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House Noor
Basic Information
Basic Information
- Race: Qadir and Half Qadir Family
- Motto: "Moonlight drowns out all but the brightest stars."
- Trade: Merchant family of artisans, inventors, craftsmen, brewers, and artists
- Religion: Multiple, including the Old Gods
- Family Values: Steadfast, Trade, Success, and Honor
- House Colors: Indigo, Marroon, and Gold
- House Noor is a family of Qadir with also blood from other races, ranging from dwarfs to Elves and primarily humans.
- The main line consists of a Qadir-Ailor mix, or Güneyliler, resulting in many members of the main line of House Noor having hair colors ranging from the lightest blonde to the darkest brunette. The main line of the family also has a height average of 5'6-6'2 for men and 5'2-5'8 for women. All members of the main line of the family also have skin tones ranging from pale white to a dark tan. Body shapes of the main line consist of usually midsized-muscular to large, depending on heritage. Facial features appear to be exotic, with small upturned noses to hawk like features, and almond shaped eyes are not only exclusive to the women, but the men as well.
- The second line consists of a mix of Qadir-Dwarfs, known as Brown-Dwarves. The hair colors are specifically brunette shades, ranging from red to burgundy. The Brown-Dwarves skin tones range from a medium olive tan to a dark black. Their heights range from 4'0-5' for men and 4'0-4'8 for women respectively. Body shapes resemble stereotypical dwarven Aldor Dwarves, except for big noses that have been inherited from Qadir ancestors. Crude features are not uncommon in the second line.
- The third line is known for its primarily mixed-race members, from half-races to distant daendroque cousins. Members of the third line usually are of magus descent, ranging from Cielothar, Avanthar, and Altalar. Due to inherited Magus genes, members of the third line of House Noor are known for their towering heights, compared to that of their main line cousins. Ranging from 5'8 -6'4 for men and 5'4-5'8 for women, the members of the third line of House Noor are easily distinguishable. Members of the third line have notably smaller facial features than that of their second-line dwarf cousins, with usually upturned noses with small bridges. Light and fair skin is not uncommon to be seen in the third line of the family, but few members have tan and dark skin. Long ears are notable features of the third line of the family.
- The fourth line is the line of the family that has unknown or very distinguishable features. Maia and Magus primarily make up the fourth line. Maraya are uncommonly seen in the fourth line, having been adopted by members from the other lines. Yanar can also be found around House Noor, though they are not considered to be direct descendants of the Qadir family. Mercenaries such as employed Url are to be treated like distant members.
- The three primary lines of House Noor are notably intelligent due to their mixed races, especially the Brown-Dwarves, who are known to be clever enough to rival that of the Urdweld. The first and third lines are known for being intelligent artisans and merchants, but not as clever as the second line of Brown-Dwarfs. Members of House Noor are usually expected to be bright from a young age.
- Members of House Noor are very social people, known for their unique way of using their characteristics to get the best of people.
- Ignorance is not excused from House Noor, as all members are thought to have very high intellect. Focus is primarily one of the many flaws of the members of House Noor, especially the younger generations of the family.
- Anger and sadness is usually not shown under any circumstances. Showing emotion when it is necessary is accepted, but there are still some who view certain aspects of emotion being showed negatively.
- House Noor is known for the quality that the members of the house branches put into their work. Criticism is the biggest tool for members, as it allows them to improve their intellect and eventually can be passed down to future generations.
- Some members have quirky personalities, usually being very flamboyant people. The Magus line is known for their colorful, effervescent mood while the dwarves are held back
- Due to House Noor being a very large line of members, family efforts are very valued. It is said that it is better to die together than to have lived alone.
- Direct members of House Noor usually do not have any troubles in becoming efficient workers, and are taught from a young age by the elders of the house, who have spent years learning arts and craft. Mastery in careers is expected by a young age. Members of the fourth line and outsiders are usually invited to watch and learn from craft, as it is viewed as a pastime for guests.
- The original rise of the family started in the far reaches of Farah'deen, around the time Songaskia Masaya started their reign. The family back then was known as Clan Firdaus, for living near Oases. Many hundreds of years later, members of Clan Firdaus modernized their name to Noor, named after the word for Moon in one of their known ancient dialects. House Noor had been prominent in Regalia since around 201 AC, making their fortunes as exotic fur traders and cosmetic merchants.
- Decades after the arrival of House Noor in Regalia, the number of descendants resulted in expansions to other parts of the known world. The first modern line of House Noor supported the idea of interaccial marriage, having brought in members of magi descent, ultimately diluting the original ancestry of the ancient Qadir origin.
- Many marriages and negotiations were made with the other prominent families of Regalia, due to the belief of exotic blood being unique and helpful for future generations.
- The first Brown-Dwarf lines of House Noor were known to have strongly been against the beliefs of dragonkin and dragon worshippers. Songaskian descendants are seen as the arch nemesis of the dwarven line. Many members of the family, even not of dwarven descent, still bear ancient grudges towards the Songaskians due to their unfair treatment of House Noor's Qadir forefathers.
- People of difference such as Gorr were hired as mercenaries and bodyguards, and eventually became well involved with the current family lines.
- Freedom of religion within the family was introduced later after interracial marriage was accepted.
- Few members of the family became radicals and politicians, eventually being corrupt by the power the family held in present-day regalia.
- Current generations of the family, especially the main lines are founded by the three siblings known as the matriarchs of the interracial line. Najrin Noor had three children, all of Qadir descent. After the death of Najrin, the three siblings became the matriarch and patriarchs of their respective lines of the family. The eldest brother, Nadir Noor, founded the dark Ailor line, or the primary line of the family, having followed in his father's footsteps and marrying a Ailor woman who was once his friend at a young age. Ninos Noor, known as Nina Noor, the middle sibling of the family family, founded the dwarven line as the matriarch of the Regalian Brown-Dwarfs, having been betrothed to a rich dwarven craftsmen given the name Mordhri Gunnar. The youngest sibling, Constantin Noor, had bedded many a women, resulting in many bastard children that were accepted into the family due to their unique and distinct features, notably consisting of Magi. Nadir stayed and lived the rest of his life inn Regalia, and eventually died of old age. Ninos and Mördhi Gunnär gave birth to one child, known as Austri 'Magnos' Gunnär of the Brown Elves. Narjis set his sights afar on the idea of exploring the known world, and was gone to make his fortune away from Regalia, just like their relatives had decades ago.
- Now, the future leaders of the house, are young in age and are proceeding to keep up the once ancient name of House Noor-Firdaus. Led by the dwarven Austri 'Magnos' Gunnär of House Noor, the many sons and daughters of House Noor are found working throughout Regalia.