House Le Seur


Hannibal ante portas
Jun 29, 2016
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House Le Seur

Cor nobyle, cor immobyle / "A heart noble, a mind determined"
Colours: Green, Silver, Black
Culture: D'Ithanie [originated from Anglian and Ceardian migrants in Ithania]
Languages: D'Ithanie, Common-tongue
Family Trade: Vineyards and wineries
Values: Loyalty, Honesty, Integrity

Family Titles & History

Duchess of Mortagne
Charlotte Le Seur

Entitled to Duchess Charlotte Le Seur of Mortagne, situated in the mountainous regions of Anglia, Regalia. Mortagne is home to Sabille Palace, a white castle with fortifications surrounded by a collection of hamlets and villages in the nearby valleys and mountain expanse. The concentric castle was designed as a North facing defensive outpost for the Crown Isles but was converted in the centrepiece palace for the Duchy and for stylish and comfortable residence. Mortagne takes taxes from its people but boasts no specific trade or business but the forests to the East are renowned for their variety of game whilst the mountainous region offers magnificent views.

An artist's impression of Sabille Palace, Mortagne .


Châteaux Ussé, Regalia
The Châteaux is maintained as the city estate and home to a handful of the Le Seur family for most of the year. The large property sports an underground pool, multiple bedrooms, lavish dining areas and stunning views of the surrounding noble district.

Palais de Vignes-Doré, Ithania

[Palace of Golden Vines]. A medium sized Valeur style Chateaux in the East of Ithania, overlooking the Domaine de Diamants vineyard. This is the main residence of the mainline Le Seur family, with the vineyard managed and the land owned by Charlotte Le Seur's father Laurent II.

Domaine de Diamants: Vineyard
[Land of Diamonds]. Utilising the higher ground of Ithania to the East, this large vineyard makes wine from much older vines to make deep coloured, fine wine. The wine is aged underground before being sold across Ithania and other places but the profits from this unique yield has meant that only very recently has the family been able to afford to ship it to Regalia.

Provence du Baille, Ithania: Vineyard
A smaller vineyard in the South of Ithania that uses younger vines to produce a sweeter yield that is often blended with exotic fruits. Managed by Benoit Le Seur with the majority of its production sold Southward to affluent families in Daendroc.

Business and Culture

The Le Seur family business historically began in farming around 200AC but through some experimentation by the migrant that was Lucrece Le Seur from Anglia and his Ceardian migrant wife; the farm land was slowly developed into vineyards and the vines in Domaine de Diamants have existed just under 100 years. Following a generation of refining the wine, Charlotte Le Seur's grandfather began to commercialise the business and sold the wine to Elven settlements across Ithania. The Provence du Baille was purchased by Benoit Le Seur sometime around 265AC following a boost in the profits made from their single vineyard but it was noted that the wine took too long to age and refine to sell in bulk and so the second vineyard was purchased to design unique wines that were cheaper but of high quality.

Laurent Le Seur II was the first of the Le Seur name to commit himself to the military and served in the Regalian army as an officer for sixteen years. This move into military rubbed off on his two male children Bastien and Alphonse. Bastien took the route of military strategos and philosophy whilst Alphonse opted for the more traditional soldiers life. The women of the Le Seur family have played a very influential role in the refinement of the wines, particularly following Benoit's purchase of du Baille. The Le Seur twin sisters Charlotte and Darcie are very business minded and enjoy blending and producing the family wines to their own personal tastes.

As the liberal and laid back culture of the Champagnard lifestyle dictated, the family has grown up relatively impartial to religion, however it has never contradicted any member that wished to offer themselves to a creed or deity. Laurent II understood that they would be outsiders if they did not begin to observe some Unionist traditions and this concept has been continued by Bastien. They will attend religious gatherings and events with no hesitation when invited but they will largely avoid practicing Unionism in their own time.​

Prior to 208 AC the Le Seur family history records were blank with no citable history until Lucrece Le Seur decided to take a diary of his life from the age of seven. Lucrece lived and worked on his father's farm, a Ceardian migrant who married a daughter to a freed slave family, a few miles outside of Havensreach, Ithania. Lucrece's family was best culturally identified as typically Champagnard, with a small chateaux in the countryside with livestock and farmlands. An early marriage saw his three children Laurent, Roumald and Remy brought into the world with only a single year between them around 234 AC. Despite the laid back lifestyle Lucrece enjoyed, he valued the importance of an education and had his children versed in both the common-tongue and D'Ithanie.

Laurent and Roumald were phenomenally close, even as brothers, and from memorable trips to Havensreach to indulge in the cheap ales and wines of the taverns, they both developed their obsession with fine wine; from which grew their desire to build a vineyard and produce fine and unique Ithanian wine. What started as an obsession, began to lay the foundations for a dynasty as the Le Seur brothers committed themselves to creating fine and unique flavoured wine and selling it across Ithania and Southward to rich, sophisticated Dressolini families. With the lucrative business of selling these fine and now famous wines from homegrown grapes, the Le Seur brothers became infamous to the Valeurs and Citoye nobles and families of Ithania. Both brothers married over the journey of their success and both had children; Laurent II, Benoit and Roman.

