House Matsumoto


Brought to you by Panic
Apr 7, 2013
Reaction score




"Junsuina hana wa kesshite kaika o tomeru koto wanai"

Family sigil: Sakura Flower, Pond duck[/COLOR]
Colours: Unplayable, Peach,
Greyish Blue
Culture: Ch'ien-Ji, Yang-Tzu
Languages: Tatsugo (Dragon Tongue)
Family Trade: Expensive Kimono's/Noodle bar
Values: Strong bonds, Loyalty, Pride
Religion: Loong Dragons




Mini History

The family was started by Rikuto and Mami Matsumoto who combined their surnames after getting married and getting away from their respective families.

The two lived in downtown Yang-Tzu leaving peacefully of Mami's amazing cooking and Rikuto's bakers job. He made noodles at a local cafe and other dough related things creating his own recipes over time by adding and removing things he thought were needed.

They had two sons Haru and Sabrou. One filled with passion for his own business and the other a lazy drunk that felt ashamed every time he got home jobless. Mami loved them both and got a job herself to help fund Haru's dreams of opening a tailor shop to create Kimono's and other garbs to sell on the isle or outside of it.

Both of the brothers moved out when they were twenty. One finding loving and starting up the business he had always dreamed off and the other disappearing from the face of the planet. Haru shared his passion with his now wife Aiko whom he married after a few years of being together. Together they worked in their own shop called 'The threaded swan' Where they had two sons and one daughter later on all living above the shop itself and helping out when business got tough.

Their children's names were Akira, Hiroto and Hana. Hana and Hiroto named after their father's first letter and Akira after his mother's. Akira and Hiroto first seemed like a mirror of their father and uncle but after some time passed settled their differences just spending life the way they wanted to while Hana strayed off slightly enjoying her peace and not enjoying the boys company.

Akira and his father Haru closed the business after a few years of running it having collected a large amount of designs and help from their children and other family members. They turned the shop into a noodle bar the recipes of their grandfather being used to create a lovely environment to live in.

They now all have children of their own as even Sabrou's child appeared out of nowhere ready to help out the family while still ashamed of her past.




Family Traits

Physical Traits:

  • Females
    • The Matsumoto family mostly consists out of females it for some reason being in their blood to at least all have two daughters after being married to the same men for a few years. They have bright golden and round eyes almost all wearing something in their hair so people can keep them apart. They have dark black hair with sometimes brown tints or dark blue hues and wear bright colored Kimono's each main or cousin line sticking to the same color patterns in their clothing out of respect for their grand father who ran a business of selling and creating the outfits they are still wearing.
  • Males
    • The males of the family have dark black hair sometimes with a hint of brown and sometimes with an almost blue hue to it. Hair is long and uncut kept up in buns or over the shoulders. If the hair is cut it is seen as a sign they don't want to be part of the family. Their eyes a duller gold than their female counterparts with their bright round eyes. They are archers having been trained by family friends or scholar and are almost always a bit witty, stoic and flirty in their actions due to having to put up with the overwhelming amount of female presence in each household.


Family Tree
Blue: Currently played
Green: Unplayable / NPC
Grey: Deceased
Red: Playable


  • Haru Matsumoto - Grandfather - Married to Mami - Died at 82 - Expatriarch
    • Haru was the one that started the business of creating kimono's and other Chi inspired garbs to sell. His family aided him with this as he was just a simple tailor for most of his life. His brother helped him with this before going missing and becoming estranged to the family.
  • Aiko Matsumoto - Grandmother - Married to Rikuto - Died at 93 -
    • Aiko was a strong young woman that did not take anyone's nonsense. She had a dream of setting up shop to make noodles and other other Chi related food items and she wasn't going to be stopped. It took her years but with her new husband's help she started 'The Wet Noodle' up. Now her children still run it even after her passing.
      • Akira Matsumoto - Son of Haru and Aiko - Mainline Father - Married to Kimiko - Age 44 - Patriarch Playable
        • A playful young man in his youth that got alone very well with his brother Hitoro. Now older this is stoic in most is actions very calm and collected. He is the Patriarch of the family and runs a noodle shop with his wife. Only loving to his children in private.
        • [Reference][Akira and Ami] [Has skin made]
      • Kimiko Matsumoto nee Atoma - Mainline mother - Married to Akira - Age 41
        Played @WildRoze
        • [Stern but loving mother]
          A stern but loving mother of the main line that is very obsessive with her children and their future. She runs the noodle shop with her husband and has her nice loving moments but mostly with younger kids.
        • [Reference] [Parents with Usagi] [Has skin made]

