
Sep 19, 2015
Reaction score

Theme music:

La fortuna favorece a los sabios

House Motto:
"Fortune favors the wise."
Trade: Lumber and Naval Service
The family makes its money primarily through selling Girobaldan ship lumber, and many members are members of the Regalian Navy.
House Colors:
Red, Orange, Black, and Gold
A bull upon it's hind legs, the family creed wrapped loosely around it.
Family, prosperity, and passion


The first mention of Miramonte was heard as early as 187 AC, but only mentions were that of a small family merchant business. For many years, the family business of trade was passed down through the generations, remaining isolated to Girobalda. Enter Sebastián Miramonte, a young idealist with an eye in the prospect of Girobaldan lumber.

Despite his father's wishes, the young Miramonte invested family money for an axe, some land and a dream for business. Years of what seemed almost fruitless work eventually began to bring in funds to finally support the family. As further years went on, the growing businesses land claims grew through the Girobaldan countryside.

Years later, a growing problem faced the seasoned Miramonte's business. A new family rising to power in the Girobaldan land, the Wodenstaff family. Competing in the same business for lumber, the two found themselves at odds now. Despite his seasoned business, he knew he couldn't compete with titled nobility. However, he found a better way to approach the situation. After a bit of grooming and such, the Miramonte offered off his eldest daughter to the family. With such union, the two families competition was able to subside, and rather work as one. This union would bring a long line of intermarriage between the two families.

After the union, the Miramontes took over most lumber claims for both families, and thus, profits and exports grew in vast amounts. Later on, with such a grown business, it attracted the attention of the Emperor, and the late Sebastián was given Barony over the Girobaldan region, now known as Cortaghena. Following Sebastián's eventual death, the Family continued on the business in Girobalda, bringing further attention and power to the family, alongside the growth of Wodenstaff.

In more recent generations, Miramonte began producing excellent sailors and captains, members often taking a fancy for the Regalian Navy over it's Army.

However, tragedy struck for the family in 305 AC, as the Emperor Cedromar I had revoked inherited titles, and this, the Girobaldan family had lost their title. They continued to lead the southern lumber business past this event despite this setback to the family's name.

The family led with prosperity in Girobaldan lumber exports. Recently, the patriarch, Esteban Miramonte, passed away in a tragic accident at a lumber camp. With his death, the patriarchy was to be passed to his eldest, Mariano Miramonte. However, the family instead asked Benjamin Miramonte, a blood relative with more qualifications, to lead. With Benjamin as head, he promised a future of prosperity and glory, determined to return title to the family.


Family titles:

Benjamin Miramonte (Imperial Ser)

  • Cortaghena: Capital Province.
  • Cartosão
Isabella Miramonte (Imperial Dame)
  • Casa de Frontera

Miramonte Males:

Miramonte males tend to retain Daendroque features through the mainline, while the occasional mix breed between Ceardian and Daendroque have appeared in other lines. Males feature angular brows with hair colors ranging from mostly jett black, to a rarer dark brown. Males have olive tones, attributed to average Girobaldan ones. Their eyes are strictly brown, however with the rarer hazel tone down the mainline. Male bodies range depending on the person, as most are pressed into more financial professions, while others press into the Military, or combat training on the side. Males range from as short as 5'7 to 6'1. Males often tend to be Brash and headstrong, especially amongst it's younger members. There's a firm hold upon Daendroque culture, being much more loose and easy-going. Despite peerage groups, some are found to sport a tattoo or two between its members. Males also tend to own well kept and trimmed facial hair, often in Daendroque styles. Males are pressed into the lumber business or military service. The family produces excellent sailors, bankers, and businessmen.

Miramonte Females:

Miramonte females hold much softer features compared to the males. Females retain the same shades of black and browns whilst showing greater variety in their ranks. The same goes for eye color, as more mainline females show variation of hazel. Females hold the same olive tones as males, but can show lighter tones as well. Women are much more on the shorter side, as they reach as short as 5'2 and as tall as 5'8. While retaining the looser culture of Daendroque, females are held to a higher standard than males. They're more expected to attend education schools over combat, But only retain slightly more mannerisms than males. Miramonte women are seen to gravitate towards more intellectual or artistic pursuits in the family, such as painting, finance, or some even Government. They, like the males, hold a firm passion for Daen culture and its aspects.


Recruitment is: OPEN

Members of the family:
Black: Deceased
Blue: Played
Green: Playable
Red: Not-Playable
Purple: Playable with qualification

Cadet Line:

Darcie Miramonte-Wodenstaff: (35) @Walnoodle. Not an actual Miramonte by blood, but an adopted Wodenstaff. The headstrong, firebrand of a Drixon warrior is one to often speak her mind and offer up a sharp and well timed jest while in conversation.
Main Line:

Antonio Miramonte: (72) (Deceased)
Previous head of house, father to Esteban, Salvador and Rafael. Died by unknown illness.

