House Norwood


Skagger Dad
Jul 14, 2015
Reaction score
The Abyss



House Culture: Heartland Ceadrian, recently mixing with New Regalian

House Motto: Spiritus Vult, Proto-Regalian for "The Spirit Wills"

House Colors: Midnight Black, Cobalt Blue, Gleaming Silver

House Animal: Imperial Stag

House Values: Strength, Courage, Honor

House Status: High Commoner

House Standings: Hirschhöhle, Dragenthal

Business: Farming and Ceadrian Bloodhound Breeding

House Norwood dates its history back to Old Ceardia, in Lukkerdam where the family made a profit off of farming the rich lands. They soon discovered the Ceardian Bloodhounds seven years after their first discovery, beginning to split their time farming to taming and breeding these hounds for service in the militaries of the various Ceardians Warlords.They continued to survive as moderate farmers and dog breeders until the destruction of Lukkerdam in 189 A.C. This forced the family out, where they would soon move to the Regalian Empire, though more specifically Dragenthal. Once there they took up farming once more, to a much lesser degree, however their Bloodhound breeding would prove very fruitful in generating wealth. House Norwood would go on for many years thriving and slowly growing under the business of dog breeding and military service. This was only halted in 257 A.C. when the son of Percival Norwood, Percival Norwood II, was expelled from the School of Viridian for utterly shattering the code of Viridian. This caused the family's public view to tumble down hard, something that wouldn't be improved until another decade and a half of hard work and keeping their heads down until the Drachenwald Crisis. During this event, House Norwood seized their chance to drastically improve their standing by supplying the Imperial Loyalists with Bloodhounds as well as food. Those who were able would even serve alongside the Empire to help bring stability to the region once more. Yet also in 271 A.C. the twins of Elric and Fredrica Norwood were born, both took up the calling of Knighthood in the Bloodcast Order and soon after graduation took joint control of the their family's business and then their family as a whole.



Eye Colors: Green, Browns, and Blues

Hair Colors: Blacks and Browns

Heights: 5'5 - 6'4

Body Build: Rarely below Toned

Schooling: Both males and females often learn combat, either in one of the Knight, Unionist, or Command Schools. Outside interests generally revolve around Husbandry.

Religion: Devout Unionism


Family Tree

Red means Unplayable

Blue means Playable

Yellow means on Trial

Green means Played

Grey means Playable under special circumstance

Main Line - Heartland Ceadrian

Percival Norwood, Male, Father of Percival II and Lindyn, Deceased

Vivian Eadal-Norwood,
Female, Mother of Percival II and Lindyn, Deceased

Percival Norwood II,
Male, Father of Richard and Kevyn, Deceased

Gracelyn Feraan-Norwood,
Female, Mother of Richard and Kevyn, Living, 73

Richard Norwood, Male, Father of Elric, Frederica, Averil, and Lucia, Ex-Viridian, Living, 57

Shannon Mills-Norwood, Female, Mother of Elric, Frederica, Averil, and Lucia, Living, 49

Kevyn Norwood,
Male, Father of Alexander, Algar, and Elaine, Living, 52

Ariel Mitton-Norwood,
Female, Mother of Alexander, Algar, and Elaine, Living, 51

Elric Norwood, Male, Living, 36, Twin of Fredrica, {x} @Eternal_Wrath

Frederica Norwood,
Female, Living, 36, Twin of Elric, {x} @Septanone

Averel Norwood, Male, Living, 28

Lucia Norwood, Female, Living, 24

Alexander Norwood, Male, Living, 32

Algar Norwood,
Male, Living, 30

Elaine Norwood, Female, Living, 24, @GhostAlexis111

Second Line - New Regalian

Lindyn Norwood-Kühn, Female, Mother of Eckhart and Derrik, Living, 69

Hans Kühn,
Male, Father of Eckhart and Derrik, Living, 71

Eckhart Kühn, Male, Father of Devan and Mary, Living, 41

Kimberly Richter-Kühn,
Female, Mother of Devan and Mary, Living, 42

Derrik Kühn, Male, Father of Alice,Living, 40

Brunhilda Walder-Kühn, Female, Mother of Alice, Living, 38

Devan Kühn,
Male, Living, 24

Mary Kühn, Female, Living, 22

Alice Kühn, Female, Living 20



How versed are you in the lore?:
Define There, They're, and Their:
Access to Discord?