  • Ami Matsumoto - Daughter of Akira and Kimiko - Age 21 -
    Played @WildRoze
    • The oldest daughter of the main line. She is very up front with her feelings and perhaps a bit awkward growing very nervous when she has taken her antics to far. Over all she has a high spirit and is playfully flirty.
    • [Reference] [Has skin made]
  • Ryuu Matsumoto - Younger brother of Ami - Age 20 -
    Played @Bearacuda
    • Young man that barely spoke to his family when he was younger not enjoying the noodle business in the slightest. He is starting to get to the age where is interested in girls but besides that he is rather laid back.
    • [Reference] [Skin almost done]
  • Usagi Matsumoto - Youngest child of the main line - Age 14 -
    Played @HeyoFreyo
    • Youngest and the apple of her mother's eye. She is really easily exited and bounces around places grabbing random people's hands to try and make their day a little better. She owns an albino rabbit she carries almost everywhere name Luna.
    • [Reference] [Has skin made]
Cousin Line:
  • Hitoro Matsumoto - Brother to Akira - Married to Mao - Age 38 -
    • [Used to be playboy fallen in love and now griefing trying to flirt at times]
      Brother to Akira and an ex-playboy chasing after girls left and right until he found true love in a seamstress named Mao. She taught him what true love is and after she passed giving birth to their third child Hitoro felt shattered. He is very protective of his daughters and is trying to find true love like he had before knowing she want him to move on.
    • [Reference] [No skin]
  • Mao Matsumoto - Mother of Cousin line - Married to Hitoro - Died at 28 -
    • A loving young woman that spend her free time playing the flute and helped with the family business when it first started up already deep in love with Hitoro. She still remembers that five years before she passed away she spend a lot of time with her cousin in law Yumi her own daughter not enjoying instruments as much.
      After giving birth to Osami she passed away in their home to frail and weak after hours and hours.
    • [Reference] [No skin]
      • Ichirou Matsumoto - Son of Hitoro and Mao - Age 22 -
        • Smug young man with his heart on his sleeve. He grew up being taught archery by his father and tried to play the flute as well like his mother asked of him but found it wasn't for him. He is sweet and calm about most situations being laid back over all.
        • [Reference] [Has skin made]
      • Sayuri Matsumoto - Sister to Ichirou - Age 19 -
        Played @Manatee_
        • Pristine and proper young lady that holds herself high having always wished to be of a more noble birth. She almost always wears her hair up and is studying to become a scholar and a writter.
        • [Reference] [Has skin made]
      • Osami Matsumoto - Youngest sister - Age 16 -
        Played @Nesstro
        • Quite young girl that is the only one of the three that has never met her mother feeling guilty for her death at her birth. She is quiet but still helps out in the noodle bar from time to time.
        • [Reference] [Has skin made]
  • Hana Matsumoto - Sister to Akira - No longer married - Age 36 -
    • Hana adores the color pink. She is the only girl in her family which is a rarity for most children in the Matsumoto family meaning she shied away from them and choose a more girly lifestyle. She is almost always smiling and happy and dresses in full pink everywhere she goes loving her two princesses of daughters. Her husband is someone she will never mention not even to the family. For all they know she gave birth to her children on her own.
    • [Reference] [Working in Noodle bar] [Has skin made]
      • Sakura Matsumoto - Daughter of Hana - Age 18
        Played @SilentEndurance
        • Saukura, or some call her Lily. Is the first daughter of the very pink loving Hana. She is timid but never shy and works hard in the noodle bar just liking to make others days better. She designed the aprons the girls have to wear inside of the bar and she likes wearing it outside the shop as well. She very much likes Pastel colors.
        • [Reference] [Has skin made]
      • Yumi Matsumoto - Sister to Yumi - Age 16
        Played @DotDimitrix
        • Yumi is a passionate girl. She was taught by her aunt whom passed away too soon how to play the flute beautifully and wishes to stop working at the cafe and expand so she can perform at noble events with this skill. She keeps to herself but likes having friends around as well.
        • [Reference] [Has skin made]

