House De Baccarod


The Sneaky Noble
May 6, 2015
Reaction score
House de Baccarod



An OOC Overview

  • House de Baccarod is a high noble family
  • The culture of the family is something that could be described as Daendroque-Parcal, however many of the family members consider themselves Ithanians while others think they are pure Daendroquins.
  • de Baccarods get majority of their income from their shady and illegal business, covered by their casinos, which are scattered all over Ithania and Daendroc
  • Those wishing to join the family are required to hold the basic knowledge of Alorian lore, Aristocratic roleplay and/or crime roleplay.
  • House Colours are burgundy and silver along with purple and red for some details. House heraldic animal is a rooster.
Brief History

History of the family date back to 180 AC,to the ruling nobleman of the de Rosales family and brother-in-law of his, Francois Rochenfort, an eccentric knight who built a castle to the barony granted to him by the de Rosales. The baron eventually died under mysterious circumstances, leaving all his property including the title of baron, the castle and all his valuables to his wife who remarried with Jacques de Baccarod, the son of the first mentioned de Baccarod, Henry (later Henri) de Baccarod, a petty criminal, who later gained strength and wealth. The laws made Jacques to to claim the barony and all the other assets to himself, thus making de Baccarods a lower noble family. His marriage resulted in two sons and a daughter. Jacques sent the older one of his sons, Francois to military training and took the younger one, Albert under his own private teaching of taking the responsibilities of a patriarch, a baron and a criminal mastermind. His daughter eventually married one of the de Rosales, rising in nobility and never returning back to his family. Albert took the position of patriarch and married a daughter of a local merchant, which resulted in birth of four children, André, Christophe, Amélie and Dianne, who all continued to live with their parents. The castle received more members of the family when Francois came back with a wife of own and a daughter. Tensions inside the family grew larger and the competition for the positions was tough, resulting in deaths of Christophe and Bernard, slain by André who wanted to become the patriarch himself. Eventually he became the leader of the family. With all the competition eliminated he married a daughter of a local noble, who later gave birth to Gaston, Emma and Horace. André however soon fell ill and was inherited by Gaston who then became the current patriarch. The family has been growing with the family line of the Francois doing its independent decisions and recently returning to the family.


Family Traits and Upbringing

  • All de Baccarods have blonde or light brown hair and have brown eyes. The women are rather petite by their body build and commonly stand around 5'8, though taller and shorter women have existed in their history. Men usually reach the height 6'1 and are rather slim but muscular by their body build. De Baccarods usually have rather feminine and petite faces with no such traits as pronounced cheekbones or large noses.
  • The children of de Baccarods are given the basic education on the subjects of geography, history and mathemathics. They are also taught how to ride horses and the basics of swordmanship. Males will be then given extensive lessons in military subjects based on their abilities, such as strategy, tactics, polearm fighting and swordfighting. In the age of fourteen most of the males are sent away to military academies, while a small portion of them will be picked for the criminal training which includes arts of forgery, plotting and torture. Those trained in the criminal arts would be the future leaders but that rarely happens as the more ambitious military persons are known to slay their competition. Females are trained in basic skills such as cooking, first-aid, etiquette and in small amounts, even fencing and other fighting to be the best wife possible, being courteous and vigilant, protecting their family when their husband isn't able to do so.
  • Loyalty to one's family isn't held in very high esteem but harming the family will most likely result in revenge so some sort of loyalty is forced upon the members of the family if they wish to live.
Family Assets

Artist's Impression of the Harbour of Vila Francos
  • County of Tárragóna ~ The county is located in the Kingdom of Lusits, a Regalian subject state. Being rather large and rural, most of the population live in a subsistence economy, with the exception of denizens of the town of Vila Franco, a fishing town and a bustling port with a lively marketplace and crowded streets, the home of the comital castle, Castelo do Conde (or as the townspeople call it Castelo de muitas cores, meaning the castle of many colours) located just outside of the city.
Artist's impression of Castelo do Conde