As the brothers approached their late thirties they had accumulated a great deal of wealth despite their lowly roots and had acquired a great deal of land spanning across acres, with vineyards to the South to continue the lucrative business with the Dressolini nobility and to the East with shipping deals organised to take some of their wine to the city of Regalia. After observing the Ceardian collapse in 268 AC, Laurent Le Seur opted to send his two children off to gain military educations from which they both graduated from Lycee de la Rousette. In 270 AC Laurent Le Seur came into contact with a refugee family who had fled from Ceardia and were attempting to buy up temporary land, this family was later identified as the Coens. Laurent's vineyard was not far from where the Coen's chose to live in their short stay in Ithania and Laurent empathised with the family with a history of Ceardian migrants adopting the Le Seur name. Laurent offered Willard Coen the wealth of his local knowledge and relations in case they needed allies in the region; Willard offered his gratitude and friendship to the Le Seur family. This was briefly where the Le Seur and Coen paths crossed with Laurent II and Benoit in their early twenties meeting William Coen who was twelve at the time.

In the brief opportunities Laurent had to listen and observe the politics of the Coen family he became fascinated and despite his own military unfamiliarity and inexperience, he pledged the services of both his sons to the Coen cause on their return from their education knowing that noble allies were greatly sought after. As the Coen's travelled to New Ceardia and the children of Laurent returned from their military education this opportunity to gain relations with the Coen's was missed and the two brothers returned to an ill and dying father. Laurent gave his eldest son, Laurent II the entire wealth of the estate before his death but he soon divided this with his brother Benoit. Neither brother knew how to run the vineyards and wine business and sought counsel from their uncle who assisted them until his death in 273 AC. Laurent Le Seur II went off to Regalia following the death of his uncle to command as an officer following his military training and Benoit opted to remain in Ithania much to his delight and run the continuing and increasingly lucrative wine business their father and uncle had built.

A year after his military education, Benoit Le Seur travelled to New Ceardia and brought back with him no less than a child he fathered to a woman he did not marry. He named her Grace and when Laurent went off to Regalia, she stayed at the vineyard helping her father but she decided to leave in her late teenage years to New Ceardia on the recommendation of her father. Laurent Le Seur II fought as an officer in the Regalian army and married Edith, who bore his four children, the eldest Bastien Le Seur born in 276 AC. Laurent opted to send Edith and his two sons back to Ithania and his twin daughters were born two years later whilst he continued his role as officer in the Regalian army. Benoit used the wealth from the family business to send Bastien and Alphonse off to military academies and versed Charlotte and Darcie well in the business and culture of the family which now resembled that of the Valeurs with the impact of their business on local economies and their stake in various political circles. Alphonse soon dropped out of Lycee de la Rousette and opted to move to Regalia to learn the art of Dressolini fighting and a year later as both sons were way, Grace Le Seur returned home at the age of eighteen to announce she was betrothed to a New Ceardian noble. Coincidentally, the twenty year old man who briefly visited for the announcement was none other than William Coen, whose father had met the Le Seur's a generation before. Benoit spoke highly of William's father and greeted him like a son, giving his blessing to the two before they returned to New Ceardia to marry.

Bastien Le Seur enjoyed four good years at Lutherstadt and chose on his completion in 298 AC to move to Kilarallis with his new-found obsession in military strategy, philosophy and theory; observing the oligarchic wars and regional conflict between families, small scale wars that inspired many of his strategic writings. As his two sisters continued their work, developing relationships with noble families across the continent and Alphonse enjoyed the pleasures and indulgences of Regalia; Bastien worked for five years on his many works of strategy and philosophy, seeing many of them published and referenced by military academies on their completion, such a length of time working solely in the common-tongue Bastien lost his D'Ithanie accent. During this time a letter came from the Coen's telling of Benoit's daughter Grace's death in childbirth in 287AC, the letter enclosed a white rose from William and signed copy of a birth certificate for Rosalina Coen, Benoit's granddaughter. Only once did Benoit leave the vineyard after being entrusted with the business by his brother Laurent and he did so to attend his only daughter's funeral and meet his grand child. His heart was broken and he felt the Coen's would take better care of the child than he would and so he returned to the Palais de Vignes-Dore, never to leave again.

In 303 AC, Bastien returned to his family in Ithania and announced his desire to move to Regalia to join his brother and attempt to further his strategic and philosophical renown. Laurent had long overseen the military commitment, business orientated and intelligent mind of his eldest son and thus it was on the same day that Laurent passed down the patriarchy of the Le Seur family to Bastien and with it handed him a letter addressed to a Lord Coen in Regalia. Unaware to Bastien who had not been born at the time of their paths crossing, Laurent had remembered his interactions with William Coen when his father hosted the fleeing Coen family in Ithania. He had learnt of William gaining his Lordship in Regalia and hoped the letter would assist in establishing the new patriarch of the Le Seur family, his eldest son Bastien, as a potential vassalage for the Coen family.