Great Cousin Line:
  • Sabrou Matsumoto - Brother to Haru - Fling with Vi Sutsoro - Died at 54 -
    • The ashamed brother of Haru whom the family thought disappeared. Not much is known about him but his daughter whom suddenly appeared in their lives again looking so much like him and needing help.
  • Osana Matsumoto - Daughter of Sabrou - Unknown Husband - Age 25
    Unplayable for now
    • Osana was a famous Opera singer back in Yang-Tzu for the longest time having followed and archived that dream with her father's help. Before he passed however he informed her she had a bigger family then she thought and her and her current lover whom was also a stage performer went to look for them. While traveling her lover left her and the Opera dropped her as she had left without notice. The then pregnant woman finally found Kimiko and Akira and they took her in. She still lives with them but ashamed.
    • [Reference] [No skin]
      • Miku Matsumoto - Daughter of Osana - Age 10
        Played @Erzly
        • The youngest girl in the family and isn't fully aware of what her mother went through to have her be born. She is rather girly and really likes nature. She loves all her family members but gets annoyed easily by her little brother.
        • [Reference] [Has skin made]
      • Yamato Matsumota - Younger brother to Miku - Age 6
        Unplayable for now
        • Youngest member of the family as of right now and a sweetheart. He is the only shy and reserved boy because his mother keeps him inside the house a lot. She loves him and cradles him not wanting to see another man in her live leave her side.
        • [Reference] [No skin]
More family members can be added if asked~



Family Application:

OOC Stuff:
Activity Levels?:
Current Characters?:

IC Stuff:
Character Name:

This isn't a super serious family. They are suppose to be fun and I thought this was the most fun way to hand out all the kimono's I have been making.

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OOC Stuff:
IGN: SilentEndurance
Jails/Bans/Mutes?: No
Skype/Discord/Ts?: dannyb970/SilentEndurance#9675/SilentEndurance
Activity Levels?: Moderate, she'll be a side character.
Current Characters?: Ellahie Decimar

IC Stuff:
Character Name: Sakura Matsumoto
Personality: Probably what was said as the description above. Timid, hardworking, and the like. She finds joy in the simplest things of life, and loves to joke around sometimes.
Appearance?: Longer hair I suppose, I don't know much else to put here (I'm sure we can work most of this out in a skype chat or something, I can't think right now.)
OOC Stuff:
IGN: HeyoFreyo
Jails/Bans/Mutes?: Nope
Skype/Discord/Ts?: Yes
Activity Levels?: A little low due to school, but I'm on whenever I can be.
Current Characters?: Brynn Shultacre, Viegifu Ruyter, and Eistir O'Hanigan.

IC Stuff:
Character Name: Usagi Matsumoto
Personality: Usagi is very happy or excited almost all the time. Whenever she sees someone having a bad day, she tries to make it better by talking to them or just making them laugh. On top of that, she is rarely ever seen crying or sad due to her optimistic nature.
Appearance?: Usagi has very dark black hair that goes down to her shoulders, but she usually keeps her hair up. Her skin is very pale, leaving her cheeks very red all the time. And for her eyes, they're a nice light golden color almost looking a bit brown from afar. For her clothing, she usually wears the kimono's that her grandfather made.

OOC Stuff:
Am good egg
Yes for all three
Activity Levels?:
Usually very active however I've just been rather busy lately.
Current Characters?:
Farrah Samaha
Raina Wodenstaff
Lumusi Soumare

IC Stuff:
Character Name:
Osami Matsumoto
A quiet girl who very rarely speaks with anyone outside her family. She can be rather indecisive at times and almost hesitant at everything new to her. She can be rather passionate however regarding things she likes such as painting. She has a minor self hatred towards herself at the thought of being the one who killed their mother in childbirth even though she had no way to stop such a thing.
The picture you have referenced for her is great.

I apologize for the shortness but I am typing this up on my phone and it's being a pain.
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Jails/Bans/Mutes?: I was banned a few months ago, but that was appealed and I had my record cleared.
Skype/Discord/Ts?: All of them. You have me on there.
Activity Levels?: Probably not too high since school is starting.
Current Characters?: Deyala Suen.

Character Name: Sayuri Matsumoto.
Personality: On the outside, Sayuri gives off a cool and collected, almost apathetic vibe. She prides herself on being sensible and making decisions not from her heart, but from reason. Deep down, though she hates to even acknowledge it, Sayuri deeply cares for her family and would ultimately sacrifice mostly anything for their sakes.
Appearance?: Always holding her head high and maintaining an impeccable posture, Sayuri takes great care to her appearance. One could almost say she looks fake, given that she tries to conceal every potential flaw of hers.
IGN: DotDimitrix
Jails/Bans/Mutes?: Only one, from 3 years and 7 months ago, when I first started.
Skype/Discord/Ts?: Skype and Discord, and I am more than willing to get Ts.
Activity Levels?: High, though with school starting, it may go down to medium.
Current Characters?: Erin Dunn (Doesn't have an app, I'm working on it.)

