House Rothschild


The Antagonist's Right-Hand
Oct 25, 2014
Reaction score
New Ceardia
Roleplay Guilds
The Ivory Company
House Rothschild


Name: Rothschild.
Sigil: Painted Lancierron Horse.
Motto: "Fortune is Earned".
Colors: Green, White and Gold.
Family Culture: Alt-Regalian, with the latest generation having Ithanian and Daendroque added in. Despite the addition of other cultures, House Rothschild remains the majority Alt-Regalian.
Values: Diligence, Bravery, Honor, Duty.
Family Themes: Knightly combat, elegant food, horse races, sailing and commerce.

Basic Information

The Rothschild family has not made itself incredibly well known in the past, but the family does hold a clear name that those who become familiar with it are unable to mistake.

Due to their trade, the growth of finer plants, which are, for example; silk, olives, grapes, and grains. The Family of Rothschild supplies many Restaurants and Taverns with their products, along with stocking a handful of warehouses with it.

The Rothschilds become very skilled in the art of trade, due to many generations of trading knowledge being passed down to the next generation. The Rothschild estate sits in an isolated coastal valley of Eastern Gallovia, named Wahtal, which is Alt-Regalian for Fortune Valley. It hosts a small harbor, the Rothschild Manor, vineyards, fields, storage facilities, and a stable.

The Rothschild family is known to have a very strong feeling about Bodyguards and paid Security. They absolutely refuse to hire men for the family's protection, believing that a family is only worthy of recognition when it is capable of defending itself from petty threats.
House Rothschild men are trusted with the wellbeing of the family.

The Rothschild family is noted for breeding Uulan Horses in the past, having produced an esteemed quality in Steeds until the destruction of their Estate in Old Ceardia.

Due to the isolation of the Rothschild homestead, it is not uncommon for those raised entirely at the estate to have low opinions of the working class, due to being raised largely with only servants, cooks, farmhands, and their family.

House Rothschild is a Patriarchy, typically seeing the women as simply ones to marry out of the family. Due to this, House Rothschild typically values the birth of males more than females.

Family Generations/History

George Rothschild, 104-150 AC
The Rothschild lineage dates back to around 104 AC, with Roth and Abigail having a child named George Rothschild. George was born into an insignificant farming family, living on the outskirts of Regalia. The family had a rather small field, typically only bringing in enough income to support a lower class lifestyle. After a tragic plough incident, their widower friend and neighbor was killed. As he had no family, he had left his field to Abigail and Roth. With the new field, they were able to increase their harvest enough to profit. As George was entering his adulthood, his family had purchased the fields in the immediate proximity, and rose to a middle class lifestyle. George invested his family's savings wisely, and upon his death, his five children were living an upper-class lifestyle.

Viktor Rothschild, 136-187 AC
Viktor Rothschild, first born son of George Rothschild, used his family's small fortune to purchase a plot of land in Old Ceardia, the family's historic Estate, just before the birth of his first child. He sold his family's original farm, and relocated the family to Old Ceardia. There, along with the family's regular crop of Grain, he constructed a Vineyard and began growing Grapes and Olives. Viktor was successful, regaining a decent amount of wealth, which he had lost in the purchase of their Estate, for his nine children.

Darek Rothschild, 155-206 AC, and Henry Rothschild, 160-208 AC(Second Line)
Darek, Patriarch of House Rothschild, was the first born of Viktor's children. He invested a portion of the family's income and savings over the course of his life to the purchase two Caravels, and a Snow. Despite the immense pride he had for the Snow, he never was able to see it completed, dying of illness only a month before it's completion. The ship was named in his honor, The Darek.

Henry Rothschild, while not Patriarch, is notable for being the only father of the second known surviving modern Rothschild line. He was born five years after his older brother Darek, and two years after his older sister Agustine. He was made captain of one of the Caravels Darek had purchased. He passed the Captainship on to his only son upon his death in 208 AC.

