House Rosendahl


Professional Procrastinator
Aug 17, 2015
Reaction score



Summarized History

The name Rosendahl carries humble origins, with one able to trace it back to a small landless house on the southern coast of Brissiaud in 200 AC. In the beginning of his short tenure, Laurent I Rosendahl, the first patriarch of his family, could be found fishing along the docks of the coastline, keeping to himself as he worked diligently to bring food home to the table. Although he remained an unknown figure outside of his town, he was highly regarded by his neighbors for his rigor and dedication. This incognito status dissipated, however, near the midway point of the Skagger Wars. Though his main occupation was to provide for his family, Laurent had an impressive grasp on combat, and was enlisted as a swordsman to fight against the Velheimers of the north. His performance during this conflict gained him further popularity amongst the locals, eventually to the point that one of the landowners he was serving with gifted him a small plot of land to build upon. It was here that the Rosendahls began to truly flourish.

Laurent I and his son, Laurent II, slowly began developing a fleet of fishing and whaling ships from both their well repute and the newfound profits from their land. Growing in financial strength and popularity, the Rosendahls not only continued their tradition of fishing and whaling, but also adhered to Laurent's original ascent through constant service in the military. Though Laurent I was struck down in combat (he continued his military service throughout his life), Laurent II was quick to accept the mantle, guiding the Rosendahl family as it continued to spread its wings.

It was here, in the thick forests of Brissiaud, where the Rosendahls adopted their panther sigil and affirmed their Leutz pride. Although the house is certainly young (only six patriarchs have reigned in total), the Rosendahl's resilience and mettle is tough to deny as they enter the city with a vigor and determination to make their mark on the world.
  1. Laurent I | 190-201 AC
  2. Laurent II | 201-229 AC
  3. Henri | 229-240 AC
  4. Germain | 240-269 AC
  5. Vincent| 269-300 AC
  6. Jamie | 300+

General Info

Leutz-Vixe Ailor

"By patience thou will conquer"

Navy blue, Crimson, Silver



Common, Leutz-Vixe

Fish and whaling

Family Holdings
  • The Rosendahl's duchy, held by the current patriarch Jamie Rosendahl. It sits in southern Brissiaud, allowing easy access to whales and fish. Although most of the land is plagued by the heavy rains that characterize Brissiaud, its capital, Nirath, is celebrated for its warm breezes and sunshine; a kind courtesy of Nirath's proximity to the coast. Despite the short distance between Nirath and its coast, the capital sits within the cranny of a bay in a manner that deters battleships from closing in by facing the shallowest section of water and by having a decent chunk of land in between its walls and the deep, ship-accessible harbor.
The Nirathian Company
  • The umbrella term that signifies the fleet of whaling and fishing boats that obtains the stock for the Rosendahls' primary sphere of business. Most Rosendahls spend a short period of their teens in service to the Nirathian Company in order to better comprehend how the house receives their income.
D'Hellegum vun der Hirsch
  • The family's flagship establishment within the Crown Isle. Although small in size, it remains a popular lounge for patrons to enjoy a quiet night in. While D'Hellegum does serve as a proponent for the Rosendahl's principal business of whaling through its seafood staples, it also offers a selection of brews to the public.

House Characteristics

All Rosendahls receive basic education in literacy, Leutz-Vixe, and common before pursuing a higher education. Furthermore, all family members hold a staunch belief in unionism and conservative views.

Rosendahl males almost always
receive some form of military education (whether martial or leadership based), adopting strong militaristic fervor without relinquishing the cultural values of their ancestors. Their female counterparts consistently lean towards the intellectual spectrum of education, and only a sparse few women have received a legitimate combative education. While the Rosendahls align themselves with conservative views and almost always choose the next male to be the patriarch's heir, the family seldom overlooks capability and knowledge. If the male heir is considered to be too rash, insolent, or otherwise unfit for the role, the family may, after long consideration, chose a female heir to take up the role of head of the family.