Family Members
  • Count Gaston de Baccarod (50) (Played by @MurriHurr) ~ Gaston is the current patriarch of the family, educated in both military matters and criminal skills. He is the title holder of the family who is generally respected and feared among his relatives. Brother to Emma and Horace. Married to Isabella Tzavaras.
  • Emma de Baccarod (33) (Not Played - Available for play) ~ Emma is Gaston's and Horace's sister who is a real social butterfly. Seems to be nice from the top but is really a ruthless and manipulatative person.
  • Horace de Baccarod (27) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ Brother to Gaston and Emma. A naive and idealistic Viridian knight. Very different from his two siblings.
  • Isabella de Baccarod née Inácio (66) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ Mother to Gaston, Emma and Horace, married to André de Baccarod. She is protective of her sons and daughter. Manipulative and ruthless like Emma. Does most of the adminstrational tasks for the family trade.
  • André de Baccarod (68) (NPC) ~ Father to Gaston Emma and Horace, former baron of Teled Bajo, Sick with leprosy and thus nearing death day by day.
  • Amanda de Baccarod (42) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ André's sister. A maternal woman, who has a silver tongue. Seen as a kind and affectionate Ithanian. Experienced alchemist and scholar who was formerly part of the Ithanian Iron Fist organisation. She is married to Henrique de Baccarod.
  • Henrique de Baccarod (50) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ Stoic and honorable Lusits Viridian knight, a war veteran and devout Unionist. Married to the family, he considers most of his relatives to be vile and despicable filth who pretend to be nobility, generally respects Gaston for his feats in military and Horace for being a follower of the path of a knight.
  • Adrien de Baccarod (23) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ A brilliant tactician, Adrien is often considered to be the most intelligent member of his family, however, his lack of political skill and manners prevent him from becoming a titled noble lord as of current. Son of Henrique and Amanda.
  • Célia de Baccarod (20) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ A beautiful girl with good manners, Gaston considers her to be a political tool of his. However, the girl is very independent, and by no means willing to marry an old man for Gaston's political gains. She has hidden talent in Leutz-Fencing, that she keeps as a secret because she doesn't want to ruin her reputation as a desirable young lady. Daughter of Amanda and Henrique.
House de Baccarod-Inácio

House Inácio is the former family of Gaston's mother Isabella, that at the time of her marriage was struggling with financial issues due to the death of their patriarch that destroyed most of their trade alliances. Isabella married André to save the family but it still eventually came under control of House de Baccarod. They are colonial business owners who made their fortune with kaffee and sugar.

OOC: House Inácio is effectively just another family line of House de Baccarod and it's members only use the de Baccarod-Inácio name in official setting. They should be considered a united family with only differing trade and location of their mansions and businesses.

  • Rafael de Baccarod-Inácio (40) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ An experienced captain and a hopeless romantic as well as a drunkard. Rafael is a joker who doesn't take things seriously. Despite of his profession being highly respected, he doesn't give it a good reputation. He is rather rowdy, has bad manners and a bad mouth as well as an eye for female beauty.
  • Bernardo de Baccarod-Inácio (29) (Not Played – Available for play)~ A curate of the Sancella of the Union. He is a true believer, yet he still doesn't consider his family to be traitors to the Humanum. He is a coward, rather reading books safely at home than dirty his hands in blood and mud.
  • Cristina de Baccarod-Inácio (19) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ Cristina is a young lady with a hearth of gold. She is a scholar who pursues knowledge in the fields of Foci Crystals and Alchemy. Surprisingly enough, she knows about what her family does and is not affected by it, generally, she doesn't even talk about it as she isn't interested in it.
  • Juliana de Baccarod-Inácio (27) (Not Played – Available for play) ~ A rare exception within her family, Juliana received a military education. She was trained in the art of "Sarmaten" horse archery and even fought in a few battles. Even more surprising about her is that she is actually married despite of her being a soldier.
Note: We do allow custom characters if they are extremely well fitted to the family lore


Member Application Format
Character applying for:



Nobility Experience


Roleplay strength

Roleplay weakness

Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:

Reason for applying

Able to use Skype:

Name of the character you are applying for:

Brief visual description of your character:

Brief description of your character's personality:


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  • Gabriela Cevallos – Leader of de Baccarod crime rings who takes his orders from Gaston. Selfish and Intelligent. Gaston's paramour from time to time. He is formally employed by de Baccarod family as a messenger.
Oml what. Good job on this though. I'm excited to see more butts like Gaston running around.
idk if you want more players but I'm bumping this bcos Lusits
Character applying for:
Célia de Baccarod

European time
Nobility Experience:
Laine family and noble house maids.
Looking for a new main to play daily.
Roleplay strength:
Being creative with scenarios in roleplays
Roleplay weakness:
Grammar at times.
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:
Reason for applying:
I was looking for a blond noble character for some time now and Love to join this family.
Able to use Skype:
Yes but don't use it actively, Mostly over forums or threw games. [Skype live]
Name of the character you are applying for:
Célia de Baccarod
Brief visual description of your character:
Célia is a bright and beautiful young woman still in her prime. Her hair is a honey blond laying with some volume over her shoulders and back brushed daily and looking well taken care of. She stands at an average height for a woman her age and stands with her back straight and posture on point. Her skin is dark from her Daendrocian background as well as owning a set of dark chocolaty eyes.
Brief description of your character's personality:
Célia is an intelligent young woman always putting her family in front of everything. She knows basic first aide training and spends most of her time reading or one of her more personal hobbies, sowing and stitching. She has taken many etiquette lessons and dancing classes over the years making her rather skilled in both subjects. Yet still she can come across Timid when certain topics are mentioned upon her. Normally she is very social and out going but when a topic of interest isn't being discussed she rather keep quiet and to herself
Character applying for: Adrien de Baccarod

Not many right now, because I have been inactive for sometime.
@The_Shadow_King3 would be the greatest one. @Ryria and some other folks I can't really remember...