Laurent stated he and Benoit would take care of the vineyards and business from Ithania much like their father and uncle before them and as final act as patriarch, ordered Bastien to travel to Regalia accompanied by much of his younger family in the Summer of 304AC. Bastien handed his sister Charlotte the matriarchy of the family in the winter months of 304AC.

Family Traditions


All courting and marriages must be formally approved by the matriarch of the family but it is by convention that if the Le Seur in question states that their bond is for love, then the matriarch will give her blessing.

From working across large expanses of lands and keeping pests and animals away from the vineyards, bows have been a fundamental part of the Le Seur history. Every child, whether boy or girl, is taught by his or her father how to use a bow to a competent level before the age of 10.

Business Etiquette
Le Seur business is never discussed over dinner or around the table unless they sit in another's family's house and then they will observe and respect their etiquette. All business should be discussed formally and no agreements, sales or purchases will be made without the presence and approval of the patriarch.

Family and Biology

The Le Seur family have relatively distinctive facial features; they all boast high cheek bones and chiselled faces with the women usually born with sharply defined jawlines. Everyone in the family has aqua-blue eyes and light to medium toned brown hair but avoid blonde heads due to their migrant roots. It has often been a coincidence that one child in every generation of the Le Seur family is blessed with emerald green eyes, allegedly where the first of their name chose the family colours from. Their height varies but is in keeping with the average for male and female Ailors with none of them breaching 6ft 2in. By birth the more recent generations have been raised speaking a combination of D'Ithanie and Common-tongue.


Green: Currently played
--> : Child of above
No colour: Unplayable / NPC
Grey: Deceased
Blue: Playable

(To actively RP as a Le Seur, as part of the new noble program rules, you
must have an approved character sheet. Cousin lines are expandable and open to suggestions for development, please feel free to create a character and send us your ideas.)
Laurent Le Seur II [56]: Former patriarch and father to the mainline children; an ex-military man who valued the history of his family and on retirement moved back to Vines-Gore to manage the exceptional vineyard that is now nearly 100 years old.
Edith Le Seur [52]: Mother to the mainline children; Edith is a kind and generous woman who remains deeply in love with Laurent and they live together at Vines-Dore. She often makes visits to Regalia to spend time with her family and her own maiden family who still live there. [Further personality is open to discussion].
--> Bastien Le Seur [36]: Former patriarch of the Le Seur family and Duke of Mortagne; spearheading the family's political ties in Regalia with his expertise residing in military strategy and philosophy, with many published works he established the Le Seur name in Regalia.
--> Alphonse Le Seur [24] (@Celion): Brother to Bastien; addicted only to women and fencing, Alphonse lives for the pleasures of life, he is greatly charismatic and is great fun to be around but he cares little for noble formalities.
--> Charlotte Le Seur [20] (@Nesstro): The current matriarch of the Le Seur family and second oldest sibling. A wonderfully kind and generous, outgoing young woman who is a true pleasure to be around. Her love for wine makes her a great asset for the family business and she has the ambition to expand the business beyond Regalia and Ithania whilst creating political ties with the respected nobility of the Crown Isles.
--> Darcie Le Seur [20] (@WalnutNinja): Youngest sister by minutes and non-identical twin to Charlotte; a sweet young woman who is far more interested in fashion and riding horses than anything else. She loves her siblings dearly and does not shy away from offering her opinion when she feels it necessary.
Benoit Le Seur [54]: The younger brother of Laurent who's only child died in childbirth. He is a vastly intelligent man married to his vines, the man lives and breathes the family business and is accredited by his brother for properly commercialising the wine that they produce.
--> Grace Le Seur [18]: Daughter of Benoit, cousin to the mainline Le Seur's; Grace was the first wife of William Coen and gave birth to his first daughter Rosalina Coen but died in childbirth.
Melodie Le Seur [71]: Melodie is the immensely generous and loving mother of Roman and Maeva Le Seur. In her old age she suffers from slight memory loss but has become a firm critic of Bastien's work as patriarch, scrutinising him at every bend in a loving way to which Bastien enjoys responding to for some enjoyable, tea-fuelled debate.
--> Roman Le Seur: Roman had high promise to become one of Regalia's finest warriors but alcohol lead him well astray. He had two sons with unknown mothers bringing both back on separate occasions to a mother who was too loving to scorn him. His father, took his grandchildren in almost as his own but exiled Roman from their homelands, Roman killed himself soon after.
--> Samuel Le Seur [25]: A devout jingoist and military man with a burning hatred for his younger half-brother Martial. Samuel is a proud but arrogant man who intends to have his name well known amongst the Regalian military one day but often behaves particularly rudely around those who do not follow similar interests.
--> Martial Le Seur [16]: Cousin to the Le Seur's, a young man with an adoration for all things military who is very naive and often over enthusiastic; devastated by the loss of his father and resentful toward Samuel who is the eldest and better known bastard son of Roman Le Seur. Martial is very attached to the mainline family and shows great intent to help all of them in their exploits despite his own immaturity.
--> Maeva Kalinin [46]: Daughter to Melodie and Roumald Le Seur, most definitely inheriting their traits of generosity and lovingness. Maeve married young to Ubba Ragnarsson, a Kalmarra raider turned sell-sword to a noble family in Killaralis. They both housed Bastien on his travels to the state for a short time to which he struck up a good relationship with the couple.
--> Juliette Le Seur [15]: The daughter of Maeva and her husband Ubba.
--> Halfdan Le Seur-Ubbasson [27]: Ubba's son prior to his marriage with Maeva, step-brother to Juliette.

