House Gahl'keli'math


"Something will be here"
Mar 30, 2015
Reaction score

The Gahl'keli'math




Basic Information:

Name: Gahl'keli'math (Commonly shortened to Gahl). Pronounced Gall-kelly-math.
Race: Maritime Altalar
Symbol: A hammer and anvil
Colors: Blue, Green, and Black
Values: Family, Respect, Spiritual and Physical Wellness, and Compassion
Culture: Primarily Common Regalian
Religion: Faith of Estel (Altalar Version)
Trade: Smithing, and Mercenary Work


Family History

Much of the Ancient History of this house is not known, other than their former holdfasts in the Fin'ul Straits, their apparent piracy in the area years ago aboard the vessel "The Black Ocean", and how it only took one person to deviate from the path they had lead there years prior, to become the House they are today. This man was known as Eul'aya'gith Gahl'keli'math, and he married off to someone in an even lesser known family of blacksmiths, starting the current age we lurk in today with the family.

As the years went by, and they began to become more and more humble, and smith orientated this ancient family began to gain a strange sickness they called "The Curse of the Black Ocean". This affected them in the sense it made them more prone to diseases, plagues and worse, meaning that this was the worst age for this house, with many children that were born quickly dying after, if not being born sickly themselves. The house blamed their ancient history of piracy for this event, and as such attempted to scrap almost all of that identity from themselves until very little remained, however the "curse" still ravaged them for years to come.

The line prior to the current one was the worst affected, with almost all of them dying to disease or simply bad circumstance, and those not dying either being forced to become more cruel and self-absorbed in order to survive. This constant sickness of both mind and body meant that almost all of the family, who had become worshippers of the Inner and Outer Pantheons of Estel, could not do their pilgrimage and couldn't gain the powers that so many of their devout kind did as well, further leading them down a darker path, seeking cures from all manors of dark beings.

This more evil path was followed for years onward, with many of the family finally dying, save for around three others who still managed to survive, and the only pure of heart Gahl'keli'math left; Zel'gah'doth, who always strived for greatness, and always strived to be the best he could be, despite the rest of his families shortcomings. He was a smith within the Slums of Regalia, and he married to another Altalar Smith called Til'den'uey, with the two having children shortly after. These were known as the "Uncursed Generation", due to them being the first in their long lineage being unburdened by the so-called curse that ravaged the rest of their family, and they were also the first to be able to move onward and complete their pilgrimage to old Allorn and gain the abilities that their family had missed out on for years.


Family Artifacts, Trinkets, and Heirlooms

The Sword of Fathoms - A falchon made out of Nightsilver, it is said the ancient pirate ancestors used this both as a weapon in battle, as well as a sacrificial weapon to sacrifice beings to a dark, underwater diety which they worshipped.
The Black Ocean - The largest boat in the ancient ancestors of the Gahl'keli'math House's arsenal, containing large amounts of their weaponry, and treasures before it went down beneath the waves.
The Black Gem of Death - A item formerly used in the dark rituals of Fili when she lived, this priceless gem was lost after her death, and hasn't been found since.

The Blade of the Phoenix - The first weapon made by Zal, this became his own family longsword, naming it The Blade of the Phoenix due to him having to give up his old family to be reborn into the new one he had made for himself. Zal gave it to Mord upon the day he returned from his pilgrimage with his sister. Mord now keeps it hidden and safe elsewhere.
Mari's Bow - Upon the return of Mord and Mari, their mother presented Mari with a finely crafted bow, which Mari instantly took a liking too.



It is said that their ancient historical homes within the Fin'ul Straits still exist, however, these houses are ancient, and have been long forgotten to time and are more of ruins until the family decides to renovate them, and bring them back to their former glory...perhaps discovering the secret treasures left by the old Gahl'keli'math's before their divergence, which lay within.
Most recently the family's original home was torn asunder by vampires, leaving the grouping homeless, however, Mord (the first of the Uncursed Generation) is striving to remove that worry. Other than that they tend to sleep in the woodlands, as opposed to the dangerous streets of the Slums.