Appearance-wise, the Rosendahls almost always have brown hair and blue eyes, although a few have been known to possess physical traits that differ astonishingly from the house norm. Personality-wise, most of the Rosendahls tend to have some form of creativity, whether that be in the form of art, writing, or even acting. They also lean towards a strong sense of criticism, some going so so far as to openly and shamelessly rebuke others in public. While the Roesndahl name was once foreign to any involved in politics and military matters, the newer generations have been eager to turn this reality on its head, engaging in activities of varying nature to increase Rosendahl influence.


Family Traditions

House Rosendahl believes that business matters are things not to be discussed openly with the public. Important affairs such as economic dealings or political moves are not to be done without the approval of the current patriarch, and matters pertaining to the above subjects are typically discussed with the rest of the family before full engagement.

Courting and the subjects revolving around marital union must be preliminarily discussed with the patriarch to ensure honest intent; any cases of "pre-approval" marriage are treated with scorn and mistrust. Interracial relationships are also instantaneously stonewalled, given the family's conservative nature and inherent wariness towards any non-Ailor.

All Rosendahls are taught a number of traditional folk dances and step dances. While some are exclusive to one gender, most are a shared delight for all members of the house. Although the family tends to keep this joy exclusively between themselves, the Rosendahls occasionally display their talents at weddings or other opulent feasts.


The Family Tree

The last two names before an indentation are those who gave birth to that generation
Black = Unplayable and/or deceased
Green = Already played/Unavaliable
Orange = On trial, currently unavaliable
Purple = Playable/Avaliable
Red = Shelved/Unavailable

  • Vincent Rosendahl (56)
  • Priscilla Rosendahl (Deceased)
    • Jamie Rosendahl (26) @Nudibronch - The current patriarch and older brother to Amelia. Jamie is currently pursuing a career as a general, enjoying Leutz-Fencing on the side.
    • Amelia Rosendahl (26) @IGutTheMidasTuch - Jamie's younger sister, elegant and poised with great loyalty to her kin.
    • Claudette (18) - Another young sister of the mainline, Claudette is a traditionally courtly woman with a great interest in Croisse-Baking.
    • Alain (17) - The youngest male of the four siblings, Alain has a considerable interest in the merchant activities of the family whaling business.
  • Birgit Rosendahl (64)
  • Antoine Rosendahl (Deceased)
    • Bryn Rosendahl (21) @Wolf_Cobra - The brother of Lucien and Ingrid. Preferring the stage to a battlefield, Bryn is an aspiring actor and playwright.
      • Theodore Rosendahl (Infant) - The son of Bryn and his late wife Arryn.
    • Lucien Rosendahl (21) @Daekon - The brother of Bryn and Ingrid. A military enthusiast, Lucien is enrolled in the School of Falkentrag.
    • Ingrid Rosendahl (16) - The sister of Lucien and Bryn. Ingrid possesses an odd Unionistic fervor.
  • Richard Rosendahl (49)
  • Jenna Rosendahl (44)
    • Margot Rosendahl (17) - The youngest sister to Danielle and Anton. Knowledgable in all rules of etiquette, Margot is both affable and elegant.
    • Danielle Rosendahl (19) - The sister of Margot and Anton, known for her vast intelligence on medical matters. Despite her reclusive nature, Danielle is often labeled the encyclopedia of the family.
    • Anton Rosendahl (23) - The brother of Margot and Danielle. An experienced warrior with an unshakable devotion and respect for his family.

Family Rules
  • Your Rosendahl is to be your main character.
  • The house is strictly unionist; all characters will follow it.
  • No vampires, undead, or mages.
  • All Rosendahls are loyal to their family and the patriarch, from both an OOC and IC standpoint.
  • It is imperative to have a positive OOC track record. If you have a reputation for counterproductive comments or toxicity, your application will likely be rejected.
  • I retain the right to reject an application or boot someone from the family at any time should IC or OOC issues arise.
  • Recruitment is currently OPEN.