Family Recruitment is: OPEN
IG Name:
Character applying for: (We invite you to be as creative as possible with your character. If it is a character that does not exist please give your suggested name and outline what relation they are within the family.)
Roleplay Character Applications: (Any past or current approved or WiP character applications.)
Nobility Experience: (Ever played a noble character? Any experiences with the nobility?)
Activity: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity)
Roleplay strength: (What are you best at in roleplay?)
Roleplay weakness: (What are you worst at in roleplay?)
Bans / jails / mutes: (Honesty is easily the best policy here. Please give the reasons.)
Reason for applying: (Why do you want to be a part of House Le Seur?)
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: (We use TS and Skype for OOC conversations and have a really big and friendly group of people. We will want to speak to you and get to know you prior to putting you on a trial period.)
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: (Bit like at school when you used Wikipedia for everything.)

Staff Recruitment is: OPEN
IG Name:
Your character's name: (We would love to have pre-existing characters applying for these roles, it's not essential, but working for nobles can help with character progression.)
Roleplay Character Applications: (Any past or current approved or WiP character applications.)
Nobility Experience?: (Any experiences with working for the nobility?)
Activity?: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity)
Roleplay strength?: (What are you best at in roleplay?)
Roleplay weakness?: (What are you worst at in roleplay?)
Bans / jails / mutes: (Honesty is easily the best policy here. Please give the reasons.)
Reason for applying?: (Why do you want to be a part of House Le Seur's staff?)
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: (For staff, neither is mandatory but will help with organisation aspects, plus we have a great group of people that you can chat and chill with not only in the family but wider friends.)
Position you're applying for: (Currently only open to Guards until we acquire an estate.)

Staff Positions
Role title - Position Available
Role title - Position Occupied

Captain of the House Guard
Merril Audhild
Will attend meetings with the family and patriarch, will be in charge of the training and management of all House Guards. Will be an individual role and will be carefully selected by the patriarch. Capt. may also take audience with other heads of House Guards for training and improvement purposes. This role does not take applications and can only be required with a minimum of one month's service and a private interview with the House patriarch before promotion.
500R per month

Sergeant of the House Guard

Will assist the Captain with organisation and recruitment whilst acting as personal Guards to the patriarch and family at events. This role does not take applications, it can only be acquired with a minimum of two week's service and will require an IC interview for promotion. Only 3 Sergeants will operate at once.
350R per month

House Guard Foot Soldier
Will be trained and execute duties such as; Personal Guard, Estate and Event security, House Army.
250R per month

Head of Staff

The Head of Staff is responsible for all staff other than the Guard and will see that all employees are trained, retain good etiquette and are organised when events are occurring. Will take audience with any family member when a request is made and will report on the Staff every week to Lady Charlotte Le Seur. This role does not take applications but rather two weeks service as a Maid or Butler and an interview with the House patriarch before you can be promoted.
350R per month + 50R per event

House Maid / Butler

Will serve the family whilst they are at their estates or will attend events or other locations when told by the Head of Staff.
200R per month + 30R per event


Will be entrusted with the upkeep and presentation of any estate gardens or plant features. This role will require availability around the time of events to ensure the estate is presentable and a theme is present.
30R per event


Will be required to remain at the estate when the family are home and will decide the meals and service style at events hosted by the family. The cook is also open to hire temporary kitchen staff at their will as long as these are approved by the Head of Staff.
30R per event


A role reserved for younger applicants who want to make some quick money. Will run letters and errands for the family, anything from going to post a letter to a noble estate or going to buy something from the shops can be requested.
15R per week