Family Characteristics

The older generation have more mutations and darker things to them, such as genetic mutations, vampiric traits, magical mutations, or even possessions, however, the newer generation has none of these traits due to most, if not all of them being of much purer heart and body.
The family has a few common physical traits to them: Their green eyes, their crimson red hair, their athletic builds, and their generally light to tanned skin.
As for mental traits, most have either: A knack for smithing, a knack sailing, or a knack for the arcane, or any knowledge on the said subject.


Family Line


The Old Generation
This generation is the last generation before the current one, and many have died due to its so-called curse, or from seeking the purify themselves from this curse or embrace it and go back to a life of piracy to kill it that way. As such I will only be listing a few of the key figures that have died, and the surviving ones (good, bad, or married into the family).

Cal Gahl'keli'math - 180 - Male - Artist - Light Mage
The firstborn of the previous generation, and a powerful mage, he died to his brother and sister after he tried to stop them from going down the original, darker path of the Pirate Ancestors, or at least stop his brother from his sister's whisperings into his ear, finally having his throat slit by his brother.

Yuel Gahl'keli'math - 178 - Male - Pirate
A man looking to go back to the old ways of his pirate ancestors, he as taken up the pirates life, seeking to learn more about his families history, and also seeking adventure more than to harm others...unlike his twin sister. He is constantly wrought by bad dreams of his brother, however, haunting him for his murder.

Yele Gahl'keli'math - 178 - Female - Pirate
The twin sister of Yuel, she was a much harsher individual, in the pirate game more for the joy of hurting others than the adventure and the treasures it could bring in, like her twin. She is not only skilled at hurting others but is also great at persuasion as well, usually using her feminine wiles or her silver tongue to get her way.

Fili Gahl'keli'math - 160 - Female - Death Mage
A woman who was fed up with both her own mortality, as well as the family curse constantly ravaging their family, she searched for a way to remove the curse, discovering Death Magic, and using its power to affect herself and form a death cult. Of course, after a while, she was caught in Teled Methen and was sent to the flame.

Dehn Gahl'keli'math - 145 - Female - Possessed with a Defiler of Hallows
A former blacksmith within a Daendroquin town, she was suddenly infested with a possession though it is unknown as to why. She then went slowly insane and now her general location is unknown, however, rumors have arisen that someone matching her mutated form lurks within the Sewers of Regalia. How she got there is unknown.

Karth Gahl'keli'math - 140 - Male - Void Cultist
A former merchant of silks and fine wines around Daendroqin ports, Karth devoted his coin in searching for a cure for the curse that tore at him and his family, before turning to Bedhesal and the Void, becoming a Void Cultist in some attempt to free himself from the curse. Of course on his third ritual with the cult, guards rushed in and took him to be hung for his heretical beliefs.

Zal Gahl'keli'math - 129 - Male
One of the only surviving members of his family that didn't stray down a darker, or more evil path, he was an amazing blacksmith with his wife, constantly traveling around with her, despite him having a leg missing from birth. His missing leg, however, meant that he couldn't do the pilgrimage with the rest of his kind, and as such he has no Ring of Power.

Gelle Gahl'keli'math - 128 - Female
Married into the Ghal'keli'math family, she is a amazing smithy and set up a business with her husband to sell her works to whoever wants or needs them, however her long life with her husband has been tough on her, and also meant she was more focused on her business than going to do her pilgrimage, meaning she has no Ring of Power.

The Uncursed Generation
This generation was the children born from Gelle and Zal, and appear to have none of the signs of the curse upon them, and all of them have also done their pilgrimage. They are purer of heart than their previous generation in both heart, mind, and body as well.

(My Character) Mord Gahl'keli'math - 72 - Male
Following on with his families ancestral business and artform, Mord is a quiet, and humble man, with an itch for adventure, and he is considered the wisest of the children of Zal and Gelle, with the youngers commonly coming to him for his wisdom when they cannot question their parents. He has taken on The Ring of Sca'Elle.

Mari Gahl'keli'math - 72 - Female
A much more free spirit than her twin Mord, Mari is a much louder and more fearsome person, commonly traveling from place to place, and seeking to fill in her need for adventure more than using her skills to take up the family business. She took on The Ring of Ellea.

(@MrOof1) Vulluin Gahl'keli'math - 68 - Male
While he is most certainly not the brightest of the bunch, Vulluin is a good-hearted, and strong individual, even if his more brutish persona and more influencial mind does sometimes get in the way of his way. He has taken on The Ring of Tal'Sieth.

