Blue Blood Noble Family House Kymiin


Nov 22, 2022
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Jolly Sailor Bold
Reference Board: Pinterest Link
  • House Information: General
    • Name: House Kymiin
      • Matriarch: Baroness Saaria Kymiin
    • ♆ Colors: Black, Silver, Pearlescent white
    • Culture: Sállir
    • Symbols: The Pearl, The Octopus
    • Title: Blue-Blood Aristocratic Family
    • Core Values: Success, Beauty, Insightfulness
  • House Information: Extra
    • Religion: Emended Unionism, Qalnaar focus.
    • Main Export: House Kymiin is currently based in Tol Viseu, and produces silverware, jewelry, and custom weapons for nobility. They also supply tools, utensils, and weapons to the Regalian government.


  • Family History
    • Humble Beginnings: House Kymiin began as humble Sállir ocean gatherers. They roamed the seas and traveled between the islands within the Regalian Archipelago, selling crafted jewelry made from their gathered ocean trinkets. Qildor Kymiin settled in Tol Viseu after falling in love with a Failaal Fin'Ullen, and became a blacksmith to make some coin. For a few years, the Kymiin family were reliable smiths who sold jewelry, silverware, and weapons in the city of Tol Viseu.
    • ♆ Fame: The Family's wealth began when their elegant craft was noticed by traveling nobles. The jewelry resembled coral and tentacles curling around the neck and hands, this unique style became popular among Fin'Ullen, and as the Kymiin family were based in a trade city, their craft spread through Regalia. The Kymiins soon became regular suppliers of luxury jewelry, elegant silverware, and custom weapons to surrounding noble families. Their name grew synonymous with wealth, their craft always present in aristocratic balls, dinner parties, and other events. After many years in the public eye, the Kymii
    • n family decided to regularly supply the Regalian Government/Military with weapons, tools, and utensils in order to stay in the government's good graces.

    • Current Day: House Kymiin still remains in Tol Viseu, currently led by Saaria Kymiin, Qildor's first daughter, but has began branching outwards by sending Qildor's only child Ponnoc Kymiin to continue the family craft in Regalia.



| Played | Unplayed | Unplayable | Deceased |​

________________MAIN FAMILIAL LINE________________​

Qildor Kymiin - 364 - M -The founder of House Kymiin, the first of the family to begin the smithing business.

Saaria Kymiin -295 - F - Qildor's first child and the current Matriarch of the family, as well as the face of House Kymiin. She spends less time in the smith and more time arranging trade agreements with other noble families, towns, and various clients. Everyone in the family answers to Saaria.

Elra Kymiin -267 - F - Qildor's second child, in charge of craft quality and creation. Elra's branch of the family are incredibly talented jewelers and are absolute perfectionists. Elra has come up with the most of the designs that House Kymiin sells to the highest of nobility, and she is an absolute tyrant when it comes to using the best materials possible. She is Alre's biggest headache when it comes to buying materials. (Think of Meryl Streep in "The Devil Wears Prada")

Cyran Kymiin -240- M - Qildor's third child, Cyran specializes in the protection of the family name. He raises his branch of the family to become strong fighters, acting as the bodyguards of the other family members. Though all Fin'Ullen have martial talent, Cyran and his children spent most of their childhood training in combat and defense. They are extremely reliable protectors.

Neremyn Kymiin -238- M - Qildor's fourth child, the hardcore smith is the most talented smith of the family. Neremyn almost never leaves the shop, and trains his children to become talented smiths like himself. They usually make the more heavy duty items, such as axes, swords, and guns.

Alre Kymiin -232- F - Qildor's last child, Alre is a bit of a black sheep. She never took to smithing very well, known in the family to be clumsier than a newborn deer, so her talents lay in finances and accounting. She manages the Kymiin wealth and keeps tabs on labor/material costs.

Ponnoc Kymiin - 35 - NB - Saaria's only child, Ponnoc currently lives in Regalia and is the head of House Kymiin in the city. They dabble a bit in smithing, but they excel at sales, socialization, and trade.They flirt and charm their way into trading and selling to noble families. Born rather frail and sickly, Ponnoc learned only the basics of defensive combat and doesn't create large weapons and tools, rather sticking to jewelry and utensils.

Andrac Jaehan Kymiin - 28 - M - A rampant multitasker, Andrac is half-Sihai with a disdain for his Sihai side, but also sustains a passion for machinery. Currently he is in Regalia as one of the family's accountants, and generally keeps his mind busy with whatever his family needs him to do.

Nerashi Kymiin-Haidara - 24 - F - Nerashi was born of a Songaskian father and a Fin'ullen ship captain. For now, she still seeks her place in the world. She works aboard Keidoc's ship or as an account keeper and scheduler for their travels to save money for herself, and spends much of her free time reading books to learn of the world and other cultures.


  • » General Recruitment Info || basic details «
    • OOC - We appreciate good OOC conduct! Generally being a kind person, who is respectful on a fundamental level.

    • IC - Due to the origin of House Kymiin, there are many options that you may choose to take; however, as long as the family member is open to RPing with other members of the family.
  • » RP Threads || potential avenues «
    • Weaponsmith: You are a Kymiin who mentored under Neremyn, you enjoy the soot on your fingers and the goggle marks around your eyes.
      • Fighter: You are a Kymiin who was trained by Cyran, mainly learning defensive tactics in order to protect the rest of the family. You are probably quite the tank.

      • Jeweler: You grew up as one of Elra's many assistants. This job was rather demanding, and Elra is not the most pleasant member of the family.

      • Business/Finance: You couldn't find yourself useful as a smith, jeweler, or fighter, but were born with a talent for numbers and books so the family placed you with Alre.

      • Socialite: You couldn't find yourself useful as a smith, jeweler, or fighter, and you're not too strong in the numbers department, so why not join in on all the fun of being wealthy? You are eccentric, you spend your money and you associate with other nobles, spreading the Kymiin name with your lovely personality and fun antics.

      • Regardless of the threads above, all Kymiin family members should be rather eccentric or stuck-up as rich people usually are.

      • Interested in another RP thread that might fit? Feel free to PM me!
OOC Note = Expect more updates / changes as time goes on :)
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