House Liolen


One fedora, zero regrets.
Sep 27, 2014
Reaction score
Québec, Québec, Canada
Roleplay Guilds
Goobers' Guild
Note: The lore, background, and characters of this fam are still being made and are subject to change.
House Liolen
Emblem thing 5.png
Green – Representative of the family's love of nature and partial devotion to Es'thel

Magenta – Representative of the family's ties to the Performers' Guild

Blue – Representative of the sea near their home town, and the time spent at sea by Francis Liolen​

Also these are just colors that I like

Family Animal

Shire horse
Something like this, based off of the family's love of horses



The Liolens make a decent amount of income off of Francis' involvement in the Performers' Guild, and some money on the side from various other things, such as their small-scale horse breeding business in Ithania


Ithanian, Champagnard.

A lot of the Liolens were raised in very rural, isolated areas, very true to Champagnard culture, and have remained with said culture.


"Anything for a friend."

Based on the family's generally very friendly and open attitude, and loyalty to their friends.


Mainly Unionist.

Also somewhat worshipping Es'thel; varies from person to person.


Performances/Entertainment (via the Performers' Guild) in Regalia Horse Breeding (Small scale)


Some land in Ithania (small bits of farmland)

Physical Characteristics

A lot of hair on the chin (mostly in males), somewhat shorter than average, usually blue eyes with a sympathetic face. And the males like wearing waist coats.

Mental Characteristics

Liolens are very true to Champagnard culture, especially in the sense that they are very laid back and don't take things (and life in general) very seriously. They also tend to enjoy socializing and wine.


**In development**


The current family

Family tree will be made later

(@openpit) (46+) - Charles Liolen: Eldest son of Adelard and Susanne, Politician

(@NeilAucoin) (40) - Francis Liolen: Youngest son of Adelard and Susanne, Owner of Goobers' Performers' Guild

(Available) (60+) - Adelard Liolen: Father to Francis and Charles, whereabouts unknown

(Available) (60+) - Susanne Liolen: Mother to Francis and Charles, whereabouts unknown

(@BlockyThePixel) (37) - Peony Spruce: Engaged to Francis Liolen

(@Ghirko) (16) - Eric Liolen (formerly Eric Touth / Eric Kalzai): Adopted son of Francis Liolen

(We encourage new Liolens to be made; if you would like to do so, go ahead)​

Family Staff
Current staff:
-Guard - @BlockyThePixel - Meu Strongclaw

Other than members for the Performers' Guild, The Liolen family does not actively look to hire House staff. If you would like to apply, we encourage you to do so, but we do not have preferred roles for staff members to do, therefore you have some creative liberty as to your preferred role. Use the recruitment guideline below to apply, or contact me personally if you're someone I know well (you should know who you are)

If you would like to join the Performers' Guild, they are always looking for new members:

Applications (staff and family)

If you have any ideas for a family member not listed (a Liolen or related), I would be glad to hear it, and more than willing to add to the family to make room for a new member, but again, I'll mostly be accepting people I know well or people who have established themselves as good, positive roleplayers (and people). If you think you're one of them cool kids who r in my skwad, you can just contact me directly, no need to fill out this gigantic application unless I tell you to. Here's the format:
Yes ik it's long just answer it gdi


Character you're applying for (name and age):

Brief description of the character (race, physical specifics, some backstory, skills, talents, etc.):

Why are you applying for this character (and this family) specifically? (If there is a hidden reason for this, such as a plan to betray, please let me know via forums convo or in game, I guarantee I will play fair):

What do you plan to do with this character? (main character, just get on for events, lead up to something, unsure, etc.):

Your IRL age and gender (feel free to state this in a convo with me, or to not state it at all; but I would really prefer to know):

How long have you been roleplaying (on massive and/or other)?:

What other roleplay groups are you a part of (across all your characters)?:

Brag about the best/most impressive/funniest stuff you've done in RP, or any very memorable moments you've had (something you think was cool, doesn't have to be something absolutely incredible):

RP references (you should ask people before using them, and know I will be looking into these, also feel free to use me if you have my approval):

Rate your own RP skill, (1-10):

Your one biggest RP weakness (other than initiating roleplay, because we're all terrible at that):

Your one greatest RP strength:

How would I contact you if you were to be accepted? (skype is greatly preferred, but forums will do):

What is your timezone?:

How active are you, and when online, what do you usually do or would like to do?:
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