Timezone: West (Standard +0)

Nobility Experience:
I have been a bodyguard for two noble families (The Black and most recently the Viduggla family). Had a great experience with both, and I am sure they would say the same about me :)

Activity: Not sure on what you mean as this, but I have been a little inactive, but that's only because I didn't really have much to do. I am also a bit bored with my character and looking forward to get a new one.

Roleplay strength:
Not really sure about this, but I guess one of these is that I take it seriously, but not too seriously. I am also really good in describing fights, etc.

Roleplay weakness:
I guess that had to be grammar. As I am Portuguese, my grammar isn't the best, but I really try hard to get better and better.

Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason: Hmm... Now that's a funny point. Got jailed once for disrupting roleplay, even though I got out of there when the staff told me to. I got muted for... Saltyness in PvP once and temp banned for clicking too fast I think. (When we had the buggy anti-cheat)

Reason for applying: I am a bit bored with my current character, and really think that I am ready to get a noble character and mostly to PLAY a noble. It would be a really fun and learning experience.
I feel that I am qualified for this because of my experience with nobility, and being "part" of several noble families in the past (even though I was a guard, I think it did good to me)

Able to use Skype:
I like TeamSpeak the best, but yeah, sure

Name of the character you are applying for:
Adrien de Baccarod

Brief visual description of your character: Adrien has a slim yet developed body that stands at 6'.5. He possesses the family's trademark blonde hair and brown eyes with a small nose. His skin is of a slightly paler pallor than the common Regalian Ailor.

Brief description of your character's personality: Adrien has received a tacticians training yet has very little political sense. He is easily able to discern facts about others with an air of certainty about himself. However he is also shy and reclusive.

(dkwhy but cant tag you)
I never said I would reference you. As you said before, you've been incative for some time and I haven't seen you around in roleplay since about a year ago. Therefore, I cannot reference your roleplay abilities.
Ah, alright. Shadow can though. And it was not a year ago, we have been together in the tavern several times in the last few months, just not roleplaying with each other
Character applying for:
Célia de Baccarod

European time
Nobility Experience:
Laine family and noble house maids.
Looking for a new main to play daily.
Roleplay strength:
Being creative with scenarios in roleplays
Roleplay weakness:
Grammar at times.
Mutes/jails/temp-bans and reason:
Reason for applying:
I was looking for a blond noble character for some time now and Love to join this family.
Able to use Skype:
Yes but don't use it actively, Mostly over forums or threw games. [Skype live]
Name of the character you are applying for:
Célia de Baccarod
Brief visual description of your character:
Célia is a bright and beautiful young woman still in her prime. Her hair is a honey blond laying with some volume over her shoulders and back brushed daily and looking well taken care of. She stands at an average height for a woman her age and stands with her back straight and posture on point. Her skin is dark from her Daendrocian background as well as owning a set of dark chocolaty eyes.
Brief description of your character's personality:
Célia is an intelligent young woman always putting her family in front of everything. She knows basic first aide training and spends most of her time reading or one of her more personal hobbies, sowing and stitching. She has taken many etiquette lessons and dancing classes over the years making her rather skilled in both subjects. Yet still she can come across Timid when certain topics are mentioned upon her. Normally she is very social and out going but when a topic of interest isn't being discussed she rather keep quiet and to herself
You are accepted for a trial period of two weeks. Contact me IG for details.
I see this character has been applied for but on the family tree it says she is unplayed, Is this character available or no?
I see this character has been applied for but on the family tree it says she is unplayed, Is this character available or no?
Fioralba was on a trial period but was rejected due to inactivity. However, this house is currently shelved an inactive and as such I would rather not take any applications at the moment. I will inform you if I plan to return with de Baccarods but at the moment that seems highly unlikely.
Fioralba was on a trial period but was rejected due to inactivity. However, this house is currently shelved an inactive and as such I would rather not take any applications at the moment. I will inform you if I plan to return with de Baccarods but at the moment that seems highly unlikely.
Alright, thank you none the less!