
neighborhood milf lover
Dec 2, 2015
Reaction score
egirl applebees
"Alone we stand, alone we shall prosper."


|Race:| Altalar mixed with Avanthar.
|Culture:| Primarily Elvish
|Status:| Middle Class Status
|Colors:| Dark Olive, Light Gray, and Gold
|Values:| Family, Honor, Fortune, Legacy
|Trade:| Artwork, weaponry, along with produce


Family Visuals

|Male - Visuals|

Males in the Caladwen family tend to follow the basic structure of Altalar features: smooth jaw lines, defined cheekbones, along with the pointed nose. They tend to swing from 'Tomboy' or Androgynous to potentially Sinewy builds. However if they are from the Avanthar side, their muscle mass increasing to the point the highest they can go is to Ripped and Strongman builds. The men carry mainly green or blue eyes, however mixes of the colors have been achieved. Caladwen males can inherit blonde curls, or can achieve wavy hair as well. Most of the men tend to grow out their locks, or simply trim it and style it. Heights can range from a measly 5'12 to a profound 6'10.

|Female - Visuals|

Like their male counterpart, Caladwen females also follow the basic Altalar structure. However instead of the sharp features, they tend to carry softer and more rounded cheeks and a more gentle edge to the jawline. Their eyes almost always tend to be a soft or more dull green or blue, however they can also inherit a gentle hazel colors. Females tend to swing from 'Tomboy' or Androgynous to potentially Sinewy builds. Hair for the females is also close to the same, curls, waves and occasionally straight blonde hair. Their heights range from a small 5'10 to a simple 6'7.


Brief Family History


{aka Ailethi is tired}


Family Members

Played - Available - Deceased


Maripella Caladwen Deceased

Being the start of the family line, Maripella was the one to first establish a cottage in the forests Daendroc. She later gave birth to one child, Sana and later adopting an orphan Avanthar - Benjamin.

Sulimai Caladwen Deceased

Starting up the family line with Maripella -- Sulimai was the one to first set up a forge within Windgarden - the first source of income.

Second Generation - Main line (Altalar)

Sana Caladwen - Byrd {98} Available

As the daughter of Sulimai and Maripella, Sana grew up in learning more about medicine and well being rather than attending a combat school. Her personality is made up of kindness, wisdom, and patience. She married Farhan Byrd, years after their meeting and marriage, she gave birth to the main line. Thus being; Anna, Joyice, Maxwell, Camilla, Cassian, and her bastard child - Chancellor.

Farhan Byrd - Caladwen {100} Available

Married into the family, Farhan grew up in the militaristic area of life. He attended the School of Lion Pelt, coming from a rich family. After marrying Sana, he began to settle down, basing his life around his wife and his new found family. Due to a scandal between Sana and another lover, Farhan distanced himself, often going on long trips to avoid speaking to his wife.

Anna Caladwen {62} Played @Ailethi

As one of the eldest children to Sana and Farhan, Anna grew up along side her twin, Joyice. This elf took part as the military child, going to the school of Mariposa and dedicating her life to participating in war and spars. However as of late, this Caladwen is engaged. As the former Matriarch of the family, she passed it down to her younger and quite fitting sister, Camilla.

Joycie Caladwen {62} Played @Dragurthejarl

The twin of Anna and the second Eldest child, Joycie is more of a peaceful woman, however she's never been tolerate of disrespect. She went to the school of Atraves and mainly spends her time reading and protecting or helping the Wealthy and Noble class citizens in anyway she can. However - all lovely people have a secret.

Maxwell Caladwen {58} Available

Maxwell is a very toned down Caladwen. This son tends to spend his time lounging about or simply grabbing a drink with a buddy of his. He tends to flirt and often participates in flings. (Open for Expansion)

Cassian Caladwen {36} Available

Cassian is a knight of the family. Honor bound and wise, he would have participated in many wars. However - He is up for character creation! Have a go at creating him!

Chancellor Caladwen {14} Played @TheHufflePug

Sadly, Chancellor is the bastard child of the family, born between Sana Caladwen and Aeryn Vaughan during a family scandal. He spends most of his time around his siblings picking fights and being overall energetic. He's kind where it counts, never too late to apologize, yet never afraid to speak his mind.

Second Generation - Benjamin's line (Avanthar)

Benjamin Caladwen {95} Available

Adopted into the family when he was a child, Benjamin is quiet and reserved. He attended a school of course, mastering what he was taught. He never openly speaks his mind about his feelings or thoughts, only telling his wife, Ameera Sylvie, or his sister, Sana.

Ameera Sylvie - Caladwen {93} Available

Ameera is a quiet Avanthar, one of Tribal nature. She married into the family when she believed she found her true love in Benjamin. However after they had their children, she considered otherwise. Now the seemingly happy Caladwen hides her pain away in worry it would affect her husband.

Camilla Caladwen {55} Played @Ailethi

As the eldest in the Avanthar line, Camilla was often babied as a child. She attended the School of Pavisa, later deemed as a Knight once she graduated. Her accomplishments are small, yet are growing in number slowly. She was gifted the opportunity to raise a child who was left upon her doorstep, cherishing him greatly. Camilla is made up of honor, respect, and confidence -- fitting for the Matriarch.

Rhysand Caladwen {50} Available

Being younger than his eldest sister, Rhysand tended to follow in her footsteps, his idol in a way. The two were fairly close until they separated, ending up distant. His personality is up for player decision!

Ella-Mae Caladaen {19} Available

Ella-Mae is almost a flower child of the bunch. She tends to spend her time out in nature or simply around the city. Her career focuses around medical and experiments with plants and alchemy. Currently, she's studying at the School of Alchemy.

Other - Fill ins/Progression players
(Please note that these characters don't always have to be closely related to the family, yet are here for lore purposes!)

Aeryn Vaughan {105} Available

Aeryn is involved with the family due to the fact his son is in the midst. He believes he should belong within the family ranks with the Caladwen name as his son, Chancellor is. He may be old, however he knows a lot of things. His skills range from criminal to medical. It all depends on how you wish to play him!



1. I retain the right to strip you of your character at any time, for any reason.

2. You must be active, however I will not require your Caladwen to be your main.

3. General roleplay rules will be followed. No meta or powergaming.

4. If you apply and have questions, I encourage you to PM me! I'm never unwilling to answer questions.

Skins can be provided should the person require it.


Family Application



↪How active are you?:


↪Discord (Can PM upon acceptance):

↪Desired character:

↪Character Vision (Remember you can always expand on their personalities!):

↪Why House Caladwen?:

Write In


↪How active are you?:


↪ Character Name and Age:

↪Character Vision (Remember you can always expand on their personalities!):

↪Why House Caladwen?:

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