IGN: (Your name as it would appear in minecraft)
Experience with nobility?:
Any server penalties?:
General Server Activity:
One RP strength and weakness:
Name of the character you're applying for:

Physical Description: (Brief bio)
Personality: (Brief bio)
References: (Optional but preferred)
Writing Example: (Optional but preferred)
Access to skype/discord?: (Yes/No)
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Im considering to apply... Convince me that I should @Nudibronch
You should, the Rosendahls are a very interesting family and Nudibronch is extremely nice ooc (though Jamie (Nudi's character) can be a bit of a grump)
So far Jamie treats Acheron fairly and vice versa. The initial "interaction" between the two was sort of difficult on Ash, but he is ready to provide and protect the Rosendahls.

Nudibronch is really nice. Id advise that you @TheDH123 give him and his family a chance.
@Nudibronch might want to change - Dante Coar Kalrest @Vahex -House Guard into his birth name in which he wish to be call formal by his co-workers or superiors, Acheron Arthenopaus.

Just thought I'd let you know.
thanks for the response but Im still thinking :)
wait by writing example do you mean from the character? Like a letter to Jamie Rosendahl? Just want to make sure. And yes I am applying. Cheers?
wait by writing example do you mean from the character? Like a letter to Jamie Rosendahl? Just want to make sure. And yes I am applying. Cheers?

This could mean anything from a character application to a lore compliant/incompliant/alorian universe fanfic.
Sorry guys Ive just decided to apply for another family
Socks and Sandles
Each one is horrible
But you know what is more horrible.

Dear Rich Men,

Farm Girl

(I hope I made your day :) )

Thank you for your application! Your progress has been set to pending. I'd like to take a look at your roleplay abilities personally, so please msg me when we're both in-game so we can have an IC chat. I won't deny that there is a factor of your application that makes me slightly apprehensive to accept, which I'll describe in the following spoiler.

It seems that you've applied to two noble families in an extremely short span of time. While I doubt anything negative was intended, this gives off the impression that you're more interested in playing a character of nobility than specifically being a member of the Rosendahl household. I believe that to effectively portray a character and be a productive member of a roleplay family, one must be interested in said house for reasons other than the fact they are of noble status.

I'd like to reiterate that I doubt anything negative was intended, and you could absolutely harbor interest towards the Rosendahls. I just wanted to mention my concerns so you could possibly correct them, or perhaps keep the aforementioned in mind when completing future applications.
IGN: (Your name as it would appear in minecraft) _Capitalx_
Experience with nobility?: I have been accepted into one family so far in my noble experience. That house is House Valdemar. Also, my faction member is making a noble house and I am going to app for that. Also, I want to join this house because I want more experience with noble roleplay for the future and I want to join a house that has serious roleplaying. Also, I always wanted to apply for this house and I really like I would make a really good fit as the character I am applying for.
Any server penalties?: None
General Server Activity: I am usually on 2-6 a day, but because of school and homework, I won't be on from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm in Eastern Time Zone
One RP strength and weakness: One of my greatest RP strength is action chat, I am really good with it and I really think I use it responsibly. One of my biggest weaknesses is when multiple people are talking to me at once is gets very confusing.
Name of the character you're applying for: Claudia Rosendahl
Physical Description:
(Brief bio) Claudia is a very divine person, she has blonde hair with chartreuse eyes. She is only a little tan, with long hair covered by her expensive coat.. She loves to wearing long brown dresses and brown heels. She has slightly pink cheeks and the outline of her dress at the bottom is fur. Claudia has a slim body with an average amount of fat. Claudia wears some makeup and diamond earrings. She wears blush and mascara with pink lipstick (even though the skin I have doesn't have a mouth).
(Brief bio) Claudia is a very charming person and fiercely protective. She's nice to her family but a mean to commoners who get in her way. She doesn't let anyone get in her way from getting justice and fairness. Claudia is very divine and fancy, she always wears expensive things. Claudia is the type of person to over react and little things and is kind of adaptive. She is stuburn in some cases and sometime hot-headed. She is also aware of her surroundings. When someone approaches her or one of her family members, she likes to study them while they are talking. Also, she is very aware on who she's talking to, she always keeps up with the Regalia news to see If she is talking to a criminal. Also, Claudia is very smart and intelligent. She has been school by the greatest teachers in the country. She is not very social either. When someone comes up to her she doesn't want to talk to thme but, wants to be nice. She always wants to be alone.
Access to skype?: (Yes/No) Yes, Please PM me for my skype account.
Thank you for your application! Your progress has been set to pending. I'd like to take a look at your roleplay abilities personally, so please msg me when we're both in-game so we can have an IC chat. I won't deny that there is a factor of your application that makes me slightly apprehensive to accept, which I'll describe in the following spoiler.