Casandra Miramonte: (65) Wife to Antonio, mother to Esteban, Salvador and Rafael. With the passing of her husband, and recently her son, Casandra has grown into a rather bitter business woman.

Benjamin Miramonte-Wodenstaff: (29) @Tracenator1 Current head of family. With Esteban's passing, Benjamin, the brash Wodenstaff, was given head over the Miramonte family, despite his inexperience.

Esteban Miramonte: (57) (Deceased) Previous head of house after Antonio's death. Father to Mariano, Emiliano, Duardo and Bella. A well loved member of the family, who met an untimely demise in a logging accident in Girobalda.

Maria Miramonte: (52) Wife to Esteban, mother of Mariano, Emiliano, Durado and Bella. The intellectual of the family, the woman recently became devastated over the tragic death of her husband.

Mariano Miramonte: (29) Son to Esteban and Maria. Ambitious, deceitful and bitter, Mariano was next in line for the house head, but found the position to be replaced by Benjamin, who he's grown scorn for.

Emiliano Miramonte: (25) Son to Esteban and Maria. The much more lively fellow of the bunch, Emiliano is competitive, adventurous, but a man good with finance.

Duardo Miramonte: (23) Son to Esteban and Maria. Duardo is much like his older brother, whom he often competes with. While poor at numbers, the younger member has been seen to have prowess with a blade.

Isabella Miramonte: (20) @CRASHIR Daughter to Esteban and Maria. The youngest and only female of the line, she's quite the loud girl despite her smaller stature. Being raised as the only daughter around so many boys, she often picked up traits from them, being much more open to speaking her mind.

First Cousin Line:

Salvador Miramonte: (53) Brother to Esteban, father to Enrique, Alandra, and Carmina. It's often hard to find something that pleases this hardened fellow. Salvador is a rather imposing figure for his history within the Regalian Navy.

Fernanda Miramonte: (49) Wife to Salvador, mother to Enrique, Alandra, and Carmina. Fernanda is seen as the quiet intellectual of the family. She tends to be a recluse and has taken up more intellectual and artistic pursuits such as painting.

Enrique Miramonte: (26) Son of Salvador and Fernanda. The golden son of the trio who is following in his father's footsteps with the military. His interests mainly focus upon his combat training and his deep love for military tactics and history.

Alandra Miramonte: (20) Eldest daughter of Salvador and Fernanda. A peculiar creature who, at a young age, could often be found following right after her elder brother, but rather than following him in the military, she turned her attention to art and music.

Carmina Miramonte: (18) The youngest of the three siblings and certainly a socialite. She excels in painting and very much enjoys outshining her elder sister.

Second Cousin Line:

Rafael Miramonte: (49) Brother of Esteban and Salvador, father of Mateo, Eleanora, and Miguel. Penny wise and stern, Rafael is a businessman at heart.

Esmeralda Miramonte: (43) Wife of Rafael, mother of Mateo, and Eleanora. A woman quite passionate with her singing and sculpting. @CyberMo01

Mateo Miramonte: (24) Son of Rafael and Esmeralda. A sailor, Similar to his Uncle Salvador, he is very military driven and extremely competitive with his cousin.

Eleanora Miramonte: (24) Daughter of Rafael and Esmeralda. Mateo's twin sister, the complete opposite. She is quite withdrawn and quite enjoys music and philosophy.

Miguel Santos: (22) The bastard son of Rafael, Miguel has only recently learned the lineage of his father, and the fellow desperately seeks to prove himself to the family.

Second line:

Romina Miramonte: (71) (Deceased) Mother to Lorenzo, and wife to Rodrigo. Passed away rather mysteriously.

Rodrigo Miramonte: (69) Once a fellow who was found in shady dealings in Girobalda, he found himself a broken alcoholic with the passing of his wife.

Lorenzo Miramonte: (43) A proud Naval man with a large distaste to his alcoholic father, the militant hopes to wash away the legacy of his father through his actions.

Naturally ambitious and craving prosperity, the Miramontes have a taste for politics, combat, and Daendroque culture in the noble scene. The goals of this family is to bring driving role play while including the everyday Roleplayer with looser cultural values that are Daendroque.

Miramontes are very joyous and passionate members of the noble scene with a affinity for scheming. Miramontes can be a friendly bunch, but cutthroat with opposition. If you're one for schemery and Daen culture, then Miramonte may be just for you.

Miramontes are:
  • Girobaldan/Daendroque cultured.​
  • Erondist: Pro-Military Conservatives.​
  • Feverently Sancellist Unionists.​
  • Primarily merchants, bankers, and sailors.​
  • Passionate and cunning.​
  • Bent on prosperity and raising their name.​


Rule 1.