Kiri Gahl'keli'math - 64 - Female
A shy woman, Kiri is much like her older brother in the sense that she is quiet, however, she has been considered to be a lot more eccentric with romance than her siblings as well, while also being superior in her art of Alchemy. She took on The Ring of Cae'Maen.

Korn Gahl'keli'math - 60 - Male
A brash, and emotional man, Korn is a proud warrior and is learned in the arts of Altalar Combat, seeking to put them to use in Regalia Proper, perhaps even finding fellows of a similar ilk to aid him in his battles or to simply have a drink with. He took on The Ring of Tal'Sieth.

Yara Ghal'keli'math - 55 - Female
A starry-eyed girl, she is just as excitable as her brother used to be, commonly seeking ways to fulfill her excitement, either through her smithing training, combat training, exploring or simple boozing around. She is closest to Mord however, whom she sees as a role model. She took on The Ring of Sca'Elle.

Turi Ghal'keli'math - 45 - Male
A lad of lots of knowledge, Turi is a bookworm at heart, commonly going around in search of both his own family history as well as the history of his people and of magic, aspiring to gain the ability to cast it himself someday, as well as know about the history kept from him years prior.



While this character doesn't have to be your main by any stretch, it would be interesting to see your character every once in a while for family gatherings, events and more!

Recruitment is currently OPEN!

Application Format for Pre-Existing Character
(This is for characters already listed in the family line)

Past Mutes/Jails/Bans:
Discord Yes/No: (Know that this will be a key part of keeping the House together and knowing what events and such we will be attending, family news and more)
Time Zone:
Activity 1-10:
Lore Knowledge 1-10:
Roleplay Ability: 1-10:
Reason for Applying:
Name of Character:
Any Personal Twists you want to have for the character:

Application Format for New Characters
(This is for characters you have an idea for and want to place into the family line.)

Past Mutes/Jails/Bans:
Discord Yes/No: (Know that this will be a key part of keeping the House together and knowing what events and such we will be attending, family news and more)
Time Zone:
Activity 1-10:
Lore Knowledge 1-10:
Roleplay Ability: 1-10:
Reason for Applying:
Name of Character:


If you are seeking to join, or you have been accepted use this Discord Link to join our server:
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Past Mutes/Jails/Bans:
@jono_98 @EternallyDarkX @ClearlyANerd
Discord Yes/No:
Time Zone:
Central Time Zone
Activity 1-10:
7-8 I have my Carwell and Other Charcters that I need to worry about
Lore Knowledge 1-10:
Roleplay Ability: 1-10:
Reason for Applying:
I have an Altalar that I am shelving and I want to join a family with other Altalar. I also wanted to rp with you some more.
Name of Character:
Vulluin Gahl'keli'math
The Brute type of the family who helps with defending his family from harm. He was one of the uncursed of the family, using his brute strength to help others as well so nobody would try to curse them again. When he was younger, he wasn't the brightest one of the family so he has a bit lower IQ than the rest of his family. Otherwise he is a powerful member of the Altalar family.
Helpful Nature, Over Protective, Not the Brightest​
Past Mutes/Jails/Bans:
@jono_98 @EternallyDarkX @ClearlyANerd
Discord Yes/No: MrOof1#4364
Time Zone: Central Time Zone
Activity 1-10: 7-8 I have my Carwell and Other Charcters that I need to worry about
Lore Knowledge 1-10: 7
Roleplay Ability: 1-10: 8
Reason for Applying: I have an Altalar that I am shelving and I want to join a family with other Altalar. I also wanted to rp with you some more.
Name of Character: Vulluin Gahl'keli'math
Gender: Male
Age: 68
Personality: The Brute type of the family who helps with defending his family from harm. He was one of the uncursed of the family, using his brute strength to help others as well so nobody would try to curse them again. When he was younger, he wasn't the brightest one of the family so he has a bit lower IQ than the rest of his family. Otherwise he is a powerful member of the Altalar family.
Quirks: Helpful Nature, Over Protective, Not the Brightest​
ACCEPTED. Welcome to the family! Be sure to invite buddies and people you think would like to join the family. Click the link at the bottom of the family thread.
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