House Polzira

What is this crap?

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Jun 29, 2014
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~ Basic Information ~

Race: Ailor, Thar-Url and Uurt-Url

Culture: Vladno

Crest: A pigeon, perched atop the corpse of a hawk

Religion: Etosian Unionism regularly

Languages: Mirnoye, Common

Words: "Never hunted"

Wealth: Moderate-High

Trade: Architecture, minor hunting.

Colors: Black, Minor Blue, and Gray


~ History ~

Polzira was always a name associated with lumber and architecture spawned from wood. Though for a long time, the name held no fame to it. It was simply a commoner Vladno family among many others. And this would have never changed, if not for the curiosities of one of its members. After the death of his father the newfound patriarch, Kholod Polzira felt he lacked any sort of direction, he did not feel any obligation to maintaining the family. This lack of commitment only helped to fuel a wanderlust that had been present in him since childhood and both elements would eventually cause him to leave his family, for which he was the only child and the only other living person aside from his mother. Not a single plea could keep him by her side.

The man's fascination had always lied first with the Velheim people and their territories, specifically the areas of Nordskag, Ellador and Jorrhildr. Places that he visited in a sequence, from the first being Nordskag to the last being Jorrhildr. This last place would eventually be the one that he spent the most time in after mere months in the prior areas. The difference between his stay in the former places and Jorrhildr was his encounter with an Oorl worm, whilst he was camping. He did not have the time nor the cohesion to react to the creature's invasion into his body. It was quick, aggressive, followed by changes typical to somebody exposed to this, Changes Kholod had no ideas on how to quell, leading to his transformation into a full-blown Thar-Url. There was an uncertainty that came with this. The man was now frightened, he wanted to go home but he felt more fright for how he might have been treated if he returned than his surroundings. And so he didn't return, and it wasn't long until he met a community of Baal-Url, finding himself among them soon after.

He embraced the new lifestyle as sincerely as he could, he even fell in love with one of the females. Everything came crumbling, however, after his first child was born. The man felt a sudden responsibility for the boy, and a life in Jorrhildr was the last thing he wanted for it. The mother, Brunhilda, was not willing to let go of the babe, however. A heated argument between the pair eventually lead to a fight between them, one in which Kholod murdered the woman. It was a response fueled by the heat of the moment rather than any conscious thought, it left Kholod stricken with intense grief, and more incentive to leave Jorrhildr.

All was not good on his return. His mother had remarried, and she spurned him, both for leaving her in the first place and for his newfound appearance. This forced him to raise his son by himself, his will to live at the moment was solely fueled by the presence of Utyosov. And by the time the boy had matured enough, Kholod simply disappeared, leaving everything to the new patriarch. Only leaving behind left-over knowledge of lumber and basic architecture. They were disciplines that Utyosov used at that moment to begin procuring a fortune. He was driven by little more than monetary gain, attaining some sense of luxury remained always on his mind. And though he managed to attain this in some semblance, though never to his full satisfaction, he neglected all other parts of his life.

The man only married one time, a loveless arrangement, procured solely for the purpose of creating children. The woman he had paired with had been a poor commoner, easily persuaded to look past the slim goat-man's appearance with money. She died giving birth mere months after the two had initially become wed. Though Utyosov didn't feel any grief or disappointment over the loss, she'd given him what he had wanted, it could have almost been said that he was glad to be rid of her.

The only other time he became interested in a woman was a chance encounter with another Uurt-Url. An encounter that eventually lead to intimacies and a daughter the woman had never wanted. Utyosov had no issues in taking the babe in as his own. He was rather distant in the lives of both of his children, leaving them in the care of maids for the most part and with little care for the feelings, this may have caused in them.

For much of the time after this, through the births and arrivals of new family members, House Polzira remained in Etosil. But in recent years the family has turned their eyes towards the Crown Isle, many of them have migrated to the city. For better or for worse.


~ Family Tree ~

Green = Playable

Red = Deceased

Blue = Played

Black = Uncertain

Generation one.

~ Kholod Talonshniydom Polzira Zykovovich, Age 98 - Thar-Url
  • Father of Utyosov, status unknown.
~ Bramhilda, Daughter of Styrkar - Thal-Url
  • Mother of Utyosov, Killed by her lover Kholod at the age of 27 over disagreements for their son's future.
Generation two.

~ Utyosov Talonshniydom Polzira Kholodovich, Age 67 - Uurt-Url, @HodlinG
  • Father of Oborina and Levkin Polzira
~ Pugina Talonskiydom Polzira Asmikovich. - Ailor
  • Utyosov's one and only wife, she died giving birth to the man's firstborn son.
Generation three.

~ Levkin Talonshniydom Polzira Utyosovovich, Age 40 - Ailor, @miner1011012
  • Utyosov's firstborn child.
~ Oborina Talonskiydom Polzira Utyosovovich, Age 37 - Uurt-Url
  • Utyosov's secondborn child, a bastard.
~ Isidoro Lo Vallo, Age 35 - Thar-Url
  • Lover to Oborina, Father of her twin son and daughter, Dressolini Al-Url.
~ Fedina Vorfanduskiydom Polzira Krutinovich, Age 39 - Ailor
  • Wife to Levkin, Mother of their two children.
Generation four.

~ Savinkov Talonshniydom Polzira Oborinovich, Age 19 - Uurt-Url

  • Son of Oborina and Isidoro, twin brother to Lebedeva.
~ Lebedeva Talonskiydom Polzira Oborinovich, Age 19 - Uurt-Url
  • Daughter of Oborina and Isidoro, twin sister to Savinkov.
~ Vorobyov Mlyatshniydom Polzira Levkinovich, Age 17 - Ailor
  • The oldest son of Levkin and Fedina Polzira.
~ Gilyov Mlyatshniydom Polzira Levkinovich, Age 14. - Ailor
  • The youngest legitimate member of the family.

~ Application ~

Ooc Info

Your motivation for Joining:
References, people who can vouch for you:
Able to use Skype?(If so, PM me your username if I do not already have your contact):
Past character applications:
Lore Knowledge (1-10):

IC Info

Character you're applying for:
Description of Personality:
Description of Appearance:


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Motivation for Joining: I have nothing to keep me occupied in roleplay currently, this seems like a good opprotunity and I wish to be a good friend.
References, people who can vouch for you: @hod, @hod @hod
Able to use Skype?: Sure!
IGN: Slicerofsilver
Past character applications:
Activity: To be very active starting very soon.
IC Info

Character you're applying for: Oborin Polzinid
Description of personality: Usually stoic in nature but still shows signs of Joy and camaraderie.
Description of Appearance: Average height with toned or built upper body muscle definition, covered in dark tattoos stretching from his wrists to his shoulder blades and chest . A rough line of stubble adorns his jawline and upper neck.
Might rework this family to incorporate really heavy Url elements. It'll probably be near unrecognizable, aside from the Vladno culture. Also @miner1011012 please tell me if you still want a part of this family at all.
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Aaaalll Done.

This was really a joy to write, and I hope it goes somewhere. Whether it does or not will be seen in the future, for now, I hope people enjoy this.
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