Julian Rothschild, 180-226 AC(Primary Line), and Felix Rothschild, 184-234 AC(Second Line)
Julian Rothschild, first born child of Darek, and his only son, was Patriarch of House Rothschild in his days. Julian is remembered as having been the head of the Rothschild trade industry. He would personally lead voyages, and switched out the family's two Caravels for a pair of Brigantines.

Felix Rothschild, second born of Henry Rothschild, is best noted for his purchase of sixteen Painted Lancierron Horses, and his contributions to breed them. Through this, he gave the Rothschild a name as esteemed Painted Lancierron Horse breeders. He would personally ensure the quality of his horses, priding himself in having the absolute fastest horses around, even boldly stating "They are the fastest Horses in all of Aloria". He is said to have made the Painted Lancierron Horse the sigil of House Rothschild.

Benno Rothschild, 209-268 AC(First Line), and Flynn Rothschild, 218-268 AC(Second Line)
Benno Rothschild, Patriarch in his life and only child of Julian Rothschild, is credited for House Rothschild's stance on Bodyguards and Security. His opinion was that a family was worthless if it was incapable of defending itself from attacks. He paid an experienced Soldier to tutor the family's males in the art of combat. As time progressed, he personally trained several boys, and ensured that all Rothschild men and boys were capable in a fight.
As Baver's tentacles destroyed Old Ceardia and their Estate in 268 AC, Benno is said to have lead a number of Rothschild men to their deaths in an attempt to save their home. In doing so, all who followed him were killed.

Flynn Rothschild, only child of Felix Rothschild, was trusted with the family's trade operations. He is said to have been absolutely cutthroat, and incredibly greedy. He would spare no expense, and worked his men like prisoners rather than employees. He personally raised a small fortune, and increased the family's fortune notably as well.
As their Estate was destroyed, Flynn is said to have secured a large portion of the family's wealth, including all of his personal wealth, before they departed Old Ceardia. He is credited for the family's survival after the horrific event due to him not being able to leave a single coin or heirloom. He was ultimately killed as he attempted to make one last trip back.

Henning, 237-302 AC(First Line), and Markus Rothschild, 241 AC-Present(Second Line)
Henning Rothschild, son of Benno Rothschild and Patriarch in his life, secured the family's future in Gallovia. As he and the surviving two lines, children of Darek(Patriarch Line), and children of Henry fled Old Ceardia upon their Brigantines and Snow, he was appointed Patriarch. He commanded the ships to set sail to Regalia immediately. Upon their arrival, he used their saved fortune to purchase a Town Estate for the family during their stay in the city. Upon the first chance he was given, he purchased an Estate in Gallovia. He remained in Regalia as a Manor was constructed on their new land, and then he and his immediate family departed for Gallovia with their three ships.
In his older days, as the family's ships sailed constantly to and from their Gallovian Estate, Henning met trouble in the form of Piracy. A number of small ships continued to stop and loot Rothschild ships near their Estate. Eventually, the Pirates located their Estate, and attacked. They razed, looted, and pillaged the Estate over the course of a day, setting fire to what they didn't decide to take and besieging the Manor. At sunset, Henning rallied the available men, including his two sons, for a counterattack against the Pirates. They were driven off, but at a great cost. Several men were killed or heavily wounded, including Henning himself falling during the fight.

As Markus Rothschild, only surviving child of Flynn after 268 AC, began his life in Regalia, he used the salvaged goods taken from their now destroyed Estate to begin a line of Rothschild Wine, and opened a Tavern in the city. Through this, he was able to create a steady source of income until the family's Grapes ran out, and he was forced to sell third-party drinks. When Henning set off for Gallovia, Markus and his immediate family decided to stay in the Crown City.
In more recent years, namely 289 AC, Markus made an effort to seek out and purchase the fastest Painted Lancierron Horses he could find within the Archipelago. In the end, he had managed to find ten significant Horses, three males and seven females, and brought them to Wahtal to breed them.