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Your character's name: Romulus Wagner
Roleplay Character Applications: Work in Progress
Nobility Experience?: Worked as a house guard for the Grave Family
Activity?: 3 years/At least once a day
Roleplay strength?: Have had a good few years of experience with various characters
Roleplay weakness?: Sometimes my characters could end up being similar to each other
Bans / jails / mutes: None
Reason for applying?: I have wanted to be some part of a noble family in roleplay for quite a while, and I would like to expand my experience to help me learn to roleplay better.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes, I have Skype
Position you're applying for: Captain of the House Guard
Your character's name: Romulus Wagner
Roleplay Character Applications: Work in Progress
Nobility Experience?: Worked as a house guard for the Grave Family
Activity?: 3 years/At least once a day
Roleplay strength?: Have had a good few years of experience with various characters
Roleplay weakness?: Sometimes my characters could end up being similar to each other
Bans / jails / mutes: None
Reason for applying?: I have wanted to be some part of a noble family in roleplay for quite a while, and I would like to expand my experience to help me learn to roleplay better.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes, I have Skype
Position you're applying for: Captain of the House Guard

I am going to put this as PENDING until the others see this and we discuss how we feel about it. We will most likely tell you as soon as we can about our descion.

Thank you for Applying. :)

Edit: This has been ACCEPTED
but only as a member of the house guard not the captain of the guard unfortunately.
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IG Name: ThenTheThan

Character applying for
: Samuel Le Seur

Roleplay Character Applications
: Thommon Grave

Nobility Experience
: Yea Thommon Grave.

: 1 Month and 2 weeks.

Roleplay strength
:I can get very in character.

Roleplay weakness
: I get silent pretty often

Bans / jails / mutes: None

Reason for applying
: I was a part of house grave.

Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak
: I have skype and teamspeak. and you already have me added on it.

Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?
: I know none about the ithanian lore. i do know about the nobility and regalian lore.
IG Name: ThenTheThan

Character applying for
: Samuel Le Seur

Roleplay Character Applications
: Thommon Grave

Nobility Experience
: Yea Thommon Grave.

: 1 Month and 2 weeks.

Roleplay strength
:I can get very in character.

Roleplay weakness
: I get silent pretty often

Bans / jails / mutes: None

Reason for applying
: I was a part of house grave.

Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak
: I have skype and teamspeak. and you already have me added on it.

Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?
: I know none about the ithanian lore. i do know about the nobility and regalian lore.

You Have Been Accepted My Friend~ We will discuss further on the Character you are applying for.
IG Name: Llor
Character applying for: Martial Le Seur​
Roleplay Character Applications: I was midway through one when I decided to scrap it and apply for this.​
Nobility Experience: I was on trial as Alexander Grave and have been informed on the noble game by @Nesstro
Activity: I've played on Massivecraft for 15 months and I'm online almost every day.​
Roleplay strength: I can easily get into character.​
Roleplay weakness: I tend to use poor vocabulary instead of taking the time to use a better word. Although I have improved on this after playing on the server a while and picking up new words.
Bans / jails / mutes: No​

Reason for applying: Some of my best roleplaying friends are in the family and I would feel most comfortable joining them rather than another family.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: Yes, both.​
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: I am well-versed in these subjects but still in the process of learning more.​
IG Name: Llor

Character applying for: Martial Le Seur

Roleplay Character Applications: I was midway through one when I decided to scrap it and apply for this.

Nobility Experience: I was on trial as Alexander Grave and have been informed on the noble game by @Nesstro

Activity: I've played on Massivecraft for 15 months and I'm online almost every day.

Roleplay strength: I can easily get into character.
Roleplay weakness: I tend to use poor vocabulary instead of taking the time to use a better word. Although I have improved on this after playing on the server a while and picking up new words.

Bans / jails / mutes: No

Reason for applying: Some of my best roleplaying friends are in the family and I would feel most comfortable joining them rather than another family.

Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: Yes, both.

Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: I am well-versed in these subjects but still in the process of learning more.

After talking it over with Madness we have decided you are...

ACCEPTED Now we can talk about your character you are applying for whenever you would like to just private message me when you wish to do so.
Excuse me, Nesstro are there any available young frmale characters?
If you have an idea for a character we would love to hear it. We don't want to enforce personalities, ages or individuals from the family so we welcome anyone who has a unique or interesting character they think could fit.

If you have an idea for a character you think could fit in somewhere please send us the idea in a forum PM containing myself and @Nesstro. Just outline the basic information, basic personality and where they fit into the family and history and we can discuss whether that would work or not.
IG Name: Anastasius
Your character's name: Johann
Roleplay Character Applications: N/A
Nobility Experience?: N/A
Activity?: Varies.
Roleplay strength?: Pretty well-rounded in most fields.
Roleplay weakness?: Roleplaying women?
Bans / jails / mutes: None.
Reason for applying?: Was referred to IC by Savryn.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Both, yes.
Position you're applying for: Foot soldier.
IG Name: Uhgly
Your character's name: Merril Audhild
Roleplay Character Applications:
Nobility Experience?: None.
Activity?: I tend to roleplay fairly often, though I do occasionally take breaks for IRL reasons.
Roleplay strength?: Honestly? No idea.
Roleplay weakness?: No idea here, as well.
Bans / jails / mutes: None.
Reason for applying?: I have OOC friends in the family, and IC Merril just wants a steady job.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes to both.
Position you're applying for: Guard.
IG Name: Anastasius
Your character's name: Johann
Roleplay Character Applications: N/A
Nobility Experience?: N/A
Activity?: Varies.
Roleplay strength?: Pretty well-rounded in most fields.
Roleplay weakness?: Roleplaying women?
Bans / jails / mutes: None.
Reason for applying?: Was referred to IC by Savryn.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Both, yes.
Position you're applying for: Foot soldier.

