglia and finally, the family seemed to be at rest and at peace, no longer torn between two homelands.

Within recent years the family has taken to the city lifestyle and excitement of Regalia. They have ventured into politics and further grown their businesses and connections. The family faltered in this new arena for a time before Marianne Vauclain, handed the matriarchy of the family by her father Eadmund II, married Leonzio Vanetti after the Lo Occupation of 304 AC. He managed to quickly help ascend the family to greater power while also focusing on the Anglian side, harkening back to their roots, and bringing the Vauclains full circle once more.

However much more recently, the family has fallen on hard times as Eadmund II after attempting to assist in the Anglia Mist Crisis, was lost into the mist itself, leaving the family without a head and scrambling to decide what to do. As Frederick, the youngest son was off in the war, all eyes turned to the remaining sister, Darcie who was residing in Regalia with her husband and three children. With clear vigour and a masterful hand, the now thirty-five-year-old woman has taken over as Matriarch of the fallen house and has set her eyes upon renewing the house to its former glory.


Dark brown to black hair. Green or blue eyes. Many of the males tend to turn their attention to the hard labour of the family: venturing into the horse raising occupation or becoming military men. There have been those who have made a living off being soldiers and guards. Many though, often have a hand in one of the family businesses.

Similarly, to the men of the family, the women range from brown hair to black with green and blue eyes. The woman range anywhere from warriors to diplomats to everything in between. More likely than not though, they do lean towards one of the two family trades.



Played. Not Playable. Playable. Deceased.
Main Line:

Eadmund Vauclain: The General. Past Patriarch.

Eloise Vauclain: The Homemaker. Mother to the Mainline. Residing in Loiree.

Marianne Vauclain I: The Lady-Doctor.

Darcie Vauclain: The Diplomatic Artist. Present Matriarch and Family Head. @Walnoodle

Alexander Vauclain: The Bloodcast Knight. Husband to Darcie. @TheMoistestMan

Marianne "Annie" Vauclain II: The Protected Daughter. Daughter to
Alexander and Darcie. @sincerelymeme
Eadmund II and Gabriella Vauclain: The Twins. Young children to Alexander
and Darcie. Unplayable at this time.

Frederick Vauclain: The Favored Son. Off fighting in the war.

Juliette Vauclain-Howlester: The Warrior Daughter.
Shelved. Unplayable.

First Generation Cousins:

Godfred Vauclain: (46) The Horseman. Uncle to the Mainline. Brother of Eadmund.
Playable with permission.

Auraine Vauclain: (43) The Battle-Medic. Aunt to the Mainline.
Playable with permission.

Esmee Vauclain: (25) The Historian. Playable with permission.

Charlotte Vauclain: (23)
The Bowwoman. Playable with permission.

Annika Vauclain: (21) The Diplomatic Equestrian. @Angelus_Sai

Amett Vauclain: (21) The Dreamer. @TheHufflePug

Second Generation Cousins:
Ehren Vauclain: The Wine-Loving. Deceased.

Josephine Vauclain: The Beloved. Deceased.

Raina Vauclain: (30) The Lady-Knight. @Nesstro

Tavin Vauclain: (25) The Wine Connoisseur. @RustyTrumbone

Don't see one you like? Create a write in and if it fits, we'll accept it!


Wanting to Join the Family? Fill Out the Application Below:

In Game Name:
Forum Username:
Discord?: (Discord is a must to join the family.)
References: (Two or three references. We will speak with those you do tag.)
Jailed/Banned?: (Include reasons if applicable)
Nobility Experience:
Character You're Applying For: (If you wish, we are accepting write-ins for the second line. If this is the case, please specify this in your application.)
Character Description: (Personality and Appearance)
Last edited:
In Game Name: RustyTrumbone
Forum Username: RustyTrumbone
Discord?: Yeet Yeet
References: @Angelus_Sai and @AtticCat
Jailed/Banned?: N/A
Nobility Experience: None directly in the Noble family, however have been on the outskirts - being a "house engineer" character
Character You're Applying For: Tavin Vauclain
Character Description: In my eyes, Tavin is a man who is very undersized. Barely reaching five feet and five inches and on the lesser side of one hundred and fifty pounds, Tavin did not have much want to follow his male predecessors into military. He also has had a lifelong fear of horses, so he scratched raising horses at an early age. He has found his niche within the vineyards and making elegant wine.
In Game Name: automagicals
Forum Username: automagicals
Discord?: mario is a clown #6524
References: i'd rather roleplay with you first and then you decide!! uwu
Jailed/Banned?: nope
Nobility Experience:
Character You're Applying For: [WRITE-IN] (Half-Elf Bastard (If Possible)) Irene Vauclain
Character Description: A Half elf with dulled ears and red hair, this Vauclain is a mistake that was never meant to be. She was birthed by an Elf named Taenya, and [insert father vauclain here]. She lived with her mother for most of her life, but finally decided to come to regalia to seek out her family. Will she find them? Who knows? I don't.

Hello dear! Thank you for taking interest and applying to House Vauclain! The character you have pitched, despite being a write in, wouldn't exactly be fitting for the family lore. However, if you're still interested in a written in character, you and I can talk via Discord and we can perhaps come up with something that is more to the lore.
Hello dear! Thank you for taking interest and applying to House Vauclain! The character you have pitched, despite being a write in, wouldn't exactly be fitting for the family lore. However, if you're still interested in a written in character, you and I can talk via Discord and we can perhaps come up with something that is more to the lore.