It seems that you've applied to two noble families in an extremely short span of time. While I doubt anything negative was intended, this gives off the impression that you're more interested in playing a character of nobility than specifically being a member of the Rosendahl household. I believe that to effectively portray a character and be a productive member of a roleplay family, one must be interested in said house for reasons other than the fact they are of noble status.

I'd like to reiterate that I doubt anything negative was intended, and you could absolutely harbor interest towards the Rosendahls. I just wanted to mention my concerns so you could possibly correct them, or perhaps keep the aforementioned in mind when completing future applications.
Bryn might have his sister come back to Regalia! Best timing as well, he needs someone he can trust to calm him down with what's going on :P

After some discussion, I have decided to accept your application. Welcome to the family! Please send me your skype over PM.
now it's just boring ;-; , I'm changing it so she's trained to use a Badirche, so she's gon be p' muscly.

Could I possibly get this thread cleaned? If you could delete all replies starting with H0on's (leaving my first two), that'd be great!
IGN: (Your name as it would appear in minecraft): Daekon
Experience with nobility?: Was a noble in House Laine, and butlered for House Sinclair
Any server penalties?: I'm squeaky clean.
General Server Activity: On 4+ hours most days, unless certain plans mean I cannot.
One RP strength and weakness: I can get really into a character, and almost become the character themself.
I have little experience in military roleplay, though I wish to change that.
Name of the character you're applying for: Lucien Rosendahl
Physical Description: (Brief bio): Lucien, despite training in the School of Leadership as a tactician, is rather athletic (of the athletic body build as well), and enjoys Leutz-Fencing, something he does outside of his school. His eyes are a startling blue, and his hair brown, and though cut neatly, still lies slightly messily, like he didn't bother to tidy it after waking up. He is around 5"10 in height.
Personality: (Brief bio): Lucien is a military man (young adult) and is disciplined and strict in public, though once he's made you his friend that will vanish, leaving a humorous and witty young man in its place. He's a tactician-in-training, and so he can often be caught surveying the area around him with a calculating eye. Added to this, he is very loyal, especially when it comes to family, and will jump at any insult towards them with cool sarcasm and an instant dislike of said person. He likes to keep up with recent news, and dislikes being out of the know, though if given a reason, will accept it. He often falls back on his military training when stressed or caught off guard, and often will straighten his back and become quite militaristic until he relaxes again.
References: (Optional but preferred): @Ghirko @Wolf_Cobra.
Writing Example: (Optional but preferred): The Ravens Eyes and Backstabbing And False Crowns are two recent poems of mine, from an anomalous poet. They're the two most recent examples of writing I can give, the rest is outdated and doesn't reflect my current skill level.
Access to skype?: (Yes/No): No, but this has been discussed.

