House Theilssen


Magic? More Like Mag-ick, am I right, purists.
Sep 6, 2013
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Theil Banner Proper 2.webp
House Theilssen


Family Name
Current Motto
Ash, Blood, Gold.
Family Colors
Tyrian, Gold, Ivory.
Main Culture
Altalar ( Allorn Aligned )
Family Religion
Strictly Faith of Estel ( Altalar ) for main line ( Purple ), Faith of Estel ( Any ) for Syssthen line ( Orange ), Any for Alsiel line ( Green ).
Family Trade
Sailing, Alcohol production, Dueling and Scholarship.​

House Theilssen is the current head and bearers of Altrious Theilssen's legacy. Their past is deeply tied with the criminal elements of the former Allorn empire and Daenshore, mainly dealing with smuggling and extortion. While the house still maintains some minor ties within Daenshore their business has become largely above ground with Aesthiel becoming the head of the family.
While the house has long strayed from it's more radical beliefs in Nelfin supremacy, there still are hints of it throughout most branches, especially in the Theilssen and Syssthen lines with a strong belief in the rebirth of the Allorn empire. It should be noted that all currently pictured branches are at least neutral if not in support of the Regalian empire and the cultures of the isles and generally view humans as children that need to be guided rather than slaves. The main family is encouraged to follow the outer court, specifically Asc'tea, variation is allowed.

Characters/Family Tree

Theilssen Ages.webp

Due to the ages of characters some may not be playable without a special permission.
New characters can be added to the list though this is only limited to the Green Line and the children of Alistro Systhen ( Orange ) and Ralmeira Systhen ( Purple ).
Akhawir is a character that is supposed to be focused on statemanship, due to his close relationship to Aesthiel this aspect of him is set in stone.

Physical traits

Theilssen Line: Central Altalar, light hair and eyes, generally taller and thinner, paler than Syssthen
Syssthen Line: Maritime and Central, Dark and red hair and green eyes, shorter and bulkier, Tan.
Alssiel Line: Maritime and Sundial, Bulky and tall, dark eyes and hair.


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Activity from 1-10 ( Ten Highest ) :
Character: Give me a basic idea what you want them to be.
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