IG Name: Uhgly
Your character's name: Merril Audhild
Roleplay Character Applications:
Nobility Experience?: None.
Activity?: I tend to roleplay fairly often, though I do occasionally take breaks for IRL reasons.
Roleplay strength?: Honestly? No idea.
Roleplay weakness?: No idea here, as well.
Bans / jails / mutes: None.
Reason for applying?: I have OOC friends in the family, and IC Merril just wants a steady job.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes to both.
Position you're applying for: Guard.

After thinking about it for a tiny bit and reading through the apps you are both.
Send me your skype information so I can add you to the House Le Seur skype chat.
@Nesstro said I wouldn't get yelled at for applying and told me to go ahead.
IG Name: Nitroflak
Character applying for: Jeremy Le Seur (18) A son of Roman Le Seur and younger brother to Martial who also shares his passion for the military aspiring to become a great man among the ranks of great combatants such as Tristan Kade and Percy Ravenstad. Prefers to spend his time messing around with wooden soldiers or "practicing" with his sword.
Roleplay Character Applications: Bol'shov Medved and Andrè Chevotet (Andre's is much better than Bol's and is more recent)
Nobility Experience: Have never played a noble character but have spent large quantities of time around the Fongs, and some with certain members of the Le Seur and Rosendahl families.
Activity: Almost daily, excessively on weekends
Roleplay strength: I play a damn good bear
Roleplay weakness: Dealing with people new to rp
Bans / jails / mutes: Just combat logging.
Reason for applying: I'm friends with Nessie and Walnoot and wanted some opportunities to advance my roleplay as well as hang out with them.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: Got Both
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: Read up a lot on Ithanian culture especially Champagnard for another character, have an average understanding of Military and Nobility Lore.

The character is very feasible but I would like to discuss him a little further in Skype or teamspeak to work out some significant traits that give a young military character a uniqueness.
Consider this application PENDING until we speak further. I am looking also to expand the extended line and give Roman a sister so if you preferred, you could be the first child of the new Le Seur. PM on the forums with your Skype or ask Walnut / Nesstro to add you to our chat.
IG Name: MakeItRaen
Your character's name: Lucien Raen
Roleplay Character Applications: Dank Application
Nobility Experience?: Very much so.
Activity?: I used to be quite active on the server, but I don't come on as much as I used to. I will be visiting the server often to role-play as Lucien. If there is a time that House Guards are badly needed and I am free, I will gladly log on to participate.
Roleplay strength?: Being dank.
Roleplay weakness?: Prone to corruption charges.
Bans / jails / mutes: Only few warnings spread out through my time on Massivecraft.
Reason for applying?: A friend of Lucien's had suggested that he join the House Guard for House Le Seur. It would be nice to work as a House Guard again.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Both. I currently do not have a microphone though.
Position you're applying for: House Guard
Experience: Lucien had been House Guard for these two Houses: House Beaumont, House Coen. He was also part of the Vigilant Shield since it's official establishment as a Charter, and had achieved the rank of Captain until his discharge.
IG Name: Dekuras
Your character's name: Jocelyn Jamison Dior
Roleplay Character Applications:
Nobility Experience?: Only from the outside.
Activity?: Been on for three years and five months, I try to be on daily.
Roleplay strength?: Balanced I am told
Roleplay weakness?: Combat rp though I have not tried in a while
Bans / jails / mutes: None.
Reason for applying?: Encouraged to in character, meet new people ic and ooc
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: I have both, Prefer skype.
Position you're applying for: Butler.
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After finally getting on and deciding on the answer and that is....
Don't hesitate to message me ig whenever you need to talk to Charlotte and don't hesitate to start an rp with me either whenever I am just sitting around as Charlotte! Welcome to House Le Seur.
I really like Benoit Le Seur ^^