Character Applying for:
Brief Physical Desc.:
Brief Mental Desc.:

Looking to become a house guard? Try here with the Tines of Silver

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Ign: The_DarkHoe_

Activity: weekdays I'm on from around 4 pm to 7 pm Pacific time and on weekends I'm on from around 10 am to around 9 pm usually depends on what I'm doing but I'm on a ton on the weekends (cause I have no life)

How versed are you in the lore?:
(1-10) 5-6ish

Define There, They're, and Their: wh- alright
There- Like in or at a place?
They're- They are
Their- Meaning a person or things previously mentioned?

Character Applying for: Elaine Norwood

Brief Physical Desc.: Curly Darkish brown hair, light brown eyes, athletic body build, and 5'8 in height

Brief Mental Desc.: Usually, a kind and hard working person but at times can be quite a strick and serious person when needed.

I apologize for this bad application I just got out of school and I'm tired but I wanted to get it done.
Just tell me if you need to know anything else. :P
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Ign: IndigoOverture

Activity: Online a lot most weekends, weekdays anywhere from 7-11

How versed are you in the lore?:
(1-10) 5

Define There, They're, and Their:
There- A place
They're- They are
Their- It belongs to someone

Character Applying for: Lucia Norwood

Brief Physical Desc.: Long, straight dark brown hair, light blue eyes, toned build, height 5'6"

Brief Mental Desc.: Often shy around people she isn't familiar with, polite, kind, sensitive, easily embarrassed
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Activity: Can come on most days of the weekdays/weekends mostly at night from 5-12

How versed are you in the lore?:
(1-10) 4

Define There, They're, and Their:
There: A place
They're: They are something
Their: They own something.

Character Applying for: Alexander Norwood

Brief Physical Desc.: Short messy Black hair, Dark Brown eyes, Sinewy build, Height 6'1

Brief Mental Desc.: Works hard and enjoys helping others in any way, but also prefers to keep to himself whenever possible.



Activity: I just came back, so everyday after 2:00 pm to 10:30 pm EST

How versed are you in the lore?: (1-10)
Define There, They're, and Their:
There - Describing a place
"Yo, he's over there"
They're - They are
Their - Referring to someone's ownership of something
"Their bag is stuffed"

Access to Discord?
I just spammed you on it, you're welcome.

Character Applying for:
Ariel Mitton-Norwood
Brief Physical Desc.:
Dark brown hair, cut short with swept bangs. A womanly body, about 5'6 in height. With an addition of bright blue eyes.
Brief Mental Desc.:
Is almost always smiling, having a very calm attitude. Is generally polite, with a few sassy quotes thrown in when not everyone's ears are on her.
Ign: BleachForTheSoul
Activity: Moderate activity, about a 5.
How versed are you in the lore?: 7-8.

Define There, They're, and Their: There indicates direction, They're is a multi-personal statement of being, Their is a third person statement of possession.
Access to Discord?: Got it.
Character Applying for: Frederica Norwood.

Brief Physical Desc:
Frederica is a muscular woman standing at 5'9 in stature, she has rather cold blue eyes and black hair tied into a braid about the back of her head. She typically wears moderately masculine clothing, jacket, boots, spats, if she isn't wearing her tabard and chainmail. She typically bares a stoic demeanor, but maintains a careful watch over those about her.

Brief Mental Desc: Frederica is a stoic character, from her wartime experiences she displays a hardened demeanor. Despite this, she's known to be impeccably caring for those she holds closely to herself, and is respectful to those she holds in higher regard. When comfortable, she typically speaks with a tinge of sarcasm, whilst this may come across as arrogance, Frederica is very down to earth.