Benedict Rothschild, 258 AC-Present(First Line), Antonio Rothschild, 280 AC-Present(First Line)
Benedict Rothschild, current Patriarch and first born son of Henning Rothschild, is known for his actions to restore stability to the Rothschild family. He gained his Patriarchy immediately after his father's death, proclaiming himself Patriarch. Unlike any other Patriarch before him, his first order was the disowning of his own brother, Antonio, on account of cowardice against the Pirates. After he disowned his brother, Benedict lead from behind the front lines for two years as his knee, badly injured by the Pirates, healed. Immediately after the Pirate assault, Benedict rallied what men remained and led a campaign against any persevering Pirates, tracking them down and massacring them. Two years later, Benedict had expanded their Plantations to grow Silk and Cotton as well as Olives, Grapes, and Grain. At this time, the same Pirates they had driven off before had returned, once again looting their ships. Following, he departed to Regalia in order to pursue a title. In the recent months, Benedict has had his eyes on an Alt-Regalish town near Wahtal, Betrug. He intends to claim ownership of Betrug, and name the combined lands of Betrug and Wahtal Behtal.

Antonio Rothschild, second born son of Henning Rothschild, is considered a trade genius. He used the skills passed on to him by his family along with his own experience to seek fortune for him and his family. Upon the day of the Pirate attack, Antonio was tasked with preventing the Pirates from escaping on their ships. Instead of standing and fighting, Antonio boarded the Derek and fled, not to be seen again. Following his exodus, Antonio was declared disowned by the family.

In recent times, Rothschild has taken a more distant approach to Regalian politics, focusing more on the Hadarian Civil War, and providing trade to different nations therein. Though nothing outright notable has come of this, it has opened House Rothschild up to potential alliances in the future, at the cost of being absent in Regalia for quite some time.

Family Appearance

House Rothschild Males
House Rothschild men are typically full-blooded Alt-Regalians, with jet black hair and light blue eyes. They average around 6'-6'2 in height, and are typically having either Tones, Sinewy, Athletic, Muscular or Ripped body builds. They typically have somewhat deeper voices.

House Rothschild Females
House Rothschild women are also typically full Alt-Regalian, with jet black hair and light blue eyes. They tend to be around 5'8-5'10 in height, and typically having either Lanky, Skinny, Average or Toned body builds.

Family Characters


Alive, unplayed.
Alive, played
Since deceased/Unplayable.


Patriarch (First) Line
  • Feliciana Rothschild, 65 years old, Alt-Regalian/Daendroque.
  • Benedict Rothschild, 46 years old, Alt-Regalian, 1/4th Daendroque. @Legoclub22
  • Antonio Rothschild, 34 years old, Alt-Regalian, 1/4th Daendroque. @Chrothic
  • Ginette Rothschild/Herriot, 35 years old, Ithanian.
  • Cate Rothschild/Warren, 24 years old, Alt-Regalian.
Second Line
  • Markus Rothschild, 64 years old, Alt-Regalian. @GoldWolfGaming
  • Lily Rothschild/Cooke, 62 years old, Alt-Regalian.
  • Harold Rothschild, 42 years old, Alt-Regalian. @Jackalop3
  • Laurin Metz/Rothschild, Presumed dead, Alt-Regalian.
  • Silvia Rothschild/Hall, 39 years old, Alt-Regalian. @Cipherition
  • Silvester Metz, Presumed dead, Alt-Regalian.
  • Adrian Rothschild, 15 years old, Alt-Regalian.
  • Eric Metz, Presumed dead, Alt-Regalian.
House Rothschild Possessions


*Note property is not yet entirely decided upon. This is subject to change if needed.
Behtal is the land owned by House Rothschild. It consists of an Estate, and a town. The estate, named Wahtal, consists mostly of vineyards and plantations. It also boasts the Rothschild Manor, a large house with twenty bedrooms, sixteen bathrooms, a formal dining room, an industrial kitchen, servant quarters, a library, a decorative entry hall, a ballroom, an exercise room, eight lounges, a greenhouse, and a vault.
Betrug, originally the name of the town, now also referring to the land around it, is a quaint country village, home to just over 500 inhabitants. Betrug is mostly insignificant, not producing anything more than they consume, and not producing any notable resources. Despite this, Betrug has ample room to expand it's farm land, construct new buildings, or even start a mine or quarry.