The family is strictly Unionistic. No exceptions.
Rule 2.
No vampires, mages, or silven, unless discussed after being accepted.
Rule 3.
A good ooc attitude is expected. This rule is especially pointed towards fellow family members.
Rule 4.
Inactivity will result in removal.
Rule 5.
While activity is lax, we expect time to be dedicated to the Character and Family.
Rule 6.
You play a Miramonte out of want to play a Miramonte, not for noble perks.


(Your in-game name.)
Nobility Experience:
(Any experience you've had with nobility. Ever play a noble? Work for one?)
Roleplay strength:
(What are your strengths in roleplay?)
Roleplay weakness:
(What are your weaknesses in roleplay?)
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:
(Simply put.)
Have you an understanding of Daendroc/Girobaldan culture?:
(Are you familiar with the lore of Daendroque lore?)
Have you an understanding of Massive's lore in general?:
(Are you familiar with the server lore?)
(How active are you, preferably in hours per week.)
(What timezone are you in?)
(Any players who can vouch for you in roleplay and on the server alike.)
Skype and/or Discord?:
(Skype is required while discord is recommended as we like to keep in touch with our members on a more personal level. You can PM your Skype user if accepted.)

Steward: VACANT
The Steward aka the Head of staff is the one who controls the rest of the staff underneath them, generally being given jobs to hand out to the others. They are in charge of making sure that everyone is doing their job and assisting the family itself with whatever they need.

Financial Advisors:
The financial advisors are generally the ones that take care of finances and look over the check books that the family has. They are usually some of the more trusted employees of the family as well since they are handling how they spend their money.

The secretaries are generally the ones that aid each family member independently, they are the ones who write the letters, sends them, and is trusted with getting things done for an individual they work for.

Self explanatory, cooks are the ones who cook the family's meals and generally making tea and other sweets if requested.

Self explanatory, they are also generally known as the maids, butlers, and others who do the cleaning for the family.

Guards: https://forums.massivecraft.com/threads/the-bulls-legion.65608/
The Protection forces of the Family, guards serve to keep the Miramontes safe and secure in the city and Isle.
Staff Recruitment Sheet
(Your in-game name)

Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:

(How often are you online?)

(One or two will do)

(A simple yes or no. If accepted, PM me.)

(Write a letter to Benjamin Miramonte @Tracenator1)​
Last edited:
Omg I love this Trace.. <3
Nobility Experience:
Not really, but I'd like to get involved.
Roleplay strength:
I can balance multiple main characters pretty easily, I guess. I dunno man.
Roleplay weakness:
I'm slow at responding, I get shy and panic pretty easy.
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:
Nop. I'm a clean, clean boi.
Have you an understanding of Daendroc/Girobaldan culture?:
Only a little bit, but I can easily go and read up on it.
Have you an understanding of Massive's lore in general?:
If I had to rate myself, I'd say a 6/10
I'm active. Maybe 40 a week? I have a lot of free time.
@SasuNaru2016 @Wolfiecat940
Skype and/or Discord?:
You have both.

Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:

Few hours at a time during the day, depends if I'm stuck doing something

@CRASHIR @Wolfiecat940

Yes and Yes

Dear Benjamin Miramonte

I write you today, in hope that you will take in my request to join your house guard, I am an experienced in this field of work as it is not the first family I have guarded, sadly that had to end to me being sent off into war. I myself are a Viridian Knight and I am experience, I hope that you take in my request and that I hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely

Jurin Fi'Ratheilious

Viridian Knight
Nobility Experience:
I've had experience, somewhat, not good ones though.
Roleplay strength:
Roleplay in general for me, as far as activity and understanding it. I'm good at adapting to the surrounding, the various uses in words and descriptions.
Roleplay weakness:
Combat Roleplay is in a rough spot, and personalities, it gets hard to focus on different personalities so I mix some up that my characters may have.
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:
Hahaha None
Have you an understanding of Daendroc/Girobaldan culture?:
I recognize it, yet if I need I a reminder, than the page is always open.
Have you an understanding of Massive's lore in general?:
Yes, quite well.
As much that is needed as the character, no worries.
Central Time
@GrimDeValhalla @Lommey
Ha, how do you both like being tagged?
But seriously, @Miss_Confined (Justa throw you in here) @Gartono (You suck Ave)
Skype and/or Discord?: Unfortunately, Crashir has them both.
Nobility Experience:
I have worked for the Wodenstaffs as a house guard, and currently work for the Peirgartens as one
Roleplay strength:
I am decent at holding conversations and usually can respond fairly quickly
Roleplay weakness:
I occasionally have trouble initiating roleplay, and struggle with reading chat in crowded areas
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:
Have you an understanding of Daendroc/Girobaldan culture?:
I am familiar with it, but I can go read up on it if I run into something I am unfamiliar with.
Have you an understanding of Massive's lore in general?:
Yep, the only thing I am not familiar with is the alchemy and nature lore.
Probably around at least 9-10 hours a week
@Owiver_ and you
Skype and/or Discord?:
Yep, you have my skype and I can send over my discord