Character Name: Yumi Matsumoto
Personality: Though she may not be very verbally active, her mind is like the point of an arrow; the intelligent girl and is not afraid to speak her mind when asked to, though she still will be polite when doing so. When around her friends, she opens up and the joy that radiates off of her is glorious. This usually also happens when her musical passion is brought up.
Appearance?: Quiet and reserved, she usually keeps her appendages and other body parts to herself and her head tucked down. When joyed, she is expressive but still physically calm.
OOC Stuff
IGN: Bearacuda
Jails/Bans/Mutes?: None :3
Skype/Discord/Ts?: Discord (Skype is Dead lol)
Activity Levels?: Medium/Active
Current Characters?: Andrew Kirk


IC Stuff
Character Name: Ryuu Matsumoto
Personality: A ice cube almost, Cool and Collective and when heated, flows with the general surroundings like water. He rather keeps himself facing his problems with logic and passion, he's a sensible young man ready for intellectual battle and conquest. Ryuu has started to notice women now, understanding love and relationships, he wants to experience this for himself but with bold and lying thought, he becomes to
afraid of how to approach it. With lingering questions of What if? or Should I?
Ryuu's feelings towards the Noodle Shop are mutual, heavily wanting to disagree with working there and search for a bigger and larger game that challenges him. He desires a work ethic that is strict and challenging rather than cooking noodles for the rest of his life. But with the happy and warm smiles of his family makes him feel at home inside the noodle shop.
Bread for Royalty, Ryuu seems to look as he's young prince himself. Radiant with a sharp smile and smooth face. His movements are
generally smooth and elegant flexible posture.​
OOC Stuff:
Jails/Bans/Mutes?: Nope
Skype/Discord/Ts?: Yes
Activity Levels?: A little low due to school, but I'm on whenever I can be.
Current Characters?: Brynn Shultacre, Viegifu Ruyter, and Eistir O'Hanigan.

IC Stuff:
Character Name:
Usagi Matsumoto
Personality: Usagi is very happy or excited almost all the time. Whenever she sees someone having a bad day, she tries to make it better by talking to them or just making them laugh. On top of that, she is rarely ever seen crying or sad due to her optimistic nature.
Appearance?: Usagi has very dark black hair that goes down to her shoulders, but she usually keeps her hair up. Her skin is very pale, leaving her cheeks very red all the time. And for her eyes, they're a nice light golden color almost looking a bit brown from afar. For her clothing, she usually wears the kimono's that her grandfather made.

dammit the character i wanted
OOC Stuff:
IGN: Erzly
Jails/Bans/Mutes?: Nope
Skype/Discord/Ts?: I have them all, message me if you need any of them
Activity Levels?: Pretty active
Current Characters?: Eleri Hervydier

IC Stuff:
Character Name: Miku Matsumoto
Miku is very naive and easily influenced, yet still full of love to give and a bubbly little girl. She's very compassionate, but as is the same with most little girls, very bossy since she likes getting her way. She's also quite innocent, and doesn't understand a lot of real world issues, but she really likes flowers, and that's all she thinks she needs to worry about right now, making her very care-free.
She has long, silky, black hair that she likes to tie up in intricate ways because it makes her feel beautiful; in particular by using nature like pins. Her face is a heart-shape, and childish, but it's clear she'll grow up to be a beautiful young woman. She has a dainty nose; big, hopeful golden-brown eyes; and cute pinkish lips that contrast to her pale skin. Miku is also extremely short, even for a child, and pretty skinny, but her puppy fat is evidently still there.

SnugglyMittens(Alt account that I will be using)
Jails/Bans/Mutes?: None
Skype/Discord/Ts?: deathmonky/Crines#2975
Activity Levels?: Significant, I could get on two accounts at the same time.
Current Characters?: My main character, Hamelin d'Vaud

IC Stuff:
Character Name:
Akira Matsumoto or Ichirou Matsumoto
Personality: A strong-headed, stalwart man that has an icy cold gaze. Arriving in Regalia on his wife's behest, his shell has only grown inwardly but his heart remains firm. It will become revealed on whether this man will find his place, or be lost to the crowded city forever.
Appearance?: Reference picture explains all.
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