The Sorgfalt
The Sorgfalt is a Brigantine ship owned by House Rothschild. It has only a single deck, and space in the hull. It fitted for cargo transportation, and has a crew of 12 men, and boasts four on-deck cannons, two on each side. The ship regularly makes trips from Wahtal to Regalia, and other trade centers.

The Verdient
The Verdient is a Brigantine ship, identical to the Sorgfalt. The main difference is that the Verident is fitted with enclosed storage on the deck, to transport more goods that must be sheltered from the environments.



House Rothschild owns several Painted Lancierron horses
Flink: Seven years old, Male
Heftig: Nine years old, Female
Schnell: Eight years old, Female
Eile: Nine years old, Female
Kurz: Eight years old, Male
Sofort: Ten years old, Female
Beweglich: Twelve years old, Female
Aristide: Fourteen years old, Female
Cassian: Nineteen years old, Male
Westley: Eighteen years old, Female
Osborn: Seventeen years old, Female


Family Application
  • IGN: (Your current Minecraft username.)
  • Character applying for: (Note: We do not allow custom characters, but most characters are only a rough concept, and are thus able to be personalized.)
  • References: (People who can vouch for your roleplay. Tag them, and make sure you obtain their permission first. Be sure to say so if you don't have any.)
  • Nobility Experience: (Ever played a noble character? Any experiences with the nobility?)
  • Activity: (How often and for how long are you online?)
  • Time Zone: (What time zone you live in)
  • RP Skill: (On a scale of 1-10, rate your RP ability.)
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: (Self explanatory.)
  • Able to use Discord: (Discord will allow us to communicate important events or happenings easily. Don't put your Discord info here, just state if you have it or not.)
Family Servant and Staff Application
  • IGN: (Your current Minecraft username.)
  • References(Optional): (People who can vouch for your roleplay. Tag them, and make sure you obtain their permission first.)
  • Activity: (Roughly how often and for how long are you online)
  • Time Zone: (What time zone do you live in)
  • Roleplay skill: (On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate your skill)
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans+ reason?: (Self explanatory.)
  • Ability to use Discord: (Having Discord is important. Discord is much better than icky Skype. Don't put your Discord info in your application, just state you have it or not.)
  • Position you're applying for: (Servant, Cook, Maid, Scribe, etc. You can apply to work as whatever, but House Rothschild does not hire guards.)
  • Character Name:
  • Character Age:
  • Character Race:
  • Character Gender:
  • (Note you may lie on the above three, but beware consequences.)
  • Character Sheet: (Any character sheet for the character applying. It's not required, but having one, especially approved, is a plus)
  • IC Letter: (Write an official correspondence to House Rothschild requesting employment.)
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Note everything is susceptible to change at this moment.
Character App for Laurin Rothschild/Metz @Legoclub22
  • Character applying for: Laurin Rothschild/Metz
  • References: @KingBrooke @iaydenbee @Waffle_Fo_Life @Legoclub22
  • Roleplay Character Applications(Optional, but highly recomended): None, yet. Working on one.
  • Nobility Experience: I've played Juliette Ta'ren *It is an official character* and Petunia Oak
  • Activity: I've been played on Massivecraft for nearly a year (10 months, about) And I consider myself to be somewhat active. I am not available on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • Time Zone: Pacific.
  • Roleplay strength: I tend to think I'm the strongest in emphasizing how my character is showing emotion as they speak or act, fights, and descriptions.
  • Roleplay weakness: I'm the absolute worst at being awkward with unnecessary chit-chat in roleplay.
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: No, no, and no.
  • Reason for applying: @Legoclub22 had messaged me, giving a description of the noble character, and I was .. really interested, actually. I read deeper into the family, and it seems like an overall fun family to roleplay in!
  • Able to use Skype?: No, but I will definitely do my best to download it if it becomes an issue.