Awwwww, why he is unplayable?
IG Name: MakeItRaen
Your character's name: Lucien Raen
Roleplay Character Applications: Dank Application
Nobility Experience?: Very much so.
Activity?: I used to be quite active on the server, but I don't come on as much as I used to. I will be visiting the server often to role-play as Lucien. If there is a time that House Guards are badly needed and I am free, I will gladly log on to participate.
Roleplay strength?: Being dank.
Roleplay weakness?: Prone to corruption charges.
Bans / jails / mutes: Only few warnings spread out through my time on Massivecraft.
Reason for applying?: A friend of Lucien's had suggested that he join the House Guard for House Le Seur. It would be nice to work as a House Guard again.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Both. I currently do not have a microphone though.
Position you're applying for: House Guard
Experience: Lucien had been House Guard for these two Houses: House Beaumont, House Coen. He was also part of the Vigilant Shield since it's official establishment as a Charter, and had achieved the rank of Captain until his discharge.
I do not know you personally but you have a well known character and I have witnessed your RP before. Due to the circumstances of your character's previous discharge I will deliberate on this application IC. Either look out for me in game or forum pm me and we can organise a meeting. Thus... PENDING.
IG Name:
Character applying for: Andre Le Seur. Age: 28. Male. Luetz-Vixe like char. Long Statego academic training. Relation: possibly to Maeva Kalinin, or whatever works best.
Roleplay Character Applications: (Was approved but is being reworked)
Nobility Experience: Through guard work i have heavily worked and been a part in the noble scene, but not fully as a noble.
Activity: I've played for 1 year now. and my average can range from currently 2-3 days a week, but later in the year (only about a month from now) i can be on most all the week.
Roleplay strength: Getting into character, like speech and history
Roleplay weakness: Not always being that very descriptive/just sounding dull in actions and whatnot/repeating said dull actions too often.
Bans / jails / mutes: None.
Reason for applying: I want to be more involved in the noble scene and take part of this family.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: both.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: Yes (more on Luetz, but that's purposely for the char)
IG Name: AgentSmall
Character applying for: Elliott Le Seur, 23, works in the winery with Charlotte, Son of Maeva.
Roleplay Character Applications: and
Nobility Experience: I played a guard who worked for Beck Grave and I have a character that was planned to be a noble.
Activity: Summer, all the time. With school, Mondays Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays most likely for a hour or two.
Roleplay strength: Conversation.
Roleplay weakness: I'm not 100% sure, but I dunno how good I'd be with noble politics seeing as I don't have much experience with it. But I am willing to learn!
Bans / jails / mutes: N/A
Reason for applying: Because of all the great people in this family. <3
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: I have both.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: I am willing to educate myself on any lore about the mentioned categories that I don't know.
IG Name:
Character applying for
: Andre Le Seur. Age: 28. Male. Luetz-Vixe like char. Long Statego academic training. Relation: possibly to Maeva Kalinin, or whatever works best.
Roleplay Character Applications: (Was approved but is being reworked)
Nobility Experience: Through guard work i have heavily worked and been a part in the noble scene, but not fully as a noble.
Activity: I've played for 1 year now. and my average can range from currently 2-3 days a week, but later in the year (only about a month from now) i can be on most all the week.
Roleplay strength: Getting into character, like speech and history
Roleplay weakness: Not always being that very descriptive/just sounding dull in actions and whatnot/repeating said dull actions too often.
Bans / jails / mutes: None.
Reason for applying: I want to be more involved in the noble scene and take part of this family.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: both.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: Yes (more on Luetz, but that's purposely for the char)
Application ACCEPTED but for Samuel Le Seur and not this character.

IG Name: AgentSmall
Character applying for: Elliott Le Seur, 23, works in the winery with Charlotte, Son of Maeva.
Roleplay Character Applications: and
Nobility Experience: I played a guard who worked for Beck Grave and I have a character that was planned to be a noble.
Activity: Summer, all the time. With school, Mondays Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays most likely for a hour or two.
Roleplay strength: Conversation.
Roleplay weakness: I'm not 100% sure, but I dunno how good I'd be with noble politics seeing as I don't have much experience with it. But I am willing to learn!
Bans / jails / mutes: N/A
Reason for applying: Because of all the great people in this family. <3
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: I have both.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: I am willing to educate myself on any lore about the mentioned categories that I don't know.
Will discuss in TS. Consider
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IG Name: AgentSmall
Character applying for
: Elliott Le Seur, 23, works in the winery with Charlotte, Son of Maeva.
Roleplay Character Applications: and
Nobility Experience: I played a guard who worked for Beck Grave and I have a character that was planned to be a noble.
Activity: Summer, all the time. With school, Mondays Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays most likely for a hour or two.
Roleplay strength: Conversation.
Roleplay weakness: I'm not 100% sure, but I dunno how good I'd be with noble politics seeing as I don't have much experience with it. But I am willing to learn!
Bans / jails / mutes: N/A
Reason for applying: Because of all the great people in this family. <3
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: I have both.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: I am willing to educate myself on any lore about the mentioned categories that I don't know.