My apologies for my belatedness. Regardless, I'm pleased to report that you have passed your trial and have been accepted into the family!
IGN: The name that would appear for me would be AntiquePicker
Experience with nobility?: I've been around nobility player's for quite awhile now. I've been currently roleplaying as Arthur Meilleur who was a house guard for Drache, now a house guard for the Ravenstad's
Any server penalties?: No penalties I hope for ever, haha.
General Server Activity: Sever activity. I try to get on as much as I possible can some days can be shorter than others like 3 hours to 9.
One RP strength and weakness: One of my roleplaying strength's would be fighting/combat roleplay. My friend has taught me a lot during my time on this server and I keep getting better through every RP with him. One weakness would probably be roleplaying in huge groups I sometimes get lost in it all.
Name of the character you're applying for: The character I'm applying for would be, Anton Rosendahl.
Physical Description: Some brief info about Anton's description. Anton would have brown hair and a light blue eye color like most of his family would have. Anton would have some little scars on his arms during his past fights as a warrior though he would hide them mostly with his clothes. As Anton is a fighter he had a general muscular look to his body from practicing his swordsman ship skills.
Personality: Anton's personality. He would be rather happy around his family and friends, he would treat them with respect when around them. Anton would be very nice in general around folk in regalia. Anton's respect for his family members would be very tremendous.
References: Some references would be Militaristic, PlutoPup, TiberTasic, HeyoBiggums.
Writing Example: Writing Example I don't have any of those I think..?
Access to skype?: Yes definitely.
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IGN: The name that would appear for me would be AntiquePicker
Experience with nobility?: I've been around nobility player's for quite awhile now. I've been currently roleplaying as Arthur Meilleur who was a house guard for Drache, now a house guard for the Ravenstad's
Any server penalties?: No penalties I hope for ever, haha.
General Server Activity: Sever activity. I try to get on as much as I possible can some days can be shorter than others like 3 hours to 9.
One RP strength and weakness: One of my roleplaying strength's would be fighting/combat roleplay. My friend has taught me a lot during my time on this server and I keep getting better through every RP with him. One weakness would probably be roleplaying in huge groups I sometimes get lost in it all.
Name of the character you're applying for: The character I'm applying for would be, Anton Rosendahl.
Physical Description: Some brief info about Anton's description. Anton would have brown hair and a light blue eye color like most of his family would have. Anton would have some little scars on his arms during his past fights as a warrior though he would hide them mostly with his clothes. As Anton is a fighter he had a general muscular look to his body from practicing his swordsman ship skills.
Personality: Anton's personality. He would be rather happy around his family and friends, he would treat them with respect when around them. Anton would be very nice in general around folk in regalia. Anton's respect for his family members would be very tremendous.
References: Some references would be Militaristic, PlutoPup, TiberTasic, HeyoBiggums.
Writing Example: Writing Example I don't have any of those I think..?
Access to skype?: Yes definitely.

I am pleased to accept this application for a two week trial! Please PM me your skype details and I'll get you started.
IGN: Fqteless
Experience with nobility?: None, I really want to!
Any server penalties?: Yes, but it my last was a long time ago, I was immature but I am not anymore.
General Server Activity: Too much time spent on the server.
One RP strength and weakness: My strength is that I have a strong vocabulary and I really love to get into character. My weakness is that I have sometimes gone afk for a while since my schedule moves around a lot.
Name of the character you're applying for: Danielle Rosendahl (If Alain is open though if the trial fails I'd love to RP as her!)
Physical Description:
Blondish, somewhat orange hair, she is fairly skinny and is really pretty. She is kind of smaller and she always wears a flower in her hair. She always has her hair down and curled, she has a braid the runs down through her curly hair.she has blue eyes and she always is wearing a dress.
Personality: Very kind and caring to others and she has an extensive knowledge of the world around her. She is very talented and loves to be with her family. She always tries to impress others and better improve herself. She is Shy and sometimes tries to be humorous around her family. She always shows respect towards someone she just met to best represent her family.
References: @AntiquePicker
Writing Example:
Unsure what this is. Probably don't have one.
Access to Skype?: I do have Skype.