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Character App for Laurin Rothschild/Metz
  • Character applying for: Laurin Rothschild/Metz
  • References: @KingBrooke @iaydenbee @Waffle_Fo_Life @Legoclub22
  • Roleplay Character Applications(Optional, but highly recomended): None, yet. Working on one.
  • Nobility Experience: I've played Juliette Ta'ren *It is an official character* and Petunia Oak
  • Activity: I've been played on Massivecraft for nearly a year (10 months, about) And I consider myself to be somewhat active. I am not available on Mondays and Tuesdays.
  • Time Zone: Pacific.
  • Roleplay strength: I tend to think I'm the strongest in emphasizing how my character is showing emotion as they speak or act, fights, and descriptions.
  • Roleplay weakness: I'm the absolute worst at being awkward with unnecessary chit-chat in roleplay.
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: No, no, and no.
  • Reason for applying: @Legoclub22 had messaged me, giving a description of the noble character, and I was .. really interested, actually. I read deeper into the family, and it seems like an overall fun family to roleplay in!
  • Able to use Skype?: No, but I will definitely do my best to download it if it becomes an issue.
thanks for showing me this katie lol ty senpai <3
  • Character applying for: Silvester Metz
  • References: @iaydenbee @Waffle_Fo_Life @ikatiebee @Biggums9001 @FruitiLooops333 @LickTheDamnDoor
  • Roleplay Character Applications(Optional, but highly recomended): The applications are outdated, and I'd prefer to not show them, but I plan on making an application for Silvester quite soon.
  • Nobility Experience: My only noble experience, sadly, was with the family Ta'ren with my character Sonya.
  • Activity: Everyday.
  • Time Zone: EST time zone.
  • Roleplay strength: My personal opinion (and others) about what is my roleplay strength is my ability to prolong conversations, and characters full of knowledge.
  • Roleplay weakness: Often, fight roleplays are not my specialty. I imagine this would work well, some how, with Silvester being a librarian. He would tend to the books, rather than to his strength.
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: None at all, my good sir!
  • Reason for applying: I wish for more experience in the noble scene, due to me only having one noble character, and the family thread is quite interesting! (also katie recommended me this, lol thanks snelapi)
  • Able to use Skype?: Yeppers!
thanks for showing me this katie lol ty senpai <3
  • Character applying for: Silvester Metz
  • References: @iaydenbee @Waffle_Fo_Life @ikatiebee @Biggums9001 @FruitiLooops333 @LickTheDamnDoor
  • Roleplay Character Applications(Optional, but highly recomended): The applications are outdated, and I'd prefer to not show them, but I plan on making an application for Silvester quite soon.
  • Nobility Experience: My only noble experience, sadly, was with the family Ta'ren with my character Sonya.
  • Activity: Everyday.
  • Time Zone: EST time zone.
  • Roleplay strength: My personal opinion (and others) about what is my roleplay strength is my ability to prolong conversations, and characters full of knowledge.
  • Roleplay weakness: Often, fight roleplays are not my specialty. I imagine this would work well, some how, with Silvester being a librarian. He would tend to the books, rather than to his strength.
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: None at all, my good sir!
  • Reason for applying: I wish for more experience in the noble scene, due to me only having one noble character, and the family thread is quite interesting! (also katie recommended me this, lol thanks snelapi)
  • Able to use Skype?: Yeppers!
  • Character applying for: Eric Metz
  • References: @KingBrooke @ikatiebee @Waffle_Fo_Life @Legoclub22
  • Roleplay Character Applications(Optional, but highly recomended): I have none yet, but I do plan on making one in the future.
  • Nobility Experience: I play as Terryn Oak, headmaster of the Oak family.
  • Activity: I'm on everyday.
  • Time Zone: Pacific
  • Roleplay strength: I think most of my strengths are in family roleplays and being formal when needed.
  • Roleplay weakness The weaknesses I think I have in roleplaying are fighting and not being very tactical.