Due to your LARGE amount of male characters in the family, can I re-apply and change the gender to female, and the name to Madelyn? Everything else is the same.
Added some changes to the thread:
  • Updated the family crest
  • Added information on family title along with flag and image
  • Added some family members
banastre x le seur?

let's be friends
IG Name: AgentSmall (Currently ThePumpkinKing_ but that is a Halloween user that will be changed soon)
Character applying for:Celeste Le Seur, 16 sister to Juliette Le Seur and cousin to the mainline.
Roleplay Character Applications: here and here
Nobility Experience: Yes, my character Hiroaki Himura is a low noble character and his family app can be found here
Activity: I have rp'ed on massive for over 6 months and I can get on at least 3-5 days out of the week.
Roleplay strength: Not entirely sure what my Roleplay Strength is.
Roleplay weakness: Though I'm not terrible at it, I'd love to improve my Combat RP skills.
Bans / jails / mutes: N/A
Reason for applying: I think House Le Seur is a great noble family, and I have a few good friends in the family that I would love to join in the Endeavors of this house.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak:Yes and yes.
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?:Yes I have read up on Ithanian lore and I have a sense of Military and Nobility Lore.
IG Name: Atticat

Character applying for: Juliette Le Seur

Roleplay Character Applications:
Noelle Hath

Nobility Experience:
I've never actually played a noble character (though I technically have one) but my main character, Noelle, is around a lot of nobles

I've been playing on Massivecraft for almost 6 months now. At least once a day, most days, every other weekend I'm not on the server due to visiting family

Roleplay strength:
I'm good at making each character I have unique in it's on way

Roleplay weakness:
Probably accents or combat roleplay

Bans / jails / mutes:

Reason for applying:
It looks really interesting! And I don't want you guys thinking I hate you OOC just because my main dislikes a few of you.. Also Ness is making me

Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak:
I have both, but I don't use TS very often. Skype on the other hand I am always on unless I'm sleeping or in class (of course)

Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?:
know quite a bit, but I'm always willing to look
up things I don't know considering I like messing up everyone's roleplay by not understanding something!​
IG Name: Ynzy
Your character's name: Jaidev Lavany
Roleplay Character Applications: Amal Nagi | Sun Syllee
Nobility Experience?: I have had some interactions with Nobility in the past but have never actually played one myself.
Activity?: I've been on Massive for three years and seven months. However I have only been RPing on massive for about two of those years. As for weekly activity it really depends on what is going on in my IRL life. I try to get on everyday but there are times when I might not be able to get on for a week or two.
Roleplay strength?: Combat and Feels!!
Roleplay weakness?: Casual conversation. I'm pretty bad at starting conversation with somebody new as I am also not well at this IRL.
Bans / jails / mutes: In the past I have had a ban but I prefer not to mention it on the forums as I believe it is something I have left behind. I can mention it through PM if it is really needed however.
Reason for applying?: I honestly want to further my RP skills. As stated above I haven't done very much Noble RP so I think this would be a good learning experience for me.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak?: Yes and yes! I do have both and am on both regularly. I normally have my own open channel on TS called "The Random Shed."
Position you're applying for: House Guard Foot Soldier
A letter rests on the desk of Count Jocelyn Le Seur
*The writing would be sloppy and rather hard to read, as if written by somebody who is not used to using a quill.*

Dear Count Le Seur, I am deeply sorry to inform you that I will be resigning from the house guard. Please do not think this is because I do not appreciate what you have done for me, but I have personal matters that I must attend too. Should I return I would be deeply grateful if you could once again accept me as a member. I also apologize for any troubles may come your way from my actions. Please, do try to stay out of danger and stick close to Mr. Klaus or the Commander. I can only fear that things are going to get more dangerous from here on out.
Signed, Jaidev Ajit Lavany A.K.A Rizard.

@Nesstro @Dekuras @WalnutNinja
IG Name: _Capitalx_
Character applying for
: (We invite you to be as creative as possible with your character. If it is a character that does not exist please give your suggested name and outline what relation they are within the family.)Edith Le Seur
Roleplay Character Applications
: (Any past or current approved or WiP character applications.) I have none
Nobility Experience: (Ever played a noble character? Any experiences with the nobility?)
Activity: (How long you have roleplayed on Massive for/Your weekly activity) 1 year and 2 months
Roleplay strength: (What are you best at in roleplay?) I am best at Action Chat
Roleplay weakness: (What are you worst at in roleplay?) When more than 3 people talk to me at once
Bans / jails / mutes: (Honesty is easily the best policy here. Please give the reasons.) none
Reason for applying: (Why do you want to be a part of House Le Seur?) I want to join Le Seur because the family history seems very interesting. Also, I have heard that they have very strict roleplaying and I am decent at roleplaying. I have seen many people around town roleplaying in the Le Seur family and I would love to be apart of this family community. Also, I have heard Le Seur is very nice OOC and IC so I would like to be the same. I have heard that it is a High Noble family And I have been in Two Nobles Familes but they got deleted.
Able to use Skype and/or Teamspeak: (We use TS and Skype for OOC conversations and have a really big and friendly group of people. We will want to speak to you and get to know you prior to putting you on a trial period.)
Have you a firm grasp on Ithanian, Regalian military, nobility lore?: (Bit like at school when you used Wikipedia for everything.) I'm still learning but I am very familiar with it and I use it A LOT
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