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House Black's Manifesto


The Black Wolf-Bear
Jun 8, 2014
Reaction score
Mithrilian Kingdom

This will be posted as a public announcement that will act as a public announcement of House Black's stand on their political stand.


  • Absolute Monarchy with State Council
    • House Black believes in an absolute monarchy with a state council.
      • Seeing the history of both the previous patriarch and the current matriarch has served in such councils. This helps individuals with experiences and knowledge to serve their duties under the emperors' will.
  • House Kade (Imperial line)
    • The Kade line is to have absolute power. The nobility should strive to serve for the betterment of the empires and the emperor.
  • Functional Judiciary for the commoners, Rudimentary for Nobility
    • The nobility should be judged in front of a panel of peers along with in front of a judge that speaks with the emperor.
  • Censored Press
    • The press should be censored as we do not wish for outside nobility to have a say in what our people do or know.
  • Empire Structure - Semi-Autonomous Federation
    • This is how Dragenthal has always been. One Federation of states under one ruling family. The House Black respects its history and vows to hold more meetings with the lords to hear out their issues and grievances.
  • Respect our own borders and that of allies
    • House Black is attempting to expand its reach. Not only in trade but in their military as well. As many have taken note, we are expanding the path to utilizing the powers of magic users in our navy. With these additions, we will expand in land size to create new expanding trade routes.
  • Ascended Unionism
    • This will assist with our expansion as anyone that is in service under our empire will find their path to how unionism has helped and will help them.
  • Racial Laws
    • Other races (non-human) are welcome to come to live and work in Dragenthal. They must follow the law of the land to live here.
  • Marriage
    • Open marriage under the principle of offsprings
  • Racial Marriage - First Rank Citizens only
    • Everyone who earns the right to marriage has proven themselves by service of the realm and empire.
  • Land Ownership - Mix of Feudal and Republican Standard
    • This should keep the running of Dragenthal and all regions under House Black running without any issues. House Black promises to keep in contact with the different Feudal Lords.
  • Government Positions - Meritocracy Based
    • We would like to keep all top positions for individuals that have the experience and knowledge to run different positions that they are knowledgeable in their field.
  • Social Hierarchy - Strong Aristocracy
    • The nobility always seeks out strong individuals such as Aristocrats to show off their skills. This will always help the nobility to understand the up and coming changes.
  • Warfare - Pragmatic Warfare
    • House Black believes in starting off with a diplomatic understanding before sending out the armies and ships. However, there is only an exception to this rule if Dragenthal is under attack. At this point, if no diplomatic attempt has been made, the armies should be mobilized to defend their home.
  • Economic Model - State Controlled Commerce
    • The state should always attempt to establish different new trade routes between allies and enemies(in special situations). This would help the different merchants' groups grow in funds.
  • Gender Norms - Lip Service Male Preference
    • This is the subject that would be interesting to everyone, as much as many would enjoy removing the matriarch who is currently ruling. However, this can always change as the family does have many children and a male heir. For the moment, due to their strong Heartland Ceardian believes, it is the norm that males and females both take great pride in their place in the family.
  • Non-Union Ailor Faith - Mellenar Confessions
    • This should allow unionists that still believe in the old ways to continue their faith as our current Unionist believes stands. We hope that this will allow our faith to move forward together rather than against each other for having a different view on the same religious belief.
  • Right to Protest - Essayist only
    • We would like to believe that this should help with allowing offended parties to post their grievances to the ruling family. This should also limit the damage to local regions due to violent showings of protest. We hope that this method would keep such actions to a minimum.
  • Family Law - No Adultery, Male Preference Custody
    • It is our belief that a united family should always take the father's name and should be taught how their family united. Once the balance of the family unit is broken from the act of Adultery, this would slowly break down our belief in a united family.
  • Noble Right vs Commoners - Repressive, with Judicial Restraint
    • Nobility has the right to stand trial in a panel of peers such as themselves. The Judicial system is put in place to protect everyone under a list of rules.
  • The divinity of Noble Right - Absolute
    • The nobility has the right to rule as the emperor that has appointed them. It is the right of the nobility to rule to the best of their abilities. They should attempt to achieve everything that their people need and what they believe will keep them safe. Yet sometimes that doesn't happen in a different manner. Nobility does still holds the right to rule to what they believe is best.
  • Military Standard - Feudal Levies
    • The military should approve of any military movement, such as calling for the army to mobilize. This should be approved by the Feudal Lords and their generals who would be in charge of their un mobilized armies.
  • Military Civil Power - Restrained to Military Sector
    • All military power should remain in the military sectors. As we do not want to cause issues between non-military individuals. Everyone's role in our region is important, from the commoner who runs a making shop to the Feudal Lords. We all have to stand to the protocol that we are important factors in our own small ways.
  • Cultural Proponent - Pro Heartland, Regal, Fineclass
  • Cultural Anthesis - Everything else

Any questions should be directed to the Matriarch of House Black, Baroness-Electress Dianne Black(@darkarely).​