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: No mutes, No jails, No temp-bans.
  • Reason for applying: I was told by others (Legoclub and Brooke) that I should join this family so, I read the thread and was interested.
  • Able to use Skype?: Yes, I am able to use skype.
  • Character applying for: Eric Metz
  • References: @KingBrooke @ikatiebee @Waffle_Fo_Life @Legoclub22
  • Roleplay Character Applications(Optional, but highly recomended): I have none yet, but I do plan on making one in the future.
  • Nobility Experience: I play as Terryn Oak, headmaster of the Oak family.
  • Activity: I'm on everyday.
  • Time Zone: Pacific
  • Roleplay strength: I think most of my strengths are in family roleplays and being formal when needed.
  • Roleplay weakness The weaknesses I think I have in roleplaying are fighting and not being very tactical.
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: No mutes, No jails, No temp-bans.
  • Reason for applying: I was told by others (Legoclub and Brooke) that I should join this family so, I read the thread and was interested.
  • Able to use Skype?: Yes, I am able to use skype.
Family application:
Cate Rothschild
Srry don't have any
Srry don't have any
I was once courted by a noble
Role playing for about 2 years maybe more
Quick typing
Because I have returned after being away and want the full experience this time
Due to a lack of references, and a less-than-satisfactory application, I'll have to Reject this application. Feel free to re-apply again after 30 days.
ING: KingZoe
Character Applying For: Lily Rothschild
References: KingBrooke, PrinceKatie, PrincessAyden, AnimalisticArts, Zytus, IrisAmitia.
Roleplay Character Applications: I have one Character Application, Here ya go.
Nobility Experience: I've Played in the Ta'ren Family is Eve Ta'ren, and Lilli Oak. I do also play Merisa Parlow on who soon is to become a noble.
Activity: I've been playing massivecraft for now months and 2 days. I'm on almost everyday and if I'm needed, I will get on if I'm able to.
Time Zone: Pacific.
Roleplay Strengths: My roleplay strengths are, Fighting Roleplay, Family Roleplay, and Extroverted roleplay.
RolePlay Weaknesses: My roleplay weaknesses are
Introverted Roleplay, Romance roleplay, I do sometimes during roleplay get distracted and for get about a roleplay.
Mutes/Jails/Temp-bans: I have no Mutes, Jails, or temporary Bans.
Reason for Applying: I was quite interested after being told about this family, I decided to read the thread and well, decided I should attempt at joining, It was mentioned by Katie and Brooke and a few other people that I should join.
Able to use Skype?: Yes I'm able to use skype. I'm able to use it all times other than when I'm in school.
ING: KingZoe
Character Applying For: Lily Rothschild
References: KingBrooke, PrinceKatie, PrincessAyden, AnimalisticArts, Zytus, IrisAmitia.
Roleplay Character Applications: I have one Character Application, Here ya go.
Nobility Experience: I've Played in the Ta'ren Family is Eve Ta'ren, and Lilli Oak. I do also play Merisa Parlow on who soon is to become a noble.
Activity: I've been playing massivecraft for now months and 2 days. I'm on almost everyday and if I'm needed, I will get on if I'm able to.
Time Zone: Pacific.
Roleplay Strengths: My roleplay strengths are, Fighting Roleplay, Family Roleplay, and Extroverted roleplay.
RolePlay Weaknesses: My roleplay weaknesses are
Introverted Roleplay, Romance roleplay, I do sometimes during roleplay get distracted and for get about a roleplay.
Mutes/Jails/Temp-bans: I have no Mutes, Jails, or temporary Bans.
Reason for Applying: I was quite interested after being told about this family, I decided to read the thread and well, decided I should attempt at joining, It was mentioned by Katie and Brooke and a few other people that I should join.
Able to use Skype?: Yes I'm able to use skype. I'm able to use it all times other than when I'm in school.
I'll send you a PM to request Skype details.
Silvester Metz, Laurin Rothschild/Metz, and Eric Metz have all died in an unfortunate shipwreck. May the Spirit guide their souls.
To whoever it concerns, this house will be shelved until further notice. If any members would be interested in a potential spot in a new house, please PM me either IG or over the forums.
House Rothschild is officially revived

@Forum Please clear the comments on this thread.
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@Forum if you'd be so kind as to remove posts pre-2018, that would be splendid.
  • IGN: Jackalop3
  • Character applying for: Harold Rothschild
  • References: Waiting to see if my reference is ok with me using him as a reference
  • Nobility Experience: Actually never been a noble, but I have dealt with nobles before. Both as guard and servant to many houses. So I'm looking for that next step in roleplay
  • Activity: Fairly active, I try my best to stay on top of school and factions
  • Time Zone: EST
  • RP Skill: 7 (Hoping to gain more skill from nobility)
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: N/A
  • Able to use Discord: Indeed I do
  • IGN: Jackalop3
  • Character applying for: Harold Rothschild
  • References: Waiting to see if my reference is ok with me using him as a reference
  • Nobility Experience: Actually never been a noble, but I have dealt with nobles before. Both as guard and servant to many houses. So I'm looking for that next step in roleplay
  • Activity: Fairly active, I try my best to stay on top of school and factions
  • Time Zone: EST
  • RP Skill: 7 (Hoping to gain more skill from nobility)
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: N/A
  • Able to use Discord: Indeed I do
Accepted on a trial period.
  • IGN: Cipherition
  • Character applying for: Silvia Rothschild
  • References: @Legoclub22 @Johnmanbevil @GamingLeopurred
  • Nobility Experience: You have tried to drag me into playing a noble once (long time ago), and kinda played Elizabeth Winslough (kinda as in not much), before stuff happened (stuff as in everything went to pieces)
  • Activity: I was dead for sometime, and I probably won't be on much now except weekends (cause Band), but I'm trying to be as active as possible. On weekends for sure. Hopefully. Unless I'm grounded. Or dead.
  • Time Zone: Central
  • RP Skill: A solid 7.9863
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: Not yet ;)
  • Able to use Discord: You have my Discord.
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  • IGN: Cipherition
  • Character applying for: Silvia Rothschild
  • References: @Legoclub22 @Johnmanbevil @GamingLeopurred
  • Nobility Experience: You have tried to drag me into playing a noble once (long time ago), and kinda played Elizabeth Winslough (kinda as in not much), before stuff happened (stuff as in everything went to pieces)
  • Activity: I was dead for sometime, and I probably won't be on much now except weekends (cause Band), but I'm trying to be as active as possible. On weekends for sure. Hopefully. Unless I'm grounded. Or dead.
  • Time Zone: Central
  • RP Skill: A solid 7.9863
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: Not yet ;)
  • Able to use Discord: You have my Discord.
Accepted on trial period
Alright I'll try to find myself a skiner to build up a skin for Harold @Legoclub22
  • IGN: Chrothic
  • Character applying for: Antonio Rothschild
  • References: @Legoclub22
  • Nobility Experience: Not really. But Ben Jones is pretty Noble in spirit.
  • Activity: Most evenings for a few hours.
  • Time Zone: CST
  • RP Skill: 7
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: No
  • Able to use Discord: Only if there is no cockroaches present. You have my information already. Remember, no cockroaches.
  • IGN: Chrothic
  • Character applying for: Antonio Rothschild
  • References: @Legoclub22
  • Nobility Experience: Not really. But Ben Jones is pretty Noble in spirit.
  • Activity: Most evenings for a few hours.
  • Time Zone: CST
  • RP Skill: 7
  • Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: No
  • Able to use Discord: Only if there is no cockroaches present. You have my information already. Remember, no cockroaches.
Accepted on trial period.