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House Kehlen's Misfortune


Aug 23, 2017
Reaction score


A post was created upon the board, in big, red text was:

Below, was neatly written text stating:

Disrespect and dishonor is a slippery slope considering there are relevant and irrelevant sides to the stories, but actions concluding from House Kehlen have no side. No pity, and no honor to their names. Revolting against the Kade and the Empire is certainly a matter that has but one considerate side.
September 15, the Saturday night was when Marie Peirgarten and Dianne Black were invited to the Tilburgh Kehlen Castle for a supposed memorial dinner hosted due to a recent departure with Wulfram Kehlen. The narrow knowledge that Lady Black and Lady Peirgarten were offered certainly took a toll after a prayer in front of the scarce dinner plates spread out on tables within the darkened Estate. All Marie Peirgarten, Dianne Black, Arthur and Alian Kehlen were taken into the White Tower for questioning. Marie and Dianne for assumed association. Once Alain Kehlen was requested for the second time, he fell into the path of digging for mere mercy, stating lies in front of Lord Kade for his, and assuming is families benefit. But when the conversation glided smoothly, is when the Kehlen saw that his efforts were meaningless.. He caught sight of an opportunity to attack Lord Valdis Kade, and did so in the following few moments.
What the Kehlen had planned was absolutely absurd and immediately demands shame upon the name. Gathering noblewoman in the memorial to supposedly seduce them into assisting with their acts against the Kade and Empire. Aiming to prepare armies to belittle the City and authority contained in it.
Writing this condemnation entails that House Peirgarten, and House Black never will, and certainly won't ever agree to House Kehlen's acts and posts. Also to inform all that everything has been set into place correctly, so these enemies may never see justice with their biography. Anything against the State and Kade is unacceptable and will be emboldened to those who will see fit to it. Dishonesty and false praise towards these opportunity hungry individuals will result in consequence.
With that being said, this condemnation is finished and solidified. May the Spirit bring peace to the innocent, and leave no pity upon the disrespected.




Camilla and Anna both frowned at the posted letter, retreating from such a thing as if it was poison.
"Wow, this is the most fake thing I have ever seen Marie do in my entire career working with her." Said a certain Altalar. "But then again, it's only been three months."
Odo Gagneux screamed with zeal and rage, waving a pitchfork in his right hand as he approached a certain Altalar. "You bloomin' cretin! If I see ya talking dribble to yourself again, we'll lock you in a cell!" Odo mustered. He tugged Franck's (@Tibertastic) sleeve "Its the mug I told y' 'bout."
Joasaie shook their helmeted head after reading the poster, whispering to themselves in Daen as they continued on their patrol of the city, "And here I thought she was above this sort of action. Shame that I was wrong. This need to be relevant makes me pity her."
Anais squinted at the paper, idly commenting to Abe. "Why do females take everything as a sexual attack? Lady Black is married and Marie is like a child. I doubt it was seduction." She peered over it one last time before folding it and placing it down.

"To slander a family of Knight's honor and name in wake of what has happened, what type of people are you? This truly shows who the monsters are here." scoffed a certain Bloodcast.
"I'd sure hope people would mind that a member of House Kade was stabbed. Knight or not. Stabbing a Supreme Chancellor is vile and criminal. Shame, honestly." said a fellow Bloodcast Knight.
"I'd sure hope people would mind that a member of House Kade was stabbed. Knight or not. Stabbing a Supreme Chancellor is vile and criminal. Shame, honestly." said a fellow Bloodcast Knight.
"Honestly. Don't even bother reading the comments. It just further proves their points, y'know? It's petty portrayal shown from certain individuals."
Spoke a certain Anglian